Re: July 18th Patch Notes
You're speaking about your own server. On our server, it's pretty bad. I mean ... really, nothing but gil sellers at almost any doable NM camp that drops anything remotely valuable now ...
What removing them did was keep THFs from monopolizing the coffers, since other jobs needed their AF, it was VERY difficult to obtain the AF. Your complaint is pretty lame since that was the REAL reason why SE removed the ring from coffer in Oz (not because they cared about how expensive or cheap it was)
Originally posted by Niwaar
The next question is, what does this do to Sniper's? Sure there are no more gilsellers in ordelle's, but this in turn is going to send the price of a single sniper's ring through the roof. Just look what removing astral from oztroja did to it (300k-1000k) in an extremely short interval.