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How to raise your NPC buddy

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  • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

    It appears that quest guide is incorrect. The 3rd quest is not Chameleon Capers, it's Regaining Trust. Just got this today. It's pretty simple and self explanitory. The point in Qufim you need to go to is at G-8 I believe, near Behemoth's Dominion. You'll see a point named "Giant Footprint." Examine it to spawn a Giant NM(Was extremely easy to kill as 75 PLD), then examine the point again, and talk to your NPC until it leaves. Return to Jeuno for the rest of your cutscenes, starting at Luto.


    • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

      Hmm... anything you can think of offhand that may have triggered the quest for you? NPC calls since your last quest ended / NPC level or TNL / etc?


      • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

        Originally posted by Cythe
        It appears that quest guide is incorrect. The 3rd quest is not Chameleon Capers, it's Regaining Trust. Just got this today.
        Sorry, got the order messed up, edited and fixed now tho.

        Q1ast Reflection
        Reward: Raises fellowship relations.

        SQ1:Empty Darkness (will not show on the questlist)
        Prequisits: Completed "Q1ast Reflection"
        There is a 45min time limit from when the quest starts!
        You can try again after the next conquest tally.
        Reward: Tactics Pearl

        SQ2icture Perfect
        Prequisits: Completed "A Pose by Any Other Name"
        Fellow Level at 50
        Do not have the Signal Pearl equipped
        Reward: Fellow level cap 55

        Q2:Blighted Gloom
        Prequisits: Completed "Q1ast Reflection"
        How to check when you have enough relation to do this quest:
        Talk about fashon and headgear. If you have a second option for headgear
        then you have enough relation to do this quest.
        Reward: Raises fellowship relations.

        Q3:Regaining Trust
        Prequisits: Completed "Q2:Blighted Gloom"
        Fellow Level at 53~55
        How to check when you have enough relation to do this quest:
        Talk about fashon and headgear. If you have a third option for headgear
        then you have enough relation to do this quest.
        Your Fellow can now level to 60!!!

        Q4:Chameleon Capers
        Prequisits: ???
        Reward: You get to choose one of the following items:
        - Tactics ManualDef) Fortitude (Rare/NoAuction/NoSale/NoDelivery)
        - Tactics ManualAtk) Might (Rare/NoAuction/NoSale/NoDelivery)
        - Tactics ManualEva) Endurance (Rare/NoAuction/NoSale/NoDelivery)
        Rank: 6 ジョブ: 暗 61, シ 38, 戦 37, 赤 26, 白 25, 黒 20, モ 20, 竜 10, 獣 10, 吟 10, 侍 10, 狩 10, 忍 20, 召 15, ナ 1, 青 10, コ 10, カ10
        Never argue with a moron. They pull you down to their level and beat you through experience.


        • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

          SQ2icture Perfect
          Prequisits: Completed "A Pose by Any Other Name"
          Fellow Level at 50
          Do not have the Signal Pearl equipped
          Reward: Fellow level cap 55
          What if people already did this..? anyone figure that out yet?
          (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ====【†】 BIBLE FIGHT !


          • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

            For the Blighted Gloom quest:

            Location of the ??? in Ranguemont Pass is at I-9.

            Edit: Where on earth is the ??? in Jugner? Is it from the KRT entrance? I've checked the Maiden's Spring as well as all around the lake itself with no luck. Anyone know?
            Last edited by Stromgarde; 10-19-2005, 11:25 PM.


            • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

              Yes, it's in the small portion you come in from King Ranperre's, along the northern side of the area.


              • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                its north of kingranperres


                • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                  Ah, that figures... Thanks for the info.


                  • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                    Part of today's maintenance fixes something about the NPCs, but I have no idea what they're talking about.

                    - An issue where reward details were not being displayed after a Fellowship Quest was completed was fixed.


                    • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                      After I had finished the "Picture Perfect" quest, I never got a message saying that my NPC was now able to level to 55. They are probably fixing that.


                      • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                        Either time passing or talking to NPC at RV must also affect getting quests, however slightly it may be.

                        I haven't been able to call my NPC in 4 days, and that last calling we didn't kill a single mob (had to dismiss right away because of LS stuff). After 4 days of talking to Mugido at RV, and checking with Luto, today I got the weapon upgrade offer; despite doing nothing else to increase NPC relations.


                        • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                          Lvl 5 Weapon Upgrade

                          種類   Lv 1段階     Lv 2段階    Lv 3段階     Lv 4段階    Lv 5段階
                          格闘  ( 1)セスタス     ( 5)ブロンズナックル (24)バグナウ    (30)クロー      (33)カタール
                          短剣  ( 1)ブロンズナイフ  ( 1)ブロンズダガー (18)バゼラード   (20)ククリ       (27)クリス
                          片手剣 ( 1)ブロンズソード   ( 7)サイフォス    (13)シミター     (18)ロングソード    (23)タック
                          両手剣 (10)クレイモア    (20)トゥハンドソード (27)インフェルノソード(33)ファルクス     (36)ミスリルクレイモア
                          片手斧 ( 1)ブロンズアクス  ( 8)ブラスアクス   (20)バトルアクス  (31)ウォーピック    (37)ミスリルアクス
                          両手斧 ( 5)バタフライアクス  (12)グレートアクス  (12)ハイドロアクス  (31)ヴォウジェ    (31)トワイサー
                          両手鎌 ( 1)ブロンズザグナル(10)ブラスザグナル (18)サイズ     (20)ザグナル     (40)ミスリルサイズ
                          両手槍 ( 1)ハープーン     ( 7)ブロンズスピア (24)スピア      (34)ランス      (36)ハルバード
                          片手刀 ( 1)苦無      ( 7)脇指     (20)雁行      (26)附子刀    (32)小太刀
                          両手刀 (12)打刀      (16)野太刀   (26)兼定      (36)阿修羅    (37)細太刀
                          片手棍 ( 4)ブロンズナイフ   ( 5)ブロンズハンマー( 9)ウィローワンド   (12)ブラスロッド    (27)ボーンカジェル
                          両手棍 ( 1)アッシュスタッフ  ( 5)アッシュポール  (16)ホリーポール   (25)スパイクドクラブ (39)オークスタッフ
                          盾    ( 1)ラワンシールド   ( 7)甲羅の盾   ( 9)アスピス     (20)マホガニーシールド(28)カイトシールド
                          And also the ability to change npc armor

                          Last edited by kobun; 10-22-2005, 04:02 AM. Reason: Updated the Weapon list


                          • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                            Translation! Please!


                            • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                              First pass translation on 5th upgrade

                              Great Katana is Hosodachi(37)
                              Katana is Kodachi(32)
                              Scythe is Mythril Scythe(40)
                              Polearm is Halberd (36)
                              Axe is Myrtril Axe (37)
                              Shield is Kite Shield (I must have this wrong)
                              Sergeant Major Indiana
                              WAR 75
                              NIN 75
                              BLM 75
                              CORr 75
                              BLU69(93/94 Body Slam X)
                              LS: Machina
                              Breaker of Chains
                              Dynamis Xarcabard Interloper
                              Tiamat Trouncer
                              Vrtra Vanquisher
                              Ouryu Overwhelmer
                              Apollyon Ravager
                              Tennemos Liberator


                              • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                                Fully Translated Weapons (5th Upgrade) from list:

                                H2H: Katars
                                1H Axe: Mythril Axe
                                Scythe: Mythril Scythe
                                Polearm: Halberd
                                Katana: Kodachi
                                Great Katana: Hosodachi
                                Shield: Kite Shield

                                (Registered just to help on topic lol >.>)
                                Last edited by Erintribal; 10-21-2005, 03:15 PM.

                       - MNK Melee
                       - MNK MND
                       - WHM

