Re: is using the windower cheating?
There's speed hacks, like the one's that make use of messing with your computer clock timers, and then there's hacks that change certain parameters of the game(code or memory). They both are generally going for the same thing, faster movement, but they're not done in the exact same way.
I have not read anything about a QoS at all, so I cannot comment on it. But what I can say is this: A contract can be written to give one party more power than the other. Just like a social contract (if you've studied sociology or government theories, you'll know what this is). In a social contract, the ruled give up rights and privilages for protection and order from the government. In the same sense, a contract can be written to give one party power over the other. In fact, I just signed a contract for an apartment, and it gives the owner(the company that owns the apartment I'm renting) a lot more rights than me. I'm only entitled to what the contract allows me to do. For example, my contract states that I can't have a dog. So if I would get a dog and have it live with me, I would be breaking with my contract. And according to the contract, even if I break a rule in it and get evicted, I still owe the owner all the rent for the entire length of the contract. That's how it was written. If I took them to court over the continued payments, my case would be tossed out. I signed the contract, and so I'm bound by it's terms. Similar to with the windower, except I don't know all the exact wording of the ToS. But I'm fairly sure that there's a similarity that can be drawn between the two.
Sure, players have laws frotecting them from being harrassed by player, but so do companies. Companies are protected from being harassed by customers. How do I know? One of the places I worked at had an a court ruling forbidding a certain customer from ever coming to the store again. Of course, a store can also be sued for say, racial descrimination.
The idea of ownership is that the owner has control over what they own. If SE is not allowed to as they please in their own server, then do they really own it? If they don't, and anybody can do what they please on the sever, then the same can be said for anything anyone claims to own. One person would be allowed to go up to another person's house and do what they want to it, because the owner really doesn't own it.
Originally posted by kuu
Originally posted by kuu
Sure, players have laws frotecting them from being harrassed by player, but so do companies. Companies are protected from being harassed by customers. How do I know? One of the places I worked at had an a court ruling forbidding a certain customer from ever coming to the store again. Of course, a store can also be sued for say, racial descrimination.
The idea of ownership is that the owner has control over what they own. If SE is not allowed to as they please in their own server, then do they really own it? If they don't, and anybody can do what they please on the sever, then the same can be said for anything anyone claims to own. One person would be allowed to go up to another person's house and do what they want to it, because the owner really doesn't own it.