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How to raise your NPC buddy

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  • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

    Altep will take the NPC's that high? Allrighty then, thanks a lot for the information ^^b


    • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

      I forgot Yhaotor Jungle too.

      Altep only goes to NPC lvl 33ish. Yhaotor reapers and Zitah mobs around the outpost goes higher, like NPC lvl 36-38ish. Then you hit Xarcabard

      Title: Sergeant Major
      SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
      Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
      Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
      Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


      • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

        who wants to PL my NPC with me? *Pleading Eyes* I'd like him the same lvl as me lol

        Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

        Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

        80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


        • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

          That's a little confusing. Zi'Tah is lower level that the oasis in altep. I've done Zi'Tah to 33, and then the Altep Oasis so far to 37 with great ease.

          But come to think of it, It would not be a bad idea to go try out Xcabard at this NPC level. I think I see where you're going with this, and it sounds on target.
          Last edited by Alger; 08-11-2005, 10:43 AM.


          • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

            Originally posted by Alger
            That's a little confusing. Zi'Tah is lower level that the oasis in altep. I've done Zi'Tah to 33, and then the Altep Oasis so far to 37 with great ease.
            That's why I said Zitah around outpost. The ogreflies, goblin robbers (and other goblins in that area), Lesser Gaylas, Myxomycete, and Goobbue Gardener are good until NPC lvl 36ish. Rock Golem are good til 42ish but there are too few of them.

            Title: Sergeant Major
            SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
            Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
            Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
            Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


            • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

              if I fight with staff, which weapon should my NPC use. And what would I trade?


              • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                if I fight with staff, which weapon should my NPC use. And what would I trade?
                You can be like me and give her this lightsaber katana!!!

                Just kidding

                Seriously though the best I can do with katana + staff is a Lv 2 fusion renkei. But I don't care since I only use Spirit Taker... never have to sit.
                Attached Files
                DRK75 BLM75 WAR37 THF37 NIN37 SAM38 WHM38 RDM37

                Which FF Character Are You?


                • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                  Ok. I expanded the list to include stuff you can start killing when your NPC is level 30. Jei, you may want to either make a "spoiler" button for this or add the attachment I included (at the bottom) to the original post because the formatting is better. Up to you. ^^

                  Try to xp your NPC on mobs at that are least five levels or more above your
                  NPC's level when your NPC is level 30-45, six levels or more when your NPC is
                  is level 46-50, seven levels or more when your NPC is is level 51-55, and
                  eight levels or more above your NPC's level when your NPC is is level 56 or
                  higher. The higher the better. On this chart, go by the first number for
                  level. Mobs may not always be higher than their minimum levels and can thus
                  hurt your NPC's xp if you go by the second number. The monster data was taken
                  from . The solo xp vs. mob level data was
                  found at .

                  When you fight, try to keep the mob pointed away from your NPC. Especially
                  with you are fighting mobs that uses coned or straight-line attack abilities
                  like Ogreflies that has poison spray and the like (crawlers, leeches, and
                  tigers also come to mind). Also, mobs with strong AoE attacks, especially
                  those with suicide moves, can be bad too (such as goblins, Ogreflies, and
                  weapons) (thanks Icemage).

                  As stated elsewhere previously, avoid mobs with pets. This includes Bst, Smn,
                  and Drg mobs. A quick list of these mobs includes Goblin Traders, Rime Gigas,
                  Demon Warlocks, Frost Gigas, Goblin Enchanter, and Hobgoblin Animalier.

                  Be careful of Blm, Rdm, and Drk (not so much Drk) mobs because they can sleep
                  you and kill your NPC if they get hate. Before engaging, you may want to use
                  range or magic attacks on them to be sure that you don't lose hate if you get
                  slept. A quick list of these mobs includes Ghasts, Demon Wizards, some Lost
                  Souls, Antican Retiarius, Antican Speculator, Antican Lanista, some Cursed
                  Weapons, Ominous Weapon, Hobgoblin Fascinator, Hobgoblin Alastor, Hobgoblin
                  Toreador, and Lich. Some Blm mobs can also use elemental spikes which can
                  harm your NPC significantly if the NPC's level is too low for that mob. Ice
                  Spikes are particularly bad because they can paralyze not only your NPC, but
                  you as well.

                  Finally, please note that "a player fighting with an NPC fellow will receive
                  only 70% of the usual experience points gained for solo battles." As stated
                  at .

                  Beaucedine Glacier:
                  Living Statue 37 - 39
                  Lugat 39 - 42
                  Bat Eye 40 - 42
                  Goblin Poacher 40 - 43
                  Goblin Robber 40 - 43
                  Goblin Reaper 40 - 43
                  Cold Gigas 40 - 43
                  Sleet Gigas 40 - 43
                  Snow Gigas 40 - 43
                  Stone Golem 40 - 42
                  Ice Elemental 44 - 46
                  Dark Elemental 44 - 46
                  (I recommend avoiding Ghasts, Lugats, Goblin Traders, Rime Gigas, Bat Eyes,
                  and the elementals)
                  (Ghasts and Lugats may sleep you)
                  (This whole region can be a pain. Too many mobs to avoid or be careful of)

                  Behemoth's Dominion:
                  Lesser Gaylas 40 - 42
                  Greater Gayla 42 - 44
                  Demonic Weapon 45 - 46
                  Demonic Weapon 45 - 46
                  Lost Soul 45 - 47
                  Master Coeurl 45 - 50
                  Bhuta 46 - 48
                  Thunder Elemental 48 - 50
                  Light Elemental 48 - 50
                  (I recommend avoiding Bhuta, the elementals, and Master Coeurls)
                  (Bhuta and Lost Souls may sleep you)

                  Yhoator Jungle:
                  Young Opo-opo 40 - 44
                  Goblin Digger 41 - 44
                  Goblin Reaper 41 - 45
                  Worker Crawler 43 - 46
                  Goblin Robber 45 - 49
                  Goblin Poacher 45 - 49
                  Goblin Trader 45 - 49
                  Master Coeurl 47 - 50
                  (I recommend avoiding Young Opo-Opo, Tonberries, and Master Coeurls)

                  Sanctuary of Zi'Tah:
                  Goobbue Gardener 40 - 43
                  Ogrefly 41 - 44
                  Goblin Poacher 42 - 46
                  Goblin Robber 42 - 46
                  Goblin Reaper 42 - 46
                  Master Coeurl 44 - 47
                  Hell Hound 46 - 50
                  Rock Golem 49 - 50
                  Rot Prowler 49 - 53
                  Lost Soul 51 - 55
                  (I recommend avoiding Master Coeurls and Hell Hounds)
                  (Lost Souls may sleep you)

                  Altepa Eastern Desert:
                  Desert Dhalmel 39 - 44
                  Doom Scorpion 44 - 47
                  Antican Decurio 44 - 49
                  Antican Sagittarius 44 - 49
                  Antican Speculator 44 - 49
                  Lost Soul 44 - 48
                  Goblin Poacher 45 - 49
                  Goblin Robber 45 - 49
                  Goblin Reaper 45 - 49
                  Goblin Digger 45 - 49
                  Lesser Manticore 47 - 49
                  Diatryma 47 - 50
                  (Antican Speculator and some Lost Souls may sleep you)

                  Altepa Western Desert:
                  Desert Spider 40 - 44
                  Antican Essedarius 41 - 45
                  Desert Worm 43 - 47
                  Desert Dhalmel 44 - 48
                  Antican Retiarius 45 - 49
                  Antican Eques 45 - 49
                  Desert Beetle 47 - 51
                  Lich 49 - 53
                  Fallen Knight 50 - 54
                  (I recommend avoiding Cactuars)
                  (Antican Retiariuses and Liches may sleep you)

                  Lost Soul 42 - 45
                  Cursed Weapon 43 - 45
                  Evil Eye 45 - 48
                  Graupel Gigas 45 - 48
                  Hail Gigas 45 - 48
                  Blizzard Gigas 45 - 48
                  Demon Pawn 48 - 52
                  Demon Wizard 48 - 52
                  Demon Knight 48 - 52
                  Ice Elemental 48 - 50
                  Dark Elemental 48 - 50
                  Shadow Dragon 52 - 53
                  (I recommend avoiding elementals, Etemmu, Frost Gigas, Evil Eyes, and Demon
                  (Lost Souls, Cursed Weapons, and Demon Wizards may sleep you)

                  Yhoator Jungle:
                  Anemone 51 - 54
                  Goblin Hunter 51 - 55
                  Goblin Bouncer 51 - 55
                  Puroboros 51 - 54
                  Water Elemental 53 - 55
                  Fire Elemental 53 - 55
                  (I recommend avoiding Anemone and elementals)

                  Altepa Western Desert:
                  Goblin Digger 51 - 54
                  Goblin Enchanter 51 - 55
                  Goblin Hunter 51 - 55
                  Goblin Bouncer 51 - 55
                  Goblin Welldigger 51 - 55
                  Tulwar Scorpion 53 - 56
                  Desert Manticore 53 - 57
                  Antican Hoplomachus 54 - 58
                  Antican Lanista 54 - 58
                  Antican Secutor 54 - 58
                  Phorusrhacos 57 - 60
                  (Antican Lanista may sleep you)

                  Uleguerand Range:
                  Glacier Eater 58 - 62
                  Variable Hare 58 - 61
                  Cwn Annwn 59 - 64
                  Esbat 59 - 62
                  Uleguerand Tiger 59 - 62
                  (I recommend avoiding Cwn Annwn if possible)

                  Killing Weapon 60 - 64
                  Ominous Weapon 61 - 63
                  Cursed Puppet 65 - 69
                  Magic Flagon 68 - 70
                  Mythril Golem 69 - 70
                  (Ominous Weapon may sleep you)

                  Attohwa Chasm:
                  Pit Antlion 49 - 51
                  Tulwar Scorpion 58 - 59
                  Lich 62 - 64
                  Mummy 62 - 64
                  Monarch Ogrefly 64 - 65
                  Sand Lizard 65 - 67
                  Corse 66 - 67
                  (Lich may sleep you)

                  Cape Teriggan:
                  Beach Bunny 62 - 65
                  Sand Lizard 62 - 66
                  Robber Crab 64 - 67

                  Valley of Sorrows:
                  Velociraptor 66 - 69
                  Peryton 69 - 72
                  Valley Manticore 72 - 74

                  Bibiki Bay:
                  Tragopan 71 - 73
                  Hobgoblin Martialist 72 - 75
                  Hobgoblin Fascinator 73 - 75
                  Hobgoblin Venerer 73 - 76
                  Tropical Rarab 73 - 76
                  Hobgoblin Alastor 76 - 79
                  Hobgoblin Physician 76 - 78
                  Hobgoblin Toreador 76 - 79
                  Tartarus Eft 76 - 78
                  Hobgoblin Blagger 77 - 79
                  Catoblepas 78 - 80
                  Hobgoblin Angler 80 - 80
                  (I recommend avoiding Teine Sith)
                  (Hobgoblin Fascinator, Hobgoblin Alastor, and Hobgoblin Toreador may sleep you)
                  I keep having to edit this post because I remember to add/state something... ;;

                  Should be safe to copy this now Jei.

                  Edit - I added Beaucedine Glacier and Behemoth's Dominion as well as a warning about mobs with strong AoE attacks.
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by fastcart; 08-16-2005, 07:43 PM.

                  Title: Sergeant Major
                  SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
                  Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
                  Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
                  Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


                  • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                    Uhh... Translation? ^^

                    Title: Sergeant Major
                    SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
                    Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
                    Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
                    Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


                    • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                      lol!! i just watched the vid. That rocks.

                      Mnk get raging fists at 41 but war at 46. SE voodoo is at work again.

                      Double Post Edited:
                      Originally posted by StarvingArtist
                      Character lv31~45, IT that gives 200+ exp to a 6-person party would be +9 levels higher. IT starts at +5 levels higher (140 to party). VT = +4
                      Do you have a more complete list for job levels 46+? I want to make my mobs file as accurate as possible. Thanks.
                      Last edited by fastcart; 08-11-2005, 05:41 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

                      Title: Sergeant Major
                      SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
                      Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
                      Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
                      Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


                      • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                        Originally posted by StarvingArtist

                        I use this site (JP) for monster level reference
                        I followed the link, and got 403 (forbidden) error though...

                        Addentum: The main link,, does work, but not some on the links on that page.
                        Last edited by FortMan; 08-11-2005, 10:42 PM.
                        Feona - Leviathan Server - Bastok 10


                        • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                          The NPC will leave after 20 kills after getting the headgear upgrade dialogue,
                          this is NOT level dependant so you can still have an unleveled(30 or less) NPC that won't leave until 20 kills.
                          But this will reset to 15 again if you've thrown away your pearl!!!
                          And it's so far unknown how to raise it to 20 again!
                          Last edited by Alontier; 08-11-2005, 08:10 PM.
                          Rank: 6 ジョブ: 暗 61, シ 38, 戦 37, 赤 26, 白 25, 黒 20, モ 20, 竜 10, 獣 10, 吟 10, 侍 10, 狩 10, 忍 20, 召 15, ナ 1, 青 10, コ 10, カ10
                          Never argue with a moron. They pull you down to their level and beat you through experience.


                          • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                            Originally posted by Alontier
                            The NPC will leave after 20 kills after getting the headgear upgrade dialogue,
                            this is NOT level dependant so you can still have an unleveled(30 or less) NPC that won't leave until 20 kills.
                            But this will reset to 15 again if you've thrown away your pearl!!!
                            And it's so far unknown how to raise it to 20 again!
                            Ew. This happened to you personally, or are you reporting from hearsay?

                            Thanks StarvingArtist. I did some digging and found english ones at:


                            I'm working on editting the file now.

                            Edit: Editting done.
                            Last edited by fastcart; 08-11-2005, 09:27 PM.

                            Title: Sergeant Major
                            SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
                            Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
                            Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
                            Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


                            • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                              This was odd... my NPC left today after *14* kills... and I thought I had just miscounted ... but then someone else in my LS, who had a parser running, also said theirs left after 14. That seems odd.. anyone else run into that?


                              • Re: How to raise your NPC buddy

                                Originally posted by fastcart
                                Ew. This happened to you personally, or are you reporting from hearsay?
                                I've never thrown away my pearl and my NPC stays for 20 kills (only lvl34)
                                but my friend throws his away now and then and his NPC never stays for more than 15 kills (sometimes even less?).
                                I'm not going to throw away my pearl to test this, specially when I don't know how to get back to 20 again.
                                So I asked around on 2ch and the above was the responses I got.
                                Btw, forgot to add that it's also supposed to stay for 55min instead of 45min
                                after the headgear upgrade.

                                Haven't tested the duration yet tho.
                                Links: 2ch ばなな えふめも
                                Rank: 6 ジョブ: 暗 61, シ 38, 戦 37, 赤 26, 白 25, 黒 20, モ 20, 竜 10, 獣 10, 吟 10, 侍 10, 狩 10, 忍 20, 召 15, ナ 1, 青 10, コ 10, カ10
                                Never argue with a moron. They pull you down to their level and beat you through experience.

