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GMs stealing gil from players?

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  • GMs stealing gil from players?

    I honestly don't know what to say about this. Can GMs really be this retarded?

    My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

    Which FF Character Are You?
    Originally posted by Balfree
    Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?

  • #2
    Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

    yes, GMs can be that retarded.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

      Well, cops can bang you up for Receiving, but that generally applies to when you're aware that you're receiving assets/funds which have been gained illegally. In this case it's kinda stupid, the GM should have acted before the trade took place, or if it was too late, give back the item that was sold then remove the 1.9 million.


      • #4
        Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

        Wow, didnt know GMs could do such a thing but thats really BS -_- Imho he should steal the money from your "friend" and give you back your item.
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        • #5
          Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

          Originally posted by neighbortaru
          yes, GMs can be that retarded.
          My mistake. Guess that was a dumb question on my part x_x
          My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

          Which FF Character Are You?
          Originally posted by Balfree
          Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


          • #6
            Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

            you should know by all game most gm are there to piss of player about some crap, i've had this in L2, WoW, and FFXI about some stupid matter and i got screw out of it because they said blah blah blah its your fault for doing this yada yada tho some gm are nice and investigate for you but thats pretty much all you can hope for.

            Take The quiz yourself!

            (' ω ` *)


            • #7
              Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

              that is horrible? wouldnt it be more prudent to take the money back from the original person who stole it? how is that right to take it from someone who traded an item? cant they just tax the stealer till the gil is repaid? or just give the gil back to the person it was stolen from and leave you outta it? its not like its a real life bank account.... thats so junk lol
              i have heard of the uselessness of GM's but this is the first time seein something like that with my own eyes /disturbed
              thats allot of gil to loose after trading an item too ;; I am weeping for you loss :confused:


              • #8
                Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

                Originally posted by Isendre
                that is horrible? wouldnt it be more prudent to take the money back from the original person who stole it? how is that right to take it from someone who traded an item? cant they just tax the stealer till the gil is repaid? or just give the gil back to the person it was stolen from and leave you outta it? its not like its a real life bank account.... thats so junk lol
                i have heard of the uselessness of GM's but this is the first time seein something like that with my own eyes /disturbed
                thats allot of gil to loose after trading an item too ;; I am weeping for you loss :confused:
                well it wasn't me or anyone I know really. I just happened to stumble across these images. I'm debating whether or not it was okay to put them up, since I don't know anything about the person in question at all, but I dunno I thought the information was important somehow. Cause I've never heard of this happening before. This is something totally new as far as I know and I figured it'd be best to give people a heads up.
                My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                Which FF Character Are You?
                Originally posted by Balfree
                Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                • #9
                  Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

                  well i am glad you posted it, its good to have a heads up. its sad to think GM's are put there to help you out but seem to fail miserably . I for one would rahter be armed with that knowledge lol /bow


                  • #10
                    Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

                    We should post this everywhere possible so everyone can see how stupid GMs can get -.-
                    CHECK MY JOURNAL!


                    • #11
                      Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

                      Most likely the origonal player who stole the gil didn't have any legitmate money which the gm could give the player for the item. When I saw the statement that SE would try to punish fraud I saw this coming. Sadly, this is much like our own legal system. Buy a stolen car and you lose your money and car. Except in this case there is no way for a player to determine what is stolen material ahead of time. Very poor decision on the part of the gm. Guess that just means we need to spend all our money on items asap. Liquid cash is now a liability.
                      Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                      • #12
                        Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

                        it's already on KI (originated in Asura forum).

                        Thanks Yyg!


                        • #13
                          Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

                          OMG that would piss me off SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much !!! REBEL AGAINT GM JHANAKA


                          • #14
                            Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

                            If the money was gotten Illegally he could at least give you back the item you sold.


                            • #15
                              Re: GMs stealing gil from players?

                              We don't know the circumstances of the incident, so it wouldn't be wise to insult a GM just because you're angry. This person might have very well known the money he/she recieved was gained illegally but traded the item anyways. Criminals lie their asses off all the time in court, and most of the time the judge sees right through it.

                              Do not judge people you've never met.

