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Every other MMO compared to FFXI

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  • #16
    Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

    Originally posted by Cade
    Planetside is a decently fun and very different massive multiplayer online game but it isn't worth the monthly fee.

    I've noticed the mmorpg fans who hate FFXI really HATE FFXI... which boggles me cause they're all pretty much the same goddamn game. Just different stylizations.
    The problem with FFXI is the things that people hate stand out the most in FFXI. Leveling to 75 takes a crap load of time, Timesinks, .............I could go on. It doesn't suprise me that many of the people who loved EQ1, etc. Hated FFXI. Not to mention 50%+ of the population doesn't speak English and the servers arn't even in the United States.

    Belive it or not, the fact that the servers are in Japan turn off a lot of people from this game.

    CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


    • #17
      Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

      I don't know about that. A lot of people can't stand waiting for a party. When their ADD kicks in they gotta get out there and do something, which I understand. The time spent playing FFXI doesn't reward you the same as other games would. People like being babied like in WoW, and expect luck to reward them with cool items to make them rich and people to recognize them for their gear rather than their actions.

      Server location isn't exactly on top of the list of problems. I talked with my friends about why they didn't like it, and they mentioned the forced team play. Hey, we all like it, but it's a turn off for them. To each his own I suppose, but I don't like how he's found something he likes in a game that's basically ripping him off. His expectations are extremely confusing.


      • #18
        Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

        I've played Planetside and maxed out that's why I don't want to go back. Also, Planetside is the most frustrating piece of shit ever because of the idiotic squads/players not following your orders. I was NC and sometimes we'd be invading another person's home region, then when ours get's invaded I ask for help and it arrives after half the continent is gone. I guess I play the game in the perspective of "We must win" but seriously it's frustrating...the stupidity of some of the players >,<

        I would go back to World of Warcraft but I have to get my CDs first, and more importantly I wish there were more classes. Seriously there aren't enough melee in that game...


        • #19
          You could Try

          Hey what about Resident Evil Outbreak


          • #20
            Re: You could Try

            Originally posted by Lukey Pukey
            Hey what about Resident Evil Outbreak
            *eyes twitch*
            Hacked on 9/9/09
            FFXIAH - Omniblast


            • #21
              Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

              Originally posted by Shiro_Hayate
              I've played Planetside and maxed out that's why I don't want to go back. Also, Planetside is the most frustrating piece of shit ever because of the idiotic squads/players not following your orders. I was NC and sometimes we'd be invading another person's home region, then when ours get's invaded I ask for help and it arrives after half the continent is gone. I guess I play the game in the perspective of "We must win" but seriously it's frustrating...the stupidity of some of the players >,<

              I would go back to World of Warcraft but I have to get my CDs first, and more importantly I wish there were more classes. Seriously there aren't enough melee in that game...
              Warrior and rogue aren't enough melee? >_>


              • #22
                Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

                outbreak got some cool idea. but got outshined by resident evil 4 to the point it's not even worth looking at :D
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso


                • #23
                  Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

                  I miss driving a Reaver getting "auto-lock" appearing every 2 seconds.

                  I miss being spawned camped by a man with two machine guns mounted on him in a fat suit.

                  I miss being a Shotgun whore.

                  I miss Planetside.

                  God bless Canada.

                  Genkai 1 -Completed-
                  Genkai 2 -Completed-
                  Genaki 3 -Completed-
                  Genkai 4 -Meh-
                  Genkai 5 -Meh-

                  100% Purple!


                  • #24
                    Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

                    Originally posted by Gekoman
                    I miss driving a Reaver getting "auto-lock" appearing every 2 seconds.

                    I miss being spawned camped by a man with two machine guns mounted on him in a fat suit.

                    I miss being a Shotgun whore.

                    I miss Planetside.

                    God bless Canada.
                    How long has it been sence you played PlanetSide? I remember those proublems when I was playing it (the instant lock in the reaver being the worst.
                    From what I'v read they have changed alot of that, increasing lock on timmers, adding a "pain field" to spawn areas of baces so it is harder to spawn camp, removed the surge exploits (but the JackHammer is still king inside but sucks outside).
                    Reguardless, the most frustrating part of PlanetSide for me was the low frame rate because when I was playing the game I only had 256Mb ram and a crappy video card. I love the lighting anyways ^^

                    To Shiro_Hayate: I can understand not wanting to go back after you got BR23 and CR5, kinda gets pointless when you get that far (just like getting all jobs to 75 in this game).

                    Oh...FYI: They are suposed to be adding 2 more BR soon and Converting PlanetSide to DirrectX 9 soon. Should mean better/faster graphics.

                    (Sorry, I feal I'm becoming a fan boy of PS. Maybe it will change when I play it again lol)

                    No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
                    Rest of my sig


                    • #25
                      Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

                      Originally posted by Impaction
                      Warrior and rogue aren't enough melee? >_>
                      Rogue 60, can't get any PTs because there's a bunch of Rogues out there and we're useless in instances.

                      Warrior 60, had stuff from Molten Core then Blizz nerfed it forcing us to use PvP gear instead (the gear turned from damage to defense, do they want me to tank the enemies to death in pvp?). I'm not spending 10 hours pvping a day to get uber armor only to lose it next day because someone got my rank.

                      Planetside was fun for a while I guess because of teamspeak...but you can only play so much before it becomes boring, I see it as Counter-Strike without aiming skills =P

                      Does anyone have information about Front Mission Online or Fantasy Earth? Also, when is Auto-Assault coming out..


                      • #26
                        Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

                        i can't stand WoW... i find it boring.


                        • #27
                          Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

                          Originally posted by ifandbut
                          How long has it been sence you played PlanetSide? I remember those proublems when I was playing it (the instant lock in the reaver being the worst.
                          From what I'v read they have changed alot of that, increasing lock on timmers, adding a "pain field" to spawn areas of baces so it is harder to spawn camp, removed the surge exploits (but the JackHammer is still king inside but sucks outside).
                          Reguardless, the most frustrating part of PlanetSide for me was the low frame rate because when I was playing the game I only had 256Mb ram and a crappy video card. I love the lighting anyways ^^

                          Oh...FYI: They are suposed to be adding 2 more BR soon and Converting PlanetSide to DirrectX 9 soon. Should mean better/faster graphics.
                          God I last played planetside about I think... A year or two ago? I'm not quite sure but its been a long time.

                          I retried it when the underground patch thing came out, It was quite fun.

                          The only problem was it wasnt like it used to be with HUGE scale battles. I mean bloody massive!

                          Oh god I loved just running into the flurray of people, it was so much fun. Especially with some of the friends I played with, namely one who kept insisting on driving the big transport vehicle (Galaxy?) but was absolutely rubbish at it.
                          So much so that I had to escort the platoon with my Reaver and another person in a Mosqito to scout around.

                          I played the Purple guys first off V something, then I played NC the blue and yellow ones. I prefer NC because they had the Pheonix! The Rocket guided missiles were my best weapon. Taking down people in fat suits was easy.

                          Ah memories... I think it was the people that made the game fun, if there arnt that many on it anymore like I hear aint much point playing :/

                          I might give a go sometime perhaps...

                          P.S Oh yeah I sufferend with my crappy computer too when playing PS on medium settings lol. Always had to switch to low!

                          Genkai 1 -Completed-
                          Genkai 2 -Completed-
                          Genaki 3 -Completed-
                          Genkai 4 -Meh-
                          Genkai 5 -Meh-

                          100% Purple!


                          • #28
                            Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

                            i dunno, i had a lv60 warrior and rogue in WoW, both had equal chance of getting the group but sometime warrior has more since alot of group CANT find tanks..tho i get into MC everytime with my rogue and theres only like 2-3 others there so i'm pretty lucky on the server i play =) but yah..nothing is like FFXI you stop playing..then you get suck right back into it unlike some other game you can just quit..and let it go

                            Take The quiz yourself!

                            (' ω ` *)


                            • #29
                              Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

                              Originally posted by xXx
                              nothing is like FFXI you stop playing..then you get suck right back into it
                              i know what you mean lol
                              Kelenae - Ramuh - Mithra Female - Windurst Rank 10 - Gone?
                              Dirtha - Taru Taru Female - Windurst Rank 2 - Gone?
                     (|Please check it|)


                              • #30
                                Re: Every other MMO compared to FFXI

                                FFXI > all. ;o but EarthBound.

