3 quests:
1) talk to Starting Loacation: Upper Jeuno
Starting NPC: Luto MewRilah
NPC Position: G-8
she will ask you to pick a race/gender,
then she will ask you to pick a name (about 8 options, all boring. nothing like "Muffin," just stuff like Drikolo, Magulo, Cosico, etc. mine was galka, maybe taru's have better name options)
talk to any of several NPC's to choose a head style
Red Ghost in Port Jeuno.
Akta in RuLude Gardens.
Mithra in middle of lower jeuno
there's probably 1 npc per head style. when you talk to one, he will say "oh yeah i know that guy [your chosen NPC name]. he's the [race] with the [head style]." e.g. oh yeah i know Magulo. He's the galka with the swept-back hair.
talk to Luto MewRilah to complete quest, reward is silver ingot
2) leave zone and come back, talk to Luto MewRilah, then talk to Bheem at upper jeuno gate
go to eldieme entrance near jugner forest G-8, touch a ??? and kill NM (level 30, ~600hp)
NPC buddy will spawn during fight, if he dies you have to rezone and do it again. after fight talk to him, DON'T LET HIM DIE, he will disappear 5 seconds after you talk to him. then go back to Luto MewRilah.
3) dezone, come back and talk to Luto MewRilah.
go to port sandy, talk to portaure at H-9 in cargo room B
go to ghelsba outpost, Hut Door at G-10 on first map for BC. you can see the Carrion Dragon behind the house before you go in. very easy fight, level 40 cap. i saw BLM go in naked and win easily. dragon has 2000 HP. get it to 50% on your own, and you get a short cutscene, then your NPC buddy will spawn and you have you kill the dragon before buddy dies (very easy). it does petrify, paralyse, etc so /WHM is probably best no matter what job you are.
then talk to Luto MewRilah for your earring and the ability to summon your merc.