Okay, I'm really mad right now.
I'm on Midgard server, and we all know the economy is beyond screwed up because of the gil sellers. Everyone knows it, almost everyone gripes about it, and the GMs do absolutely frigging nothing about it.
We all had theories on why that is, basically because IGE pays SE off. Okay, nobody could prove it but then why wouldn't they ban the gil sellers for killing players and camping sites 24/7 without end?
Well here's another little fucking gem for you all: http://www.ffxi.com
Where does it lead? To IGE, of course.
Now, I may be blonde, but I know the law, and I know internet law. Correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't that a trademarked name? Doesn't SE own that name?
Maybe I'm wrong, but if I ran a BUSINESS selling ANYTHING on a site named FF7.com relating in ANY way to Final Fantasy, does ANYONE here think that my ass wouldn't be slammed in jail and my site suspended so fast by a corporate lawyer and a really hard ass judge? No excuses about IGE being Chinese, btw - the site is registered in CALIFORNIA.
I don't know about you, but I know of dozens of cases where corporations got their name back from trademarked products which other people were using to sell stuff - let alone stuff online which breaks their trademark rule and is against the company itself.
Has ANYONE here heard of a case brought by SE against IGE for copyright infringement of that name? Anyone?
No, didn't fucking think so.
What the fuck? Is this not the final insult? When are they just going to own up and admit they are part of it? This isn't some grand conspiracy theory either. Is there a single corporation out there that doesn't jealously guard their name? Is there a single corp out there which won't sue over somebody using their name for illicit business practices?
What the fuck? Hey, [GM]ImLyingToYourFuckingFace - how the FUCK are you going to answer that one? Have you guys sent a team of lawyers over to IGE's office in California yet? Show me the fucking papers.
I'm on Midgard server, and we all know the economy is beyond screwed up because of the gil sellers. Everyone knows it, almost everyone gripes about it, and the GMs do absolutely frigging nothing about it.
We all had theories on why that is, basically because IGE pays SE off. Okay, nobody could prove it but then why wouldn't they ban the gil sellers for killing players and camping sites 24/7 without end?
Well here's another little fucking gem for you all: http://www.ffxi.com
Where does it lead? To IGE, of course.
Now, I may be blonde, but I know the law, and I know internet law. Correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't that a trademarked name? Doesn't SE own that name?
Maybe I'm wrong, but if I ran a BUSINESS selling ANYTHING on a site named FF7.com relating in ANY way to Final Fantasy, does ANYONE here think that my ass wouldn't be slammed in jail and my site suspended so fast by a corporate lawyer and a really hard ass judge? No excuses about IGE being Chinese, btw - the site is registered in CALIFORNIA.
I don't know about you, but I know of dozens of cases where corporations got their name back from trademarked products which other people were using to sell stuff - let alone stuff online which breaks their trademark rule and is against the company itself.
Has ANYONE here heard of a case brought by SE against IGE for copyright infringement of that name? Anyone?
No, didn't fucking think so.
What the fuck? Is this not the final insult? When are they just going to own up and admit they are part of it? This isn't some grand conspiracy theory either. Is there a single corporation out there that doesn't jealously guard their name? Is there a single corp out there which won't sue over somebody using their name for illicit business practices?
What the fuck? Hey, [GM]ImLyingToYourFuckingFace - how the FUCK are you going to answer that one? Have you guys sent a team of lawyers over to IGE's office in California yet? Show me the fucking papers.