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  • help???

    i havent got the game yet and was just wondering how long it takes to get from town to town

  • #2
    Re: help???

    running: 'bout 30-40 minutes
    on choco: 'bout 20 minutes
    airship: 'bout 15 minutes if you catch the right flights

    windurst is quite a bit further from the other nations so add more time to the running and choco times

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: help???

      There are other ways to get around though if you take the time to prepare and it can shave quite a bit from your traveling time. The Warp spell and Instant Warp Scrolls and send you to your home point. WHM teleport spells can teleport you to the various crags all over vanadiel, saving you a lot of time as well. Also, Outpost Teleports are nice because you can teleport to many different regions right from your home country. You just need to do supply runs in order to access them. So yeah, those things can make the difference between taking 30 minutes to get somewhere and taking 5 minutes to get somewhere.
      My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

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      Originally posted by Balfree
      Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


      • #4
        Re: help???

        pretty much what there saying is that durring your low lvl you will be running a lot so about 30-40min inbetween untill you get to about lvl 18 then you have the chocobo. but if you have the money then u can ask for help with teles


        • #5
          Re: help???

          Running, dont know. Time flys but it does take a good bit. That chart best describes the times though. Dont let that stop you from buying though.


          • #6
            Re: help???

            you get chocobo at lev 20 in jeuno

            with chocobo it takes 0 minutes from windurst to sandoria.

            but there are better ways like the other said. like airship. but this will take you a lot of time to get.
            whm spells teleport
            there are 6 of them

            then you got warp (returning to your homepoint)

            and outpost warp, kinda special teleport. not all know those, but its a fast way to get around too.



            • #7
              Re: help???

              Heading directly from zone to zone while walking I know it's taken about 5-8 min. each zone I cross. I know from using scavenge, use it when I first zone in and I can use it a second time with timer around halfway done for a third time when I zone.

              So from Port Jeuno->Sauromugue Champaign->Meriphataud Mountains->Tahrongi Canyons->East Sarutabaruta->Windurst Woods

              Depending were you start in Port Jeuno and were you end in Windurst Woods, say the zone points so that is 4 zones to cross. So a straight run taking the quickest route possible then by foot it is 20-32 min.

              That's about the average time from Jeuno to any of the 3 nations.

              Lower Jeuno->Rolanberry Fields->Pashhow Marshlands->Konschtat Highlands->North Gustaberg->South Gustaberg->Bastok

              5 zones 25-40 min.

              Upper Jeuno->Batallia Downs->Junger Forest->La Theine Plateau->West Ronfaure->South San d'Oria

              4 zones 20-32 min.

              Bastok->South Gustaberg->North Gustaberg->Konschtat Highlands->Valkurm Dunes->La Theine Plateau->West Ronfaure->San d'Oria

              6 zones 30-48min.


              9 zones 45-72min.

              San d'Oria->Windurst

              9 zones 45-72min.

              With Chocobo it's about 3-5min. a zone. So:

              Jeuno->Windurst = 12-20min
              Jeuno->Bastok = 15-25min
              Jeuno->San d'Oria = 12-20min
              Bastok->San d'Oria = 18-30min
              Bastok->Windurst = 27-45min
              San d'Oria->Windurst = 27-45min

              Then Airships, since they all use Jeuno as a central hub time to get from 1 place to another is fairly set. At the longest possible wait for an airship you have about 15min, Airships to any of the locations they go to is a 4min. flight. Round trip run is 11.5 min. (4min. flight, 3.5min. boarding, 4min. flight).

              So best possible time with Airships going from Jeuno to any place is 4min. (if you board the airship second before it's departure time). Worst possible time is 15min.

              Then from Bastok/San d'Oria/Windurst to Bastok/San d'oria/Windurst best possible time 15min and worst possible is 30min.


              Basically if you look at it all you have a general average of about 20-30 min. to get to any town. With teleports from WHM it's 5min-16min. a significant drop.
              Last edited by Macht; 10-06-2005, 10:46 AM.

              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


              • #8
                Re: help???

                One caveat is that teleporting to a crag can also be expensive. It's bascially time <> money. If the going rate for a Teleport-Dem is 1,500 to 2,000 gils and you're only level 10, I think it's a no-brainer that you'll have to foot it ;3a

                Unless of course, you're totally steeped in gil. God, I'm glad I can use my savings from my previous character. Yay!


                • #9
                  Re: help???

                  times all of Machts numbers by two if any of the following apply:

                  1.) You have no map
                  2.) You have no idea where you are going
                  3.) First time playing (this kind of ties in with 2 i guess)

                  Times all of those by 10 if the following applies:
                  1.) You fall asleep after running around for hours loooking for where you need to go ^~^

                  Which FF Character Are You?


                  • #10
                    Re: help???

                    Not only that, if ur walking, ur tempted to farm+camp some mobs while ur trying to get some places (especially with widescan).


                    • #11
                      Re: help???

                      I tried this yesterday. I had FFO's Vana'Diel timer up for airship time. As soon as the airship from Jeuno to Bastok took off, I grabbed a choco and ran off to Meri's OP. From there, warped to Bastok and then ported to Altepa's OP.

                      On average, it takes about 6-8 min for a WHM to respond to a request for a port and to Altepa the going rate is about 4~5K + tips. I usually tip if a response is made within 1 or 2 min of my shouting. I don't tip after that unless it's a well known friend ;3a

                      It took me about 5 min total from Jeuno to Meri's OP and about 1 min total to get to Altepa from that point. 6 min total, that is about the same rate as a WHM port and for less money (Bastok wasn't even in control so I had to pay 1,200 for each which came out to 2,400 gils) Getting to Bubu is faster with OP and almost always, for some strange reasons, Bastok is in charge of the Kolshushu region. I wager I save about 9~11K on port+chocobo charges.


                      • #12
                        Re: help???

                        personally I love riding the choco, they are so cute, and if you have the right food ^.~ they can dig up items for you oh and also someone told me it would take like five hours to get to Jeuno walking it only took me like fifteen XD
                        "You must be the change you wish to see in the world"

                        "Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth.
                        It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserves." 1
                        Corinthians 13:6-7

                        Come along and join us ^.^!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: help???

                          basically it all equals time from your life
                          Originally posted by Lakai
                          times all of Machts numbers by two if any of the following apply:

                          1.) You have no map
                          2.) You have no idea where you are going
                          3.) First time playing (this kind of ties in with 2 i guess)

                          Times all of those by 10 if the following applies:
                          1.) You fall asleep after running around for hours loooking for where you need to go ^~^
                          Originally posted by Kagerou
                          Not only that, if ur walking, ur tempted to farm+camp some mobs while ur trying to get some places (especially with widescan).
                          these all true lol but if you're new you won't know what to farm lol me i like to walk from town to town takes forever but i get to smell the roses lol and discover somethings i've never seen before riding an airship or riding a chocobo. all in all just enjoy the game at your own pace unless otherwise your in a hurry >,,> when i walk or run to other cities or ttowns i save money on both taxi services and chocobo insurance you'll be surprised how many chocoba accidents there is
                          The Last and Only Samurai, All Shall Die at My Blade


                          • #14
                            Re: help???

                            Wow, old threads resurfacing again? People forget were to find dates for when these were posted and lost comon sense of validity their information would have to that post now?

                            /me pulls out his machette and grins.

                            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

