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Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

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  • Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

    I completed the quest a while back which enables you to enter any of the 3 shattered telepoints, Dem, Holla & Mea. (each of these I presume, which leads into any of the Promyvion Zones)
    As I was conveniently scouting out monsters in Tahrongi Canyon yesterday evening, I went over to the Mea Crag, and attempted to enter a shattered telepoint, but for some reason I couldn't get through it, and when I click on it, it just says something about it being shattered into thousands of pieces, and that was it. :confused:

    The last time I completed this quest, I think it was either the crag in La Theine or Konschtat Highlands where I entered through the shattered telepoint, but I assume that the quest is for all 3 shattererd telepoints, and not just 1.
    So, why can't I get through any now? /sigh. :confused:

    Is there something I need to do, like maybe trade something to it, or re-do the quest again? Or is there something else I need to do instead?

    Please help.
    (\ /)
    ( . .)

  • #2
    Re: Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

    if i remember right... after you entered any of the 3, you have to erase your memory at that crag before you can enter another one. For example if you enter prom Mea, you can erase your memory at the same device you used to enter. You don't have to erase memory if you go through the promy and beat the boss however.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

      Hmm...... well, after I entered one of the shattrered teles, I remember there being a couple large (ish) devices inside, just off to the left and right. (can't remember exactly what they were) So to erase my memory, would I have had to use one of these devices inside, or is there something on the outside I use to erase my memory?

      If it's on the inside, and there is a possibilty that I forgot to use it to erase my memory, then is there anything I can do to erase memory, so that I can step through another telepoint?

      Edit : When you say "device" do you mean a shattered telepoint on the outside, or the devices (or whatever they are) you come to on the inside, like I tried to explain?

      Oh, and.... I have not defeated anything inside any of the crags yet.
      I saw these small, weird creatures hopping around in one of them, and when I got close, I got aggro, so I made my way back towards the exit, and back out again.
      These creaturs seemed to be a bit tough for my LvL, but still, I'm interested to have a quick look inside each of other crags too, just for a quick peak though, to see if they all differ in any way.
      Last edited by Snowball; 07-24-2005, 04:58 PM.
      (\ /)
      ( . .)


      • #4
        Re: Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

        Yes, if you need to erase your memory, then go to the crag that you need to erase. Go to the shattered crystal and enter. Then on the left or right side is a device. Use it to erase your memory. It will ask if you want to erase your memory.
        Originally posted by Feba
        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
        Originally posted by Taskmage
        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
        Originally posted by DakAttack
        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


        • #5
          Re: Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

          Okay, I have this thing sorted out now.
          It WAS the erase memory thing I forgot about, and I have it sorted now.
          Thanks for the help guys.

          Just a couple of questions though.

          1 - These devices on the inside : If the one on the left is used to erase your memory so that you can enter other Crag Promy Zones, then what is the one on the right used for?
          I clicked one, and it just said "there is no response"

          2 - Are there any maps available to buy anywhere, for each of the promy zones?
          If so, then where can I find them please?

          I asked if anyone in my ls knew where I could find any, but no one seemed to know. Have any Promy maps even been created for FFXl yet?
          Last edited by Snowball; 07-25-2005, 12:54 AM.
          (\ /)
          ( . .)


          • #6
            Re: Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

            No idea about the other device, to tell the truth I only ever used one of the left-side devices once, and since then all I needed to do was examine the door at the back to enter Promyvion, regardless of whether I was doing an actual mission or just going there for other reasons.

            You can get maps of Promyvion areas but they're intensely hard to get. From memory, you have to kill Empty over and over again until you get a memosphere, then trade that memosphere to a randomly spawning ??? (which can be anywhere in the zone) to get the map. The memosphere is a guaranteed drop from an Empty NM, of which there is only one outside the Spire. I've seen a memosphere drop only once, and I can't remember if we killed an NM or it was from a standard Empty monster. If it was standard Empty, then the drop rate must be absolutely horrendous since I've killed hundreds of Empty and seen only one memosphere drop.

            I think 99.9% of the population of Vana'Diel does not have any maps to Promyvion areas. Luckily Promyvion is easy enough to navigate without them.


            • #7
              Re: Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

              If I remember correctly, the left and right devices both do the same thing. Note that you can only erase your memory at the corresponding crag which you last failed at (so if you enter Promyvion-Holla without defeating the boss, you must return to the entrance zone via the Shattered Telepoint at the Crag of Holla to erase your memory, since the Shattered Telepoints at the other two crags will not admit you).



              • #8
                Re: Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

                To get the maps you need to kill the Zone specific empty mobs for each Promy. The Dem promy has it's giant evil sheep things, the Mea Promy has it's long legged spider things and the Holla promy has it's own specific mob class. After that you need to hunt down a '???' inside the promy itself on the third or fourth floor and trade the memosphere to it. But the '???'s are surrounded by IT+ mobs and a bunch of T-VT mobs so you'd need to kill them all first. And seeing as how the in game maps show you absolutely nothing worthwhile, it's just a lot of trouble for very little reward.

                A good place for decent maps can be found here


                Just print em out and you're good to go.
                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                • #9
                  Re: Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

                  What quest is this? o.o;; Sorry if I'm a little off-topic but I haven't heard anything like this before.


                  • #10
                    Re: Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

                    it's not really a quest but it's part of a mission u have to do under COP.


                    • #11
                      Re: Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

                      If you don't erase your memory before you leave a specific Promyvion at the hall of transferrence, you are locked into that promyvion. But if you erased your memory you cannot activate the quest that let you get Animas for the boss fight.

                      Once you have the quest activated though you can erase all the memory you want, you can trade him Recollections from that point on with/without sealing the memories.

                      Only the Left Device Function. The one on the rightside doesn't do anything. At least it didn't for me.

                      The Golden Age of BLM


                      • #12
                        Re: Shattered Telepoints entering Promyvion

                        The ones on the right are actually for something else. The left ones erase your memory.

                        The Memospheres drop of only 1 Empty Type in each of the Promyvions. This Empty Type also happens to be the same type the NM in that promyvion will be. The NM in that promyvion has a higher success rate at droping the memophere then the others of that similar type.

                        The ones of that similar type will be the strongest mob for each level and there is 1 of them on each level with 2 on the 3rd level (1 is NM, the other is just that Type). For the NMs they also drop remenants of themselves, those remenants are used to spawn another NM in Promyvion-Vahzl.

                        The NM spawned in Vahzl depending which you spawn which depends on which remnant is used will drop one of the following Recollections:

                        Recollection of Suffering
                        Recollection of Animosity
                        Recollection of Anxioty

                        These recollections are taken to the same guy that makes the Anima for any Empty fight (Yes, the anima works on any Empty type). Once you've trade him the recollection with the 2k gil, you'll get back one of 3 items.

                        Recollection of Suffering = Hamayumi (Demon Bow, raises rng. attack against Empty)
                        Recollection of Animosity = Dia Wand (WHM Only)
                        Recollection of Anxioty = Stone Gorget (Enhances "Stoneskin")

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

