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Every other MMO compared to FFXI

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  • #31
    Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

    I was watching Matrix yesterday and now I have the biggest urge to go play Matrix Online. But, after playing the beta I know I'm not going to go back for a VERY long time until someone steps up and rewrites the whole flaming combat engine. Sure it was different but I might as well have gone afk for the whole thing and I still would've won. Then the enviroment makes me depressed...I know it's matrix, but couldn't they add a few colorful parks instead of millions of generic buildings >,<

    Hm, has anyone tried it after beta and know what's changed?


    • #32
      Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

      Originally posted by Gekoman
      P.S Oh yeah I sufferend with my crappy computer too when playing PS on medium settings lol. Always had to switch to low!
      They recently released a patch with some low quality sounds that they could run and save ram for for FX.
      From what I'v seen on the fourms they still have the large scale battles but most of the foot zerg has been tuned down with recent ballanceing and the fights inside are fircer then ever. I'll let you know how it is when I try it again if your intrested in trying it out again.

      To Shiro_Hayate: I was in beta for Matrix and I actaly liked the battle system, nice change from the standard auto-attack that most other games have. They did a ballance pass before launch and it made the mobs alot harder so you could not just sit on one attack the whole fight.
      I agree that even though it was in the matrix the game was a bit too dark for me.

      No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
      Rest of my sig


      • #33
        Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI


        Used to be part of the Renegade Legion, meh, those were the days
        had a 15+ TR on Markov
        and a 16 VS on Emerald

        went back about a year and a half ago,
        was very depressing,
        Last edited by GASGUL; 07-29-2005, 03:54 AM.


        • #34
          Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

          Originally posted by GASGUL
          went back about a year and a half ago,
          was very depressing,
          Like most games I think its the people that made that game great. If you just join an outfit with unexciting people or those you dont know it usually isnt that fun at all.

          Originally posted by ifandbut
          I'll let you know how it is when I try it again if your intrested in trying it out again.
          Please do, might be nice to play it inbetween FFXI... sometimes you need a few huge scale battles with vehicles then hacking and slashing crabs all day.

          Genkai 1 -Completed-
          Genkai 2 -Completed-
          Genaki 3 -Completed-
          Genkai 4 -Meh-
          Genkai 5 -Meh-

          100% Purple!


          • #35
            Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

            Originally posted by GASGUL
            went back about a year and a half ago,
            was very depressing,
            What was so depressing about it? When I played it I got to around BR15 on my NC and something like 13 on my TR or VS (cant remember now)

            Gekoman: That's what I plan on doing doing. Like on nights that I dont really feal like xping or playing FFXI at all it would be a good change, or if my college classes are anything like I had last year then I'd might have 3hr breaks between class/work with nothing to do. PS could be a good time waister I think.

            No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
            Rest of my sig


            • #36
              Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

              It seems that they merged quite alot of the severs together... although the one I used to play on is still there (Werner).

              I briefly went onto the website and checked out some stuff. When I went to the screenshots page however I saw something unfamiliar:


              What the hell are those massive tanks O.o, they dont appear to be on the vehicle list or anything.

              Well Ifandbut your pretty much sold me into going back to try, but do PM me when you do yourself. Might be nice for two FFXI players to overcome the obsticles of using advanced technology instead of swords ¬.¬

              Genkai 1 -Completed-
              Genkai 2 -Completed-
              Genaki 3 -Completed-
              Genkai 4 -Meh-
              Genkai 5 -Meh-

              100% Purple!


              • #37
                Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

                It was depressing becouse alot of the ppl that made the game fun for me had moved on,

                The big robots are BFR's,
                they were introduced 6 months ago,

                first nail was when they decided to amalgamate 5 servers down to 3,

                not really decided, more forced to due to lack of subscribers,

                and some say it was the final nail in the coffin for PS,

                in its hayday i would not of traded PS for any game in the world,

                doing combined OP's with our sister outfits, and at times when mike26 would pull his head out of his butt and bring the 30+ tanks, ohh god the relapse,

                aircraft like fire flies in the sky, 10+ Gal's air support, Max's reavers oh my,

                Artillary, OS Bukake, coordination, brought a tear to my eye,

                surged cloacker running into a enemy occupied friendly CC with another bases LLU under the arm with hack loss counter below the 10 secs, gentelman those were the glory days,

                I miss what that game was,

                I dont miss what it is now,


                • #38
                  Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

                  [QUOTE=Gekoman]It seems that they merged quite alot of the severs together... although the one I used to play on is still there (Werner).

                  I briefly went onto the website and checked out some stuff. When I went to the screenshots page however I saw something unfamiliar:


                  What the hell are those massive tanks O.o, they dont appear to be on the vehicle list or anything.[QUOTE]

                  Ya, I think it was around the time the Expansion came out they took the 4 NA servers and merged them into 2. The good side effect of this is that you are now able to play 2 empires on the same server (it was orginaly 1 per server) but lets say you played your NC char then went to VS char you'd have to wait something like 12 hrs to play NC again on that server so you could not just make a Spy.

                  Those big robots are what they call Battle Frame Robitics (BRFs) and were intrusted a few months ago. They are basicaly the one thing that any future fighting game should have...Mechs. They were really unballenced but now they have been nerfed/buffed in ways so that they make great AV weapons but are vunaribal to normal solder so they are usaly on the outside of the fight and pounding the enemeny from afar.

                  The cool thing about the BFRs is that they have several "Hit Boxes". Normaly when you shoot a person it does the same dammage no matter where you hit them, either in the leg or the head. Yet, the BFRs have a box for their Chasy(sp?), Shild Gen, Legs, Targeting Systems. The most common methid for killing them is Takeing out the Shild Gen with a high ACC gun then wiping out the rocket launcher and finishing it off.

                  The down side about the BFRs is that they are a pain in the ass to get the cert to use them. You basicaly have to do a quest before you can cert in them, something like get 50 kills in the Core Comat caves and like 5 cave hacks, so you need Core Combat to get the BFR cert and drive them but all BFRs have a gunner seat so if all else fails you can gun for someone.

                  Anyways...I kinda feal like I'v hijacked this thread a bit >.> oops <.<
                  I'm planing on makeing a NC avatar first on what ever server has the lowest ping when I get on. I'll be sure to let you know when I do.

                  No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
                  Rest of my sig

