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MPK The Gil Sellers - Non Advocacy Thread

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  • MPK The Gil Sellers - Non Advocacy Thread

    Okay, by now, everyone knows I hate the gil sellers - just like most of us. But we know SE isn't taking any action because it's painfully obvious that the same ones we complain about have been around for over six months or more. Why they haven't been permanently banned is beyond me. We all know who they are and why the GM's don't smacks of personal insult at this point. These groups are playing 24/7. It's really clear that they aren't regular players because even the most uber players don't stay up 24/7 for six months straight.

    The GM's tell us that they play the game too and they'd like to get rid of them as well, but that's just BS. I'm blonde, but I'm not *that* blonde. Seriously, is there anyone who actually believes that crap? if you do, I have a bridge to sell you in New York, because you're an idiot.

    So what's the deal? I suggest that SE is on the take and people laugh it up as if it's far fetched. Ya, right. Okay. Some poor moron MPK's a party out of spite or even accident, and they instantly get pulled in by a GM and banned for a week, or permanently. I have friends - even Japanese players - who were killed off by gil sellers multiple times, and the gil sellers have never, ever, been banned. So we're talking either gross incompetence and negligence, or just plain old cronyism. I happen not to think either is very good on us players.

    So, with that in mind, I'd like to put forward an idea by a "friend" of mine. Let's start an organization with a web site online, which sells MPK time on gil sellers for gil. It's really simple:

    You see a gil seller party which is harassing you? Log into our new federation of servers site and spend a little game gil to get them killed off. After all, business is business - I'm certain the gil sellers would understand.

    To get around the rule of no MPK, I suggest that we really don't actually sell MPK time. Instead, in the same vein as the gil sellers selling their "time" and not the "gil", I suggest we sell Evasion skill up services for our "employees".

    Everyone knows that high evasion is highly desirable, and so you wouldn't be paying to get anyone killed off. Instead, you're paying to have certain players get a higher evasion so that when you group them later on, they're all souped up! That's right...that's all we'd be selling. Oops, make it, that's all my "friend" would be selling. In essence, what you're paying for is high skill levels for when you group your new "friends".

    If people get in the way and die as a result of this service, that's too bad. SE doesn't appear to do anything to gil sellers when that's the case, so why should they care if my "friend" does the same to them? What you're really buying - in terms of gil, so it's all above board (because paying for services in gil is okay) - is better partying experience for you down the road. Think of it as an investment in the future - preferably one without any gil sellers around.

    Before anyone starts about "vigilantes" going off and taking matters into their own hands, I'd like to point out that there is no law whatsoever. As far as I know, you can do anything you want, as long as you don't openly show a GM that you are using a 3rd party program. You mean you got evidence that gil sellers openly admitted to selling gil for cash and working for IGE? I'm sorry, that screenshot is taken using a 3rd party program, so off to jail with you. To have "vigilantes", you need a law. I don't see a law; I just see corrupt employees and I'm a little tired of it. Or, rather, my "friend" is tired of it. I love this game, and I'd rather not be chased away by something which shouldn't - according to the rules *I* signed up for - be there. The fact that it still is there upsets me. And, at this point, my "friend" would only be taking the law into "his or her" hands if there were actually any law.

    The jury is still out on that. Have any of you actually seen major groups of gil sellers banned forever? I haven't, and I'm pretty observant. Maybe the odd one or two have been because they weren't paying their dues to SE on time, or something...but that's not the point. We all know what the point is, and we all know that we could darn well do something about it if we just decided to cooperate for a bit and take time off from camping things against each other.

    I know people pointed out that banning the gil sellers is bad business for SE, and I agree. But if we make them realize that NOT banning the gil sellers is worse for business, or potentially worse, then they might take note. There's a lot of things players can do together to get some things done.

    I had an idea once where we take hundreds of players to a gil selling camp area, just to massively lag it and screw it up. Everyone appeared more interested in camping Fafnir against each other at the time, that didn't work. It's too bad because if we had done this instead, we could have raised up a storm. Think of it as a massive protest which shuts that area down. What are they going to do? Ban 300 players? You know they'll never do that.

    So should I go ahead and tell my "friend" to start "his or her" idea? You tell me. Sound off. I'd love to know what exactly you think we can do. I know it's a game, but it's also a community.

  • #2
    Re: MPK The Gil Sellers - Non Advocacy Thread

    I'm sure we all share some frustration towards gilsellers. But chaos is not the way out. Thread closed.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso

