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CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

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  • CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

    zone into al'taiu to end 8-3

    mission 8-4 titled Dawn appears in log

    zone into garden of ruhmet, go north to 2nd door. it used to be locked, you can now go through it to elevator.

    go down, enter Empyreal Paradox. go north to emptiness looking area, touch the target thing (forgot name)

    long cutscene where you are in outer space and can see the planet of vana'diel below (!!)

    touch it again to have the option of entering battle

    i went in solo as 75 SMN:
    Prishe NPC on your team
    Selh'teau NPC on your team
    Promethia (enemy)

    everyone waits while you buff. i did a couple spinning dive for 600 and took off a little less than 10%, i would guess he has 8k HP. prishe does melee attacks for pretty good damage, prishe has 2000 HP and will use benediction at 10%.

    there is no exit, selh'teau does nothing (or did nothing when i did it). when prishe dies the battle does not end.

    he hit me for 350 twice and i died. he does a large range AOE that had no effect on me so i'm not sure what that does. we (prishe, leviathan and i) actually got it to 45% then prishe died and he 2-shotted me.

    seemed easy to get him to 45% so i assume he's got multiple forms like Shadow Lord.

    <~~pls improve my reputation if you like this post :D

    Double Post Edited:
    video of the fight uploaded:
    here's a screenshot of the start of the movie

    there's 3 cutscenes for 8-4:

    1) enter al'taiu, prishe says we have to fight, not much to see
    2) a really long good one when you first touch the thingy, you go to outerspace and stuff
    3) very short CS at the beginning of the BC fight

    here's some screenshots from the first (1) cutscene
    and the text of the CS
    Last edited by grunion; 07-19-2005, 04:54 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    63/63 maps obtained

  • #2
    Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

    Gotta get past 8-3 BCNM still ><;
    Jaraude • Midgardsormr • KoolAid Linkshell


    • #3
      Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

      Is Northern Al'Taieu unlocked???


      • #4
        Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

        Wow , Im likin this more and more.

        I hope the next expansion really has a story to compete with this.
        Im shooting a dvd Video of all the Cutscenes in the game for Windurst, Ziraat, and promathia and a few AF quests.

        Im gonna love adding this.
        It's Official Promathia Hates me....
        それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
        A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

        BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


        • #5
          Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

          I still need to do Promyvion soon....

          BTW, on screenshot #6, that symbol looks a lot like the Yevon symbol from FFX....
          Last edited by Cloud Tiamat; 07-19-2005, 03:59 PM.


          • #6
            Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

            Rofl, this BC is a joke, it's waaaay too easy. We got his second form to 4% even though Red Mage DC'd half way through. About to go in for second attempt. Sucks that when they finally make a really fucking cool BC with awesome setting, music and enemy it's this easy.
            【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


            • #7
              Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

              Hehe, final bosses being easy as hell?

              Final Fantasy, (Do you need it?).


              • #8
                Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

                From what was seen in the above video the BC is awesome. I think it's pretty cool that they let you have Prishie and Selh there with you to do whatever they do. Would be neat to have that in other fights.

                Unfortunately my ls and I aren't near those missions yet (still on 2.5 or whichever) good storyline thus far though.


                • #9
                  Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

                  Just beat this bcnm with 5 people. Aesics(blm) Zimaras (blm) Theconquerer (nin) Fawk(smn) Gremlin(blm) very intense bcnm but its not really all that hard... Cutscene after bcnm is great. I wont spoil on what goes on in bcnm or anything but we beat NC record lolz.. Anyways SE says theres a new chapter released.. we just beat the bcnm but no new chapter o_o we went everywhere and have no idea what to do next.


                  • #10
                    Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

                    Speaking of the fight, does anyone have any pics of said bosses 2nd form? I've heard it is supposed to be pretty cool looking. Can't wait to see what all has been opened up with this update.


                    • #11
                      Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

                      Obviously that ain't the end.....

                      FF's HATE YOU SE!!!

                      P.S., what happened to Ou'Hpat Obelisk and Lower Promyvion...I'd assume since this is the end it'd be...well..those 2 would be in-game. They aren't in the translator, but that doesn't mean much. Neither is Celestial Nexus and STeller Fulcrum.

                      Or Maybe SE lied?!!!!! I bet they did..


                      • #12
                        Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

                        i thikn this is 2nd form


                        from here
                        63/63 maps obtained


                        • #13
                          Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

                          Great! Thanks for the links
                          I'm not sure why I hadn't checked over at the order, wasn't sure if they'd have any pics or such up yet.


                          • #14
                            Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

                            omg, there is my new sig... go go earthbound.

                            How do you put .jif's in your sig?


                            • #15
                              Re: CoP 8-4 mission (spoiler)

                              Beat this BC last night. 6 man team, PLD RDM BRD WHM BLM MNK. Easy peasy.

                              *** SPOILER WARNING ***

                              First form is very simple. He does a fair amount of physical damage, but can be easily blinked or straight tanked with no problem.

                              1st form attacks:

                              Comet (spell, not stunnable): ~500-900 damage (depends on if Shell IV is up) single target. Not enough time to run out of range unless you're already on the move, I'd guess.

                              Some sort of AoE Plague attack, very short radius. Does about 250 damage.

                              Some sort of Curse attack, adds about 200-400 damage.

                              AoE Stun/Knockback attack, similar to Behemoth's Thunderbolt, but with the additional knockback effect. Stun duration is fairly long, recommend using Barthundra to counteract it.

                              He also used some sort of weird status attack that had no effect. Not sure what it was supposed to do, if anything.

                              Some sort of AoE that acts as a Dispel against anyone hit. Damage was around 150 or so if I recall. Short radius, easily avoided if you're not tanking or meleeing.

                              2nd form attacks:

                              All of the above attacks, plus:

                              Meteor. Similar in to King Behemoth's spell attack. Not stunnable. Damage is around 600 AoE, large radius. Does not seem to increase damage with fewer targets.

                              Quiescence. Nasty. Huge area effect Silence. CANNOT BE REMOVED. Echo drops will not work, and neither will Silena. Barsilence may or may not work, we did this fight twice to get people through, and it seemed to reduce duration slightly, but only slightly. Recommend kiting him for the duration of this status attack, as your mages will not be able to cure you.

                              Some sort of AoE status attack that nullifies ALL JOB ABILITIES (you cannot use any /ja while affected). Similar huge range as Quiescence above. Cannot be Erased or otherwise removed. Be warned that your tank will not be able to Provoke during this effect, so watch your aggro levels.


                              Prishe will cast the following spells:

                              Banishga III
                              Cure 5 on both herself AS WELL AS your party if you have severely damaged members.

                              She is WHM/MNK and can use both Benediction and Hundred Fists. We saw her activate Benediction against the first form, and again on the second form, as well as Hundred Fists (all in the same fight).

                              Selhteus has only one attack, some sort of light spear attack that does tons of damage, but is very very slow.

                              He also has a 2hr ability called Redemption. It affects your party as well if you are in range, and restores all HP, MP, AND gives you 300% TP, so if you see him getting low on life, try to get close to him so you can get boosted when he uses this!

                              Good luck to those who have not attempted this yet. This is definitely one of the most fun fights in the entire game!


