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How to raise your NPC buddy

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  • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

    i wouldn't want to waste a session to call her out just to time her tho >.>

    Double Post Edited:
    interestingly (and worryingly) GMs aren't aware of the dropping pearl trick.

    Wonder if we should be doing it?
    Last edited by Jei; 07-25-2005, 11:02 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

      I doubt that will stop anyone. If the programmers designed it so you could, they have no one to blame but themselves. The massive use of that trick just goes to show how very popular these npcs are and how much people want to use them. SE should feel complimented and see this as a reason to lower the time limit.

      Got lvl 33 and 34 tonight for my npc. Tommorow night, 35 hereI come.
      Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


      • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

        makes me wonder. they gave us NPC to play with but only let us play with them like 15-20 minutes a day. It's just like how you have to wait 40 days to get the mandragora caps, doesn't make any sense : /
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

          [QUOTE=kuu]Great katana has SC-ism... makes it easy. Great for lvl 75melees plvling that open up a 400+ SC closer. My npc likes to use either enpi or goten, which always allows me to close a 400 distortion QUOTE]

          Actually I was thinking regular katana... mithra ninjas are hot XD

          Double Post Edited:
          Originally posted by Sugesuke_Plain
          Ok, got to trading some weapons to Luto. Here are the ones I've been able to get her to take.

          Katana - Wakizashi
          Polearm - Bronze Spear
          Axe - Brass Axe
          Scythe - Brass Zaghnal
          Great Axe - Greataxe
          Great Sword - Two-Handed Sword
          H2H - Brass Knuckles

          I haven't figure out the following:
          Great Katana - Tried Nodachi, Kanesada, and Okanehira
          Sword - Tried Brass Xiphos, and Spatha
          Staff - Tried Holly Staff
          Club - Tried Bronze Rod, and Brass Rod
          Dagger - Tried Brass Dagger

          That's all for now, I'm sure someone will come up with the ones i'm missing soon^^"

          I tried trading a Wakizashi but it didn't work however a Kunai did.
          Last edited by nickofearth; 07-26-2005, 12:28 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


          • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

            hmmm, where is everyone leveling their NPCs? I've done 3 sessions in Eastern Altepa Desert vs Beetles but I am still only level 31, I am wondering if anyone can give a WHM/BLM or WHM/NIN advice on the best ways to exp my NPC faster, thanks in advance ^^


            • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

              I personally have used the bats in BD and recently I've been using spiders in west altepa. NPC will hit 35 tomorrow, not sure if I should stay on those spiders or not though.
              THF 75 / SAM 75 / WAR75 / BLM 57 / RNG 46 / RDM 42 / NIN 41 / MNK 41 / BRD 38 / WHM 38 / 37 PLD / 37 DRG


              • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                Western Altep since I can fight DCs and EPs to get xp also lol (2 birds, 1 pearl >.>)

                BTW...has anyone tried trading two katanas to Luto for their npc? It seems weird having Sahyu having a katana and a shield >.>' If i can't have her dual weild katanas I'll prob go Great Axe.


                • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                  As for the staff you can trade to Luto, it is Ash staff. My level 32 healer NPC happily totes it around, and uses the various weapon skills ;p Funny though, because he looks like a meeleing WHM


                  • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                    Originally posted by nickofearth
                    BTW...has anyone tried trading two katanas to Luto for their npc? It seems weird having Sahyu having a katana and a shield >.>' If i can't have her dual weild katanas I'll prob go Great Axe.
                    Good pointaru... someone please try this ^^


                    • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                      I would myself but I am a poor dragoon... >.>


                      • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                        Yeah I have tried trading two katana's it doesnt work


                        • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                          Originally posted by Jei
                          i wouldn't want to waste a session to call her out just to time her tho >.>

                          Double Post Edited:
                          interestingly (and worryingly) GMs aren't aware of the dropping pearl trick.

                          Wonder if we should be doing it?
                          If you read carefully, the person who made the GM Call made a mistake and talked about getting a new pearl from the quest giver (Luto Mewrilah), not from the Rendezvous Point. I doubt it's an exploit, considering there's already a limit of one extra pearl per day.

                          If it is an exploit, I wouldn't be surprised that some day soon the next time one of us drops a pearl and asks for a new one we'll find the same timer on it as was on the old one.


                          • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                            I think s-e kinda helped us out on purpose on this one. I think they just wanted us to figure this one out on our own but limit us to the 1 extra a day so we didn't abuse it too much.


                            • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                              Question: Since all of you are basin yours off of bein 75s killin too weaks, what about the ones of us that dont have a job high enough to kill Too Weaks which are IT for a 30? What should we do?


                              • Re: How to raise your Pokemon - speculations from 2ch

                                I have my NPC helping me kill EPs with my lv.37 (well, I have a revolving door on lv.36/37) Red Mage, so I know my NPC is gaining more xp per kill than I am. Though I've had some bad luck with her. (Call1: NPC dies to EM Tabar Beak, Call4: I die to DC Ochu.)

