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July 18th Patch Notes

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  • #16
    Re: July 18th Patch Notes

    some of it might be good...iu dont know about this RNG thing. Now I cant get kill ups from my daggers or axe in exp pt -.-
    In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
    And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
    Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
    Yeah, It’s true.
    It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

    [I love you, Rebecca :D!]


    • #17
      Re: July 18th Patch Notes

      Before the update, a monster that was claimed by a party or alliance would occasionally go unclaimed when magic or a weapon skill was used on the monster as the monster moved out of range before the magic or weapon skill could strike.
      Hmm, anyone noticed they didn't say they fixed it (like the prior one) lol.

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #18
        Re: July 18th Patch Notes

        You don't need to buy them now, you can get them from lizzy without competing with gilsellers. Spend the money on some HQ Dex rings instead.


        • #19
          Re: July 18th Patch Notes

          Hm, just realized... my friends are borrowing Leaping Boots and Emperor Hairpin, does this mean they'll turn rare/ex or ex...? Ugh, lol
          Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


          • #20
            Re: July 18th Patch Notes

            I doubt they'll change what's already out there... just future drops.

            Thanks Yyg!


            • #21
              Re: July 18th Patch Notes

              Originally posted by Tipsy
              some of it might be good...iu dont know about this RNG thing. Now I cant get kill ups from my daggers or axe in exp pt -.-
              That's why there are skill up PTs to join.

              I've recently leveled up Rng as my latest job and I'm actually really excited as to what this patch will do to this job. I never really understood the current role of Rngs running up right next to a mob and trying to shoot it at point-blank range. What draws me to the job is to be able to shoot from "range". I never really cared about the extra tp gained from melee hits from axe/dagger either.

              The only problem I see from this patch is how it will effect RNG soloability. The minute you attack something, it will run up right next to you. Shadowbind has a long timer and the minute you attack the bound mob, it starts chasing you down again. Since patch note states distance varies with each bow, I'm hoping there actually is a bow where max dmg is at point-blank range.
              75 Bst / 75 Whm / 75 Brd / 75 RNG/ 70 Mnk


              • #22
                Re: July 18th Patch Notes

                Originally posted by neighbortaru
                Before the update, a monster that was claimed by a party or alliance would occasionally go unclaimed when magic or a weapon skill was used on the monster as the monster moved out of range before the magic or weapon skill could strike.

                Hmm, anyone noticed they didn't say they fixed it (like the prior one) lol.
                yes very stupid


                • #23
                  Re: July 18th Patch Notes

                  "The way that the following items are acquired has been changed:
                  Archer Ring, Leaping Boots, Emperor Hairpin, Peacock Charm
                  In addition, players may receive an EX/Rare or EX item with the same attributes from the monsters who previously dropped each of the above items."

                  so you may get the real things you may not. so now season campers are basically going to pick up an move to another NM. another thing is look for the price of the emp pin an the leapin boots, an sniper rings to go tru the roof. stupid alternative

                  Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                  • #24
                    Re: July 18th Patch Notes

                    Major major changes. I like. :D

                    New CoP Mission: Expected, and welcome.

                    Fellowship Quest: Should be interesting to see how this impacts things like 3-man BCNM and 3-man ENM, if they're even allowable there ( I suspect not, but who knows ).

                    New NPC that trades for items from Lumoria: Yes, please. I hate having all these EX items lying around with nothing to do with them but save up for an item that costs 10-15 specific types... oy. Hopefully these items will be more useful than the current ones.

                    XP chains in level capped zones: Yes, please!!!

                    Monster location changes:

                    Bibiki, Uleguerand, Attohwa: These zones are already being used as XP grounds, and it's nice to see this role possibly expanding.

                    Newton: No one XP's here. It's too dangerous. Will be interesting to see what they've done (maybe cleaned up the huge hordes of Moblins that roam the zone? Or perhaps more safe spots.

                    Promyvions: Hopefully there will be more safe spots and less headaches moving around in these zones. It's FAR too annoying to move around in Promyvion, especially if you're doing ENM (other than the ridiculously simple to reach Spire of Vahzl)

                    Lufaise: Thank you S-E! With the nerf (hopefully) to some of the attacks here, this may become a viable XP zone at level 75.

                    Phomiuna/Sacrarium: I cannot imagine XPing in either of these zones. Kill too many Fomors and your fomor aggro level becomes so high that they become true sight, making it impossible to navigate either zone without spending a very long time killing beastmen in Lufaise to bring it back down.

                    Riverne A01/B01: Similar zones in all but name and level caps. Right now, neither one is particularly attractive for XP even with the chain limits lifted, but monster placement isn't very good in these zones either. Hopefully this will change.

                    The Garden of Ru'Hmet: Oh my god, yes! I've been itching to XP on the Very Tough/Incredibly Tough enemies here, but haven't had any success convincing people to come try. Perhaps now they will.

                    Ro'Maeve: Already being used as XP behind the moongates, but I'm betting the change here is to the handful of small rooms that contain pots in the lower part of the zone, which would add more safe camp spots. I have a suspicion that one of the new NMs may show up in this zone, as it is one of the very few zones in the game that has absolutely no NMs to speak of at the moment (aside from Lumorian zones, which I think everyone expects will see new NMs).

                    Boyahda Tree: There are huge stretches of this zone that are a no-man's land for anyone who isn't a BST. This might be a nice change, but this zone is heavily XP'd already as-is. My bet is that this is a change to NM spawn locations like Aquarius.

                    Den of Rancor: Only things people XP on here are Tormentors, and I can't quite see people trying to XP on anything else since Tonberries are in all other parts of this zone. I'm guessing this is a change to the placement of NMs like Friar Tuck.

                    Shrine of Ru'Avitau: Again, another heavily XP'd zone. It might be nice to have more viable camps here, but there's only so many monsters to go around. Perhaps they're changing the way trigger NMs spawn instead? *confused*

                    Kuftal Tunnel: Almost this entire zone is XPable as is, aside from the areas with sabotenders. Not sure what S-E hopes to accomplish here, unless this is just a change to NM spawns.

                    RNG nerf: Yadda yadda, been discussed to death. Wait and see.

                    NIN nerf: Yadda yadda yadda, also been discussed to death. Wait and see here as well.

                    Weather affecting Magic Aggro: oO You mean it did before? That's news to me, and I'm sure it comes as a surprise to everyone else too.

                    Monster WS adjustments in CoP: Thank you. Please make Biotic Boomerang hurt less, please.

                    Double KO nerf to Magic and Ranged: Wow. Simply WOW. Goodbye Zerg LS. Thank you S-E! ES Sleep II after getting owned by Fafnir might just be a thing of the past.

                    No more unclaim after missed WS/BP: About damn time. Maybe King Behemoth will be less drama-filled now. /doubt. At the very least it should make CoP Wyrm battles less vulnerable, which is a good thing as long as they deliver on this promise.

                    Stackable ninja tools: Big winners here are XP parties with ninjas who can now carry all their necessary tools, as well as crafters.

                    Guild prices change: This could end up having a drastic impact on such things as Sushi. Keep your eye on prices on crafted goods, ESPECIALLY food, which is heavily dependent on NPC vendors.

                    Item changes: Almost all the items mentioned are Enchanted. This scares me. Tavnazian Ring has, to date, been the best item given by CoP missions. Hopefully this doesn't turn it into the useless hunk of junk that the Ducal Guard's Ring is (wishful thinking, but perhaps the ducal guard's ring will work the same way? THAT would be nice.). And LOL at cursed soup/beverage.

                    Archer Ring/Leaping Boots/Emporer Hairpin/Peacock Charm: Long, long, LONG overdue. Goodbye gilsellers in Ordelles. Maybe now people can finish the Cunning Earring quest without pulling out their hair in frustration.

                    Region info from all zones: Why on earth was this ever implemented in the first place? Another change long overdue.

                    All in all, a fantastic list of changes. I'm looking forward to seeing all of them in action.



                    • #25
                      Re: July 18th Patch Notes

                      ok when i log on and my emp-pin and l-boots are ex/rare im gonna shoot myself!
                      it is a good idea but when all the items get changed to ex/rare that would be the worst thing ever

                      CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
                      Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.


                      • #26
                        Re: July 18th Patch Notes

                        This means that there will be alot more people camping Lizzy and the others now...

                        Double Post Edited:
                        And YOUR ITEMS WON'T TURN EX/RARE. Only the items dropped henceforth will be ex/rare, and I believe that there will be still some non-ex drops from those nms.
                        Last edited by Agnastar; 07-18-2005, 08:45 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                        • #27
                          Re: July 18th Patch Notes

                          Originally posted by Icemage
                          Den of Rancor: Only things people XP on here are Tormentors, and I can't quite see people trying to XP on anything else since Tonberries are in all other parts of this zone. I'm guessing this is a change to the placement of NMs like Friar Tuck.
                          You can exp on bullbegger Opo-opo and den scorpions too after dropping down the hole. There are 2 safe camp spots with plenty of opos and scorpions to pull. Only problem is opos and scorpions tend to run out too fast as well if both PTs kill really fast. It's quite a good and unknown leveling spot for lv. 70-72.
                          75 Bst / 75 Whm / 75 Brd / 75 RNG/ 70 Mnk


                          • #28
                            Re: July 18th Patch Notes

                            POL update is up.

                            Title: Sergeant Major
                            SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
                            Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
                            Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
                            Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


                            • #29
                              Re: July 18th Patch Notes

                              Originally posted by Agnastar
                              This means that there will be alot more people camping Lizzy and the others now...
                              Yes, but all the people who would be camping Lizzy and others will be 1-time people. They'll come till they get the EX/RARE Drop and never return. This way everyone can sort of have a "respect" for eachother because people would be camping because they NEED the Item, not becuase they WANT money.

                              Probably a Camp of 10 people 1 day, will be completely different people the next day.
                              | SMN 75 | BRD 75 | WHM 37 | RDM 37 | BLM 37 | THF 37
                              Zenith Armor: 5/5 (Complete)
                              Bard AF2 Armor: 3/5
                              Summoner AF2 Armor: 5/5 (Complete)


                              • #30
                                Re: July 18th Patch Notes

                                Great great updates ^^ looking forward to this.

                                >>> Not sure where u guys are getting this... but they 'did not' say that your emp hairpin, archers etc ect will turn 'rare/ex' or 'ex'.... they just said that the 'original monsters' that dropped these items... will no longer drop them, instead they will drop new items that 'are rare/ex or ex'.

                                >>> Absolutely more people will camp these ^^ If you've been waiting for over a year to get one of these, of course u'd want to try and get a rare/ex or ex version of these gears. I am personally in no hurry to get them, so I will wait until the first wave of campers have gotten their equipment and then take a crack at these ^^ if you have no 'urgent' need of the item, an alternative would be to wait to get these new replacement items... or explore and find out how you can get the original items via the new method! Hey, maybe you'll be the first on your server to get them via the new 'method' SE mentioned ^^
                                TaruPrime Powah!
                                Chocobo Raising Diary:

