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How to raise your NPC buddy

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  • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

    Originally posted by Akashimo
    what would ya use for a healing lvl 41 npc using the lvl 20 drk only scythe as the next upgrade?
    I've seen a handful of people using club on their NPC for Moonlight and Starlight, which give them a little mp and reduce your downtime a little more.

    I'm a fan of polearm for my rdm's NPC, since it has no AoEs and practically every polearm WS until level 49 opens Distortion, which I can close with either my sword or my dagger. I assume you mainly use your NPC for farming with thf, so closing Distortion with DE is probably pretty good.

    If you to put a shield on your NPC, you might consider Katana. It also has no AoE WS, and you can still use DE to close Detonation off Retsu, Scission off To, and Distortion off Rin and Chi once it hits level 49.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

      Does anyone know if we can use NPC in Avatar cloister? (party edition)


      • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

        The area you're in must be subject to Conquest if you wish to call them through the earrings.


        • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

          So assuming cloisters are not subject to conquest, i can't use him there...

          I don't know this offhand and i've actually come back from a long FFXI break so i don't know much about anything anymore lol.

          Thanks for a response.


          • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

            im not searching 44 pages can u still drop your pearl still once a day?
            "Death shall seek you out, If death fails, I promise you, i wont." ~ Srxjo (me)
            "My lips are stained scarlet red from my blood" ~Srxjo (me)
            "The greatest pain in this world is losing that which is closest to ones own heart" ~Srxjo (me)


            • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

              No, you will die and your character will be deleted.


              • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                i want the real answer >.>
                "Death shall seek you out, If death fails, I promise you, i wont." ~ Srxjo (me)
                "My lips are stained scarlet red from my blood" ~Srxjo (me)
                "The greatest pain in this world is losing that which is closest to ones own heart" ~Srxjo (me)


                • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                  You can't handle the real answer.


                  • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                    i want the real answer >.<
                    "Death shall seek you out, If death fails, I promise you, i wont." ~ Srxjo (me)
                    "My lips are stained scarlet red from my blood" ~Srxjo (me)
                    "The greatest pain in this world is losing that which is closest to ones own heart" ~Srxjo (me)


                    • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                      Answer boy: Do not try and find the real answer. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
                      Neo: What truth?
                      Answer boy: There is no Answer.
                      Neo: There is no answer?
                      Answer boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the answer that is found, it is only yourself.


                      • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                        Dropping your pearl worsens your NPC affinity. So don't do it.

                        Centurio X-I 1/1 - Celphie 1/1 - Deadly Dodo 0/2 - Doppleganger Dio 0/1 - Jaggedy-eared Jack 0/7 - Joo Duzu the Whirlwind 1/1 - Leaping Lizzy 2/16 - Mimas 0/1 - Odqan 1/9 - Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1 - Ose 1/3 - Sagittarius X-XIII 1/1 - Serpopard Ishtar 3/6 - Silk Caterpillar 1/2 - Tom Tit Tat 0/2 - Trickster Kinetix 0/2 - Valkurm Emperor 6/10 - Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 1/1


                        • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                          i found this out last night i had to remake my NPC or it would of took a lot more time to make her like me and the talking thing what do you have to do just go to the meeting spot or click chat and quests?
                          Last edited by Srxjo; 07-30-2006, 06:43 AM.
                          "Death shall seek you out, If death fails, I promise you, i wont." ~ Srxjo (me)
                          "My lips are stained scarlet red from my blood" ~Srxjo (me)
                          "The greatest pain in this world is losing that which is closest to ones own heart" ~Srxjo (me)


                          • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                            I had Past Reflections active a couple months back and never finished it. I started to level my NPC again and I gathered all the food items that Taru wanted but when I went to him and traded them he wouldn't take them.

                            Seems I dropped in Affinity level with my NPC because I neglected her for so long.

                            Will I be able to finish this quest? Will it prevent me from reaching the next quest?
                            Sergeant Major
                            75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
                            22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
                            Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan


                            • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                              wow, seems that this area's been neglected for a while. Anybody do anything exceptionally special with their NPC in the past little while?

                              Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

                              Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

                              80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


                              • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                                I got my NPC buddy today on my 32 RDM, and while leveling in Garliage I was 1.5k to leveling the DRG and SAM both left, so it was me(RDM/BLM), WAR/NIN, WHM/BLM and a THF/NIN(who was awesome btw, SA Viper Bite pwned Bats the whole time). They were all speaking JP, the THF knew some english though, and the others agreed to stay and help me level. I had my signal pearl with me, so I whipped it out and basically my NPC buddy would be first, while the THF and WAR setup SATA XD. It was awesome really, we got the exp eventually and I can finally Warp with BLM subbed now.
                                Cleverness - Hades
                                DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs

