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Emergency update

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  • #31
    Re: Emergency update

    Yeah someone in my party last night was using these things running up walls in Bibiki Bay.
    SAM 74


    • #32
      Re: Emergency update

      How are these cheats technically achievable? I guess there are no checks at the server end for foulplay like this, but I imagine they'll implement something soon.
      RDM70 | BLM37 | WHM18 | BST12


      • #33
        Re: Emergency update

        Playing without the windower is killer... (@_@
        RDM75| DRG75


        • #34
          Re: Emergency update

          I guess the limitaions about where you are allowed to run to is processed on client side. So if that cheat can bypass those checks then it can allow you to go everywhere.
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #35
            Re: Emergency update

            It's so sad how we all do things to entertain ourselves when LFG yet the game is supposed to entertain us....Square's cheating away our money! But I don't care =/ lol


            • #36
              Re: Emergency update

              Originally posted by Jei
              I guess the limitaions about where you are allowed to run to is processed on client side. So if that cheat can bypass those checks then it can allow you to go everywhere.
              AFAIK, it's not just the client side that handles this, though. Warping and clipping rules were only allowed on test servers previously. It's possible faster running can be achieved through playing with data packets, but has there been some new security hole introduced by accident perhaps.
              RDM70 | BLM37 | WHM18 | BST12


              • #37
                Re: Emergency update

                The patch did nothing lol...
                【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


                • #38
                  Re: Emergency update

                  It screwed up the windower for a good few hours ^^

                  Thanks to Bila for the signature


                  • #39
                    Re: Emergency update

                    Guess S-E wasn't ready for so many needed patches. There is going to be a large round of updates.

                    Let's just hope that they don't do a roll back(which S-E has never really done).

                    Besides the fact, that these hacks = easy banning. Feel sorry for the GMs working overtime though.

                    The most problematic is BCNMs where there is no one to report you if you cheat.

                    I can see 2 things happening, Ranpant cheating, and S-E forces to shut server down before it crashes our economy, and fix it decisively.

                    Or GMs go ban crazy till everyone steps lightly till the fixes come in.


                    • #40
                      Re: Emergency update

                      Originally posted by StarvingArtist
                      I'm not sure how dependant if at all these programs are on the Windower.
                      The only dependence they had on Windower was so that you could run them; they didn't specifically need a windower if someone set up some sort of script to run them either outside or inside FFXI. The hacks (6 programs, only 4 of which I'd say were hacks though) either ran in a command prompt like window or in an actually programmed frame with buttons and everything, and so to use the buttons, windower is required so that FFXI doesn't lose focus and get that error.

                      If this patch didn't fix the hacks themselves, that's a shame. I'm not really worried about the plain teleport one as much as I'm more worried about Mr. Argus becoming (well) known on how to use it.


                      • #41
                        Re: Emergency update

                        Sadly from the sound of it, I would guess that update was an attempt to temporarily stop the windower. I bet they were hoping for it to last for at least a week or two till the actual update came out which hopefully had a more definate solution.

                        As for the walking on walls and teleporting I would guess it's due to the client. Were a character position is at does appear to be dependant on the client, if it was server side then were everyone could go would be consistent. I know that isn't true by the fact that the PS2 it is basically impossible to get onto the side railing of an airship or things along that line.

                        That already proves were players are located is determined by the clients. So I could see that player themselves controlling their own character and doing stuff like that, but what I find intresting unless I missunderstood is that a player to could send another that isn't their character to another location?

                        If that is the case then apparently SE was trying to hide the fact that player location isn't determined server side by having the clients agree on each player's location? o.O

                        Though if that was true also then that was a bit shotty programming for other client confirmation of were a player is going. Not to mention the latency it would cause, only other thing I could think if they are controlling other PCs that are not theirs is maybe the server side is a little too trusting of the data coming in?
                        Last edited by Macht; 07-06-2005, 09:23 AM.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • #42
                          Re: Emergency update

                          Macht, if it were to stop the windower, they could certainly think up something better than just keep FFXI on top of everything, hence having no effect on running outside programs (all you need to do is run XI in a lower resolution than your windows). It's slightly annoying, yes, but you can still do everything you could before.

                          I think we can all agree on this patch being a failure though.
                          Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
                          Zilart, CoP completed
                          Vrtra downed.

                          San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
                          FFXI journal


                          • #43
                            Re: Emergency update

                            The point of this patch was to specifically stop the windower. Why single out the windower? It's because the hacks that are currently "doing the rounds" rely on being activated on-the-fly and Square are powerless to stop them. Certain things they coded into the game can be manipulated client side so it's just a matter of not being caught using them.
                            【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


                            • #44
                              Re: Emergency update

                              Except, you know, the patch doesn't stop the windower. Even without the windower fixes released post-patch, it doesn't stop it.
                              Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
                              Zilart, CoP completed
                              Vrtra downed.

                              San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
                              FFXI journal


                              • #45
                                Re: Emergency update

                                Or more likely, they don't know how to fix it, or rather in the time span required.

                                You would have to do some major updates and make sure nothing breaks to fix this. S-E was faced with closing server down, or do damage control.

                                The july update should most likely fix the Mr.Argus as it's basically a memory reader for mob IDs, and it's probably very sensitive like ffact is sensitive to updates. And since the creator reportedly quit, it won't be updated, and goes back into hacker underground.

                                Until then I expect GMs to be on high alert and Jump on any nOOb that blindly uses it without thinking.

                                "Lookie what I can do!" [BANNED]

