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How to raise your NPC buddy

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  • #76
    Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

    Well I had a fun session with Mugido today. First thing I set out to do when I got on was head out to Yhoator and kill mandies and lizzies until he leveled up. I went as BRD/WHM though, and even with the skillchains things took far too long and he left after about 40 minutes, with no level up. Speaking of the skillchains though, it seems that your buddy is aware of how much TP you have. Often I saw that after he gets TP he'll wait for me to hit 100%, and then fire it. Usually he'll say something like "Ready when you are!" beforehand, and so on. Also I was surprised, and pleased, to see that the Mugido knew NOT to use a weaponskill on a mob with low life, in fact on several occasions he saved his TP for the next mob, regardless of how much TP I had. ^^

    I also noticed he no longer provoked in "Attacker mode, but that wasn't needed anyways. Anywho, I was pretty let down that he hadn't levelled up, I felt like such a bad partner. ; ; So I read about the Signal Pearl trick, tried it and was able to resummon Mugido. ^^ This time I switched over to BRD/RDM and headed back to Yhoator. Things were much better this time, I got to magic burst off quite a few of the skillchains which was pretty nifty. Also, on about the second mob or so he finally dinged 31! But what I found odd was, he did not ding right after a mob was defeated, but rather right after I engaged a mob. It definitely wasn't lag, so I found this a little weird.

    So it does seem the NPCs have more to them than we once thought. They actually know how to use their TP accordingly to the situation. Still no new options though, so I wonder if anything else will unlock with the future. Hopefully so! ^^
    "Anathema I will remain, forever will remain." - AFI - Paper Airplanes (Makeshift Wings)


    • #77
      Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

      The signal pearl "trick" can only be used once as far as I know. If there ever was a situation where I might need Yoli I think I'd save that trick for then. Maybe I could pop her out for my Drg AF in Batallia, that would be neat... I suppose. She wouldn't get much leveling since there isn't anything on that island except a tree and a pop NM.

      If I'm wrong about the trick, lemme know cause Yoli needs some practice >_>


      • #78
        Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

        he finally dinged 31! But what I found odd was, he did not ding right after a mob was defeated, but rather right after I engaged a mob. It definitely wasn't lag, so I found this a little weird.
        I read about someone randomly soloing with their NPC in altep, and it leveled up as they were walking around.

        Maybe they gain EXP just for being around?


        • #79
          Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

          Originally posted by Impaction
          The signal pearl "trick" can only be used once as far as I know. If there ever was a situation where I might need Yoli I think I'd save that trick for then. Maybe I could pop her out for my Drg AF in Batallia, that would be neat... I suppose. She wouldn't get much leveling since there isn't anything on that island except a tree and a pop NM.

          If I'm wrong about the trick, lemme know cause Yoli needs some practice >_>
          What I've read is that it can be done one per 24 hours, but I've seen no confirmation of this, and I'm not exactly willing to try. >_< I'll have to look into it though.

          Originally posted by Feba
          I read about someone randomly soloing with their NPC in altep, and it leveled up as they were walking around.

          Maybe they gain EXP just for being around?
          I think this is quite possible, probably just some form of experience gained from being with their companion? Possible Companionship Experience you could say? I suppose we won't know more about it until more people level up with their NPC, but I definitely didn't see Mugido ding until the start of the fight.
          "Anathema I will remain, forever will remain." - AFI - Paper Airplanes (Makeshift Wings)


          • #80
            Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

            ya'know...I wonder if eventually people will Duo HNMs/Avatars with their NPCs


            • #81
              Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

              Originally posted by tomfin10
              (1)-The NPC may be called only when there are less than six members in the player’s group. A party may contain a maximum of three NPC fellows, along with the three players who have called them.

              (2)-If the NPC’s level exceeds that of the player, its status will be adjusted to match the player’s level.
              yes, i understand that. you didn't answer my questions

              my questions were:
              (1)has anyone tried to have an alliance of people with them?
              not with more than 6 people, just an alliance. meaning, 2 people in 1 party each (2 parties). will they still stick around?

              (2)has anyone tried playing a low level job (like level 5)
              does the NPC own everything?
              does the NPC wear different low level gear?
              does the NPC still leave after 12-15 kills?
              63/63 maps obtained


              • #82
                Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                -Well, not really, NPC is capped at your level, but if you've leveled DRG from 1-3, it's like teh wyvern -.-
                -when I leveled it with my SAM, the NPC stayed in it's Lizard Armor.i'm begining to think that some armor options seen in FFXITool mean that this is mainly so you can have a custom NPC over stats.


                • #83
                  Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                  Song do not work on the NPC, I've tried group songs they dont get same with protectra, and I've tried single songs which didnt work


                  • #84
                    Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                    same with curaga.

                    It seems they aren't considered to be in teh PT, so -ra doesn't work :/


                    • #85
                      Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                      Basically anything you can do to someone you might PL you can do to the NPC. So, Protect, II, III, IV; Shell, I, II ,III; Haste and status cures like Paralyna.

                      But no spells that you'd use on your party like Protectra. Also party base stat boosting Job Abilities such as Warcry will not work.
                      Sergeant Major
                      75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
                      22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
                      Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan


                      • #86
                        Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                        Originally posted by DarthWufei
                        What I've read is that it can be done one per 24 hours, but I've seen no confirmation of this, and I'm not exactly willing to try. >_< I'll have to look into it though.
                        yep, i dropped it yesterday, and i just tried the trick again today and i got a new pearl, no questions asked. So looks like it probably is once a day



                        • #87
                          Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                          ok... some more updates today. Rearranging my orignal post to this as well to make it more organized. These are still speculations so please share your experience :D

                          1. NPC starts at level 30, battle style is "shield." They use provoke almost every 30 seconds.

                          2. NPC will leave when
                          - it's been around for (level x 1.5) minutes
                          - kills 15 mobs. Should increase as they level up, level / 2 ?

                          3. NPC only attacks when you engage and start hitting the monsters. It will only follow you other wise. They /heal when you /heal

                          4. Talk to your NPC once it will ask if it's over, and will leave after a bit.
                          Talk to it again and it will cancel the leave.

                          5. NPC doesn't level down when you play low level jobs. They only adjust it's status to match you.

                          6. The EXP it's gain is NOT depend on the player.
                          - I confirm that you can level up your NPC killing too weaks. But it gave me even more question.... check out this screen shot.

                          Explanation: I killed a Demon pawn which didn't give any EXP to me (74 Rdm.) Then I moved on and started attacking Demon Wizard... After hitting it a couple times, my NPC level up in the middle of the fight. That's right, middle of fight....

                          I am totally lost in this one o_O

                          7. After a few calls, most ppl said 3 calls, mine was 2 calls, your NPC will let you choose it's battle style at Rendezvous point. Shield / Attacker / Healer styels. No confirm yet if they will have more styles coming in the future.

                          8. When your NPC level up, it has the level up icons same as when you do, also shows up in the log as shown above.

                          9. They are not count as PT members. You can not cast refresh, erase, or any PT only spells on them. But cure, ~na, haste, for example can be casted.

                          10. Only party members may cast spells on NPC. Not anyone outside your PT.

                          11. They don't aggro. I tried put my NPC in front of a demon and nothing happenned

                          12. NPC at first will randomly use fast blade / burning blade / red lotus / flat blade. Players have reported NPC performing skillchains after their WS, you can also make skillchains following theirs too.

                          13 . Rendezvous points. Credit from Allakazam
                          Ru'Lude Gardens (G-10)
                          Northern San d'Oria (L-10) Just out side the Mog House.
                          Windurst Waters(K-10) Outside the Mog House.
                          Port Bastok (J-12) Again, right outside the Mog House.

                          14. Still unknown what determines the armor they wear. Maybe we can all share your location and compare?

                          Here's mine.
                          - 5 PLD hunting around ronfaure, NPC shield style. It changed to this
                          - 74Rdm killing Tigers in Ulger range (can't spell) NPC shield style, it switched back to scale mail.
                          - 74Rdm killing Demon pawn/wizard right outside of ZV, NPC attacker style, it changed to this.

                          15. It seems you can get a new pearl once a day (JP time). If you throw away your old pearl, you can still meet up with your buddy at Rendezvous point and the NPC will give you a new one, with it's time reset ready to use. If you ask for it again, the NPC will get angry and you will have to wait until after mid night JP time.
                          Last edited by Jei; 07-22-2005, 03:04 PM.
                          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                          - Pablo Picasso


                          • #88
                            Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch


                            This site definitely did not update to the new "exp cap" on the groupings of level, but this is a good way to have a feel for exp earned.

                            The Buddy NPC will earn only 70% of the capped or earned exp. For example, an EM mob (To the Buddy NPC's level) gives 100 exp, but the NPC earns only 70 exp. However, anything that is outrageously IT to the NPC but TW to you (Talking about 70+ players here) the exp earned should be about 140 exp regardless and if you can kill plenty really fast, I believe they also earn chain bonus. For example, a string of 200 exp mobs that you end up killing in succession of 10 in the chain will give the NPC a net of 2,121 exp. Not sure what the "quota" is, but I'm willing to bet it is in the neighborhood of 33 to 50% of the NPC's TNL, if not even more (I'm just going by what people say on # of mob killed, what kind, and how long they took to kill these mobs; i.e., my NPC Buddy stayed out for 14 monsters and 20 min, etc.)

                            *** Edit: Also note that NPC getting only 70% of exp is equivalent to a BST with his pet out - probably need to figure out the mechanics of exp, etc. by asking BST players >.> In other words ... YOU'RE THE PET and the NPC is the BST ... LOL ***
                            Last edited by Kosy; 07-22-2005, 03:00 PM.
                            My Stats


                            • #89
                              Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                              anyone every tried trade the npc weapons? it's the only thing not shown when we meet nor update with armors :O?
                              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                              - Pablo Picasso


                              • #90
                                Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                                one more point jei - the NPC gets xp whether or not he engages. i killed with fenrir (no meleeing) and the NPC leveled up without attacking anything
                                63/63 maps obtained

