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Gil seller solution?

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  • Gil seller solution?

    Just a thought, but couldnt SE make items dropped by nm's unsellable? In Everquest alot of real nice items were called 'no drops' and could not be sold or traded. Only people who really wanted or needed the items spent the time to go in search for the items and camped the mobs that dropped them. Just a thought.
    To die by the sword...hurts like hell!

  • #2
    Re: Gil seller solution?

    Best wow style, like souldbounds items. or make all best items in game ex or rare-ex
    白75 | 黒64 | シフ25
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    • #3
      Re: Gil seller solution?

      While it might work, sellers want to find *some* way to make money. Meanwhile we'd be stuck with inventories full of items we can't mule or resell to make space. The NM camping situation could actually be worse because no longer could you have one player buy something, use it, and sell it to another player when they're done...if they want an item, both have to go camp the NM.
      Really it'd be great to have more nice EX drops from NMs (especially if they were 100% drops), but having nice stuff you can buy does have merits too.

      FFXI Blog


      • #4
        Re: Gil seller solution?

        Nevermind - I just read the server updates - go figure
        To die by the sword...hurts like hell!


        • #5
          Re: Gil seller solution?

          only prob i see is this

          Gilseller Defeats Leaping Lizzie
          <inventry 30/30>
          Gilseller> /sh Leeping Boot's [Do you need It] 500,000gil /t Gilseller, [Invite to Join Party] 1Min to Go!



          • #6
            Re: Gil seller solution?

            I'm actually stoked about the rare/ex deal. all you nay-sayers out there saying you'll be unable to sell those items are usually the same ones complaining incessantly about the outrageous prices of said items due to gil seller camping. just goes to show everyone will always find something to complain about. I, for one, am excited, I'll finally be able to acquire those ridiculously expensive items. Those of us who actually need them for our characters wont be pushed aside by the high lvl farmers monopolizing the drops to make gil.


            Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


            • #7
              Re: Gil seller solution?

              dont get me wrong, this is great, but desperate ppl will do desperate things


              • #8
                Re: Gil seller solution?

                Yeah. This isn't an end all be all solution by any means but it'll help some. Besides, I like rare/ex stuff much more than other things :D So good job SE, way to actually do somthing.


                • #9
                  Re: Gil seller solution?

                  The way that the following items are acquired has been changed:
                  Archer Ring, Leaping Boots, Emperor Hairpin, Peacock Charm
                  In addition, players may receive an EX/Rare or EX item with the same attributes from the monsters who previously dropped each of the above items.

                  Wow SE is making some new item thats rare ex and the old ones now obtained a different way. Those were 4 of the worst gilseller camped items in the game too. At least they doing something about it.


                  • #10
                    Re: Gil seller solution?

                    Originally posted by vadrek
                    Best wow style, like souldbounds items. or make all best items in game ex or rare-ex
                    In WOW, your character is the job, literally. Once you've created a character, you're pretty much stuck with the job.

                    In this game, however, one character can be so many different jobs (not at once, obviously) This leads to the problem of having to *not* be able to mule around rare/ex stuff as you're leveling different jobs, or forced to constantly switch between them (i.e., one day exp'ing on main, 3 hours later your LS requests for your other job for CoP stuff and still before you head to bed, you got an itch to level another job)

                    I say, SE needs to expand MH space, but not necessarily inventory space. Additional questing but w/o the items for the quests (since people are being such greed-nuts that they are overcharging for them) or at least with questable items (rare/ex or ex) This should help relieve issues with future changes to the NM dropped items.
                    My Stats


                    • #11
                      Re: Gil seller solution?

                      here's a soulution - let Gil Sellers do what they do and if SE cared enough, they will ban them from the game. Basicly, let them get in trouble for themselves.

