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Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

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  • Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

    Hello again to all the community, a word that doesn't exist within wow unfortunately. Within in the next couple days I'll be coming back to FFXI looking for the challenge, community and generally well put together game I remember.

    Unfortunately wow was a bit on the easy side and while I loved the graphics at first, they haven't made for any photorealistic moments such as Xaracabard (sp) etc. I've also found the end game quite lacking and plagued with bugs and unoriginal design (have a 60 rogue in Ragnaros/BWL capable guild).

    I was just curious what I've missed since I quit the game. I believe I left in July of 04, maybe sooner to play COH while awaiting wow which I was pumped about after playing Everquest for 5 years, unfortunately so far I've been let down by WOW. I know the game has undergone quite a few changes. While I've read the page a bit and I'm still catching up, I'm sure the player base is always the best place to go for the most interesting additions to the game.

    Any new information would be greatly appreciated look forward to seeing some of you in my return to Vana'diel.
    Last edited by guz_rdm; 07-21-2005, 09:09 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

    that game is about 2x as complicated, i think. but in a good way. not a lot has changed for the negative except the proliferation of gil sellers, inflation (which can be good or bad), and the concentration of players in the upper levels.
    63/63 maps obtained


    • #3
      Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

      They handed it to Rangers, and now they're spending the next week or two flapping their wings and creating as much drama as possible.


      • #4
        Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

        another one bites the dust

        wow > nothing
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #5
          Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

          Yeah as much as I was looking forward to it I'm pretty disappointed. I don't like having everything handed to me on a silver platter. Instagibbing every single mob you fight in a group isn't enjoyable either and the fact that you can reach max level within a month or 2 without grouping at all makes the few groups that do exist up to 60 (cap) very very painful, pickup group takes on a whole new meaning of terror. Granted pickup groups could be pretty bad in FFXI at times such as people not understanding or knowing what a renkei is at level 50+ the groups in wow are just amazingly stupid at times. Grouping in general trivializes everything in World of Warcraft short of the raid instances which require 40 people. I miss the smaller groups that had to work together or get stomped.

          Which servers have the highest NA population? I know many JP players would not group with NA players, while I loved grouping with them standing around at random playtimes and being discriminated against for being NA did take away from my experience at times. So i'd love to play on a majority NA server.

          Also what have they dont to remedy the furious botting that went on in terms of fishing and has the economy balanced out any from the damage that 75 afk bots in Rabao can do?

          Last but not least for now anyway, I heard they changed experience acquisition around a bit how does that work and what the hell are henchmen?!

          Thanks again for all your replies.


          • #6
            Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

            I'll be coming back in a month or so.. I was on Midgard, but I'm not sure if I'll settle back there. Can anyone recommend a good server?

            Jobs: BLM60, BRD45, WHM38, BST31, SMN18, MNK17, THF16, RDM18, NIN11, WAR14

            Murphy's FFXI job roles

            The Tank keeps the Healer alive. The Healer keeps the Tank alive. The BLM warps, THF flees when things look bad.


            • #7
              Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

              i got back from WoW a couple months ago too. The game itself doesn't change much but there are a lot new additions to zone/items. You might find yourself confusing watching ppl shouts in jeuno, weird terms all over.
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #8
                Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

                they did a lot of stuff... I'm not good with dates. usually am lucky if I can get events down to the right year... Foods are different now. more of them doing different things, and you'll run into foods that're better at different level ranges too. Also ninjas got a small nerf where they lose hate when a shadow is taken, and rangers got a small(?) nerf to their damage. (a lot of rangers complain loudly, but I wonder if they've parsed things and if they were standing at optimal range). geez... Was the new fishing system even around in July 04? (now a faster-moving mini-game) or where they cut sell-to-npc prices of high level fish in half?
                WHM: Name one positive, non-destructive use for your magic.
                BLM: Ha! That's easy. Give me a scenario.
                WHM: Ok. An orphanage is on fire. What do you do?
                BLM: Use FIRE-3 to torch the building and then pick off any survivors with BOLT-2 set to a wide dispersal.


                • #9
                  Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

                  A lot of NMs, new NPC(that you pretty much raise), big nerf on RNGs(isnt too bad, but horrible with kiting), and a few new things came out this month a lone.... a lot of stuff has changed... a lot. Probably more content than all of WoW ;p.


                  • #10
                    Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

                    well square made summoners barely ptable
                    Lv 57 Summoner of Asura
                    Avatars: 8/8
                    Genkai 1 & 2 Done
                    Rank 5

                    Rapper 50 Cent squirmed wildly, trying to beat back bullets with his hands when assassins pumped nine shots into him - leaving him such a bloody, crumpled heap the trio fled believing he was dead, according to bombshell court testimony yesterday.


                    • #11
                      Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

                      Uh oh what did they do to summoners? The ranger nerf was similar to the deadzone in wow right? In wow hunters (the rangers with pets) can only shoot with ranged weapons between 8-42 yards.


                      • #12
                        Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

                        Originally posted by guz_rdm
                        Uh oh what did they do to summoners? The ranger nerf was similar to the deadzone in wow right? In wow hunters (the rangers with pets) can only shoot with ranged weapons between 8-42 yards.
                        <That was a good thing>
                        they made us able to MB/SC and raised the dmg
                        they also introduced austere armor

                        then they lower are damage signifigantly in another update
                        Lv 57 Summoner of Asura
                        Avatars: 8/8
                        Genkai 1 & 2 Done
                        Rank 5

                        Rapper 50 Cent squirmed wildly, trying to beat back bullets with his hands when assassins pumped nine shots into him - leaving him such a bloody, crumpled heap the trio fled believing he was dead, according to bombshell court testimony yesterday.


                        • #13
                          Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

                          Originally posted by Tyrien
                          well square made summoners barely ptable
                          excuse me? You mean Playable? How so? I resemble a summoner...

                          Double Post Edited:
                          Oh you mean PT'able? I still need to understand where you're coming from with this.
                          Last edited by tazirai; 07-21-2005, 12:31 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                          It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                          それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                          A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                          BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                          • #14
                            Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

                            Originally posted by tazirai
                            excuse me? You mean Playable? How so? I resemble a summoner...

                            Double Post Edited:
                            Oh you mean PT'able? I still need to understand where you're coming from with this.
                            meant that like they didnt offer too much to pts. sure the blink and stoneskin are very helpful, but people would always choose something else.
                            Lv 57 Summoner of Asura
                            Avatars: 8/8
                            Genkai 1 & 2 Done
                            Rank 5

                            Rapper 50 Cent squirmed wildly, trying to beat back bullets with his hands when assassins pumped nine shots into him - leaving him such a bloody, crumpled heap the trio fled believing he was dead, according to bombshell court testimony yesterday.


                            • #15
                              Re: Coming back from the World of Warcraft.

                              Originally posted by Tyrien
                              meant that like they didnt offer too much to pts. sure the blink and stoneskin are very helpful, but people would always choose something else.
                              Totally disagree ^^
                              If a Summoner just stoneskins and Blinks they really shouldnt leave their moghouse's.

                              Theres more to Summoner than just Stoneskin/Blinkage, Theres also a lot we can do to offer the PT more flexiblity in Chains and MB and Support that has nothing to do with our 1min( if you have no BP reduction Items).
                              Seriously. To quote mysefl from another thread....
                              Originally posted by tazirai
                              Maybe Summoners were worthless in regards to most NA players. But I never had trouble and I sure wasnt just a cure tank.

                              I do think Advanced/Extra jobs are a good way to carry over from previous FF games. But let it be known That Square calls them Extra Jobs as far as the Japanese version is concerned.
                              I tend to favor advanced job myself. Since the majority of Summoners suck pretty badly.
                              Most Summoners no matter what tend to still just cure tank, it makes the job easier for them and they can gain exp at a good rate by doing. Blink,Stoneskin,Accuracy/Evasion up.

                              Summoner actually does take a god amount of skill to play effectively. A sad fact I see lacking among alot of my peers. You dont need a Phd to be a Summoner. But its a lot more than just summon pet sic on foe and pull off a BP now and then.
                              Just like How most Redmages dont enfeeble much. Gravity,Dia,Refresh and MB everynow and then is not a red mage.

                              Summoners should know a few things , some of which they gain thru basic jobs.
                              A) Conserving MP :knowing when to heal, to enfeeble, to nuke.
                              B) Elemental variables : Know whats strong or weak to what.
                              C) Supporting the team: Even with out a refresher know when to give the juice to another player who may need it more than you. When to stack heals. How to divy the duties, etc. 2 Rdm should alternate enfeebles and refreshes and magical support.
                              D) MB timing: should be a well known thing but its not.

                              you learn things like in the trainer/support jobs as you level.
                              Then you move onto Summoner(I love Summoners ^^ biased al lthe way)

                              Summoners take a whole new thing to learn.
                              A) ALL of the above skills
                              B) Avatar powers and abilities and the correct uses and application.
                              C) A whole new batch of MP conserving since a Summoner is essentially two mages using MP at once.
                              D) How to pull and observe whats taking place in your area.
                              E) How to help with Adds and distracting the Enemy when your PT is in trouble.
                              F) How to safely juggle support job abilities along with Primary job ones.
                              G) When not to use Support abilities and save them for Summoning abilities.
                              H) Pulling to help Maintain Chains.

                              Theres a slew of things I see summoners not doing that cause them to hate being one after the "prettiness"wears off.
                              All Summoner PTs are great I love the fellowship but I hate the fact that you use only one power to level and do nothing else but rest.

                              I have a great love for summoners and hate to see how people treat the job.
                              Its like how you have SOme Ninjas that use all a Ninjas powers, then you have those that only use Utsusemi.
                              It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                              それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                              A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                              BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage

