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OMFG! SE is nerfing NIN and RNG!!!

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  • #46
    This change to Utsusemi begs the following question...

    If hitting a shadow causes loss in enmity, does it also allow the mob to build TP?
    FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
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    • #47
      It probably won't. And on about losing enmity on shadow, it will probbaly going to be a set amount of enmity losing for each shadow.


      • #48
        BENWALLACE I love ya man.. please don't leave our community.... ever. /laugh

        In other news.. I'm wondering if people are going to abandon NIN as quickly as they did DRG when they supposedly "gimped" DRG and all other multi hit WS Jobs
        (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ====【†】 BIBLE FIGHT !


        • #49
          Re: OMFG! SE is nerfing NIN and RNG!!!

          Originally posted by Asharu
          From Playonline:


          *Changes to Ranged Attacks
          Soon, the distance of the monster from the player will determine the damage and accuracy of ranged attacks. This determination will vary from weapon to weapon, as will the ideal distance for maximum damage. In addition, the higher the monster's level is with regard to the player, the less damage will be dealt with a ranged attack. This system is similar to that of melee attacks, but the difference in damage will not be as great...
          You guys seem to forget, this fact above is a nerf to rangers. No more dealing high damage to sky gods or any monsters with a high level. Only SMN and BLM will be able to deal damage consistently.
          The most depressing FFXI moment ever...


          • #50
            Originally posted by little ninja
            honestly i think it was great for the FFXI community to have the ninjas step up to the plate, an fill in the role of tank. im sorry ZQM but you are the only war i have ever heard who refers to his class as a tanking class. i have taken war, an drk to 60, with nin to 74, an i have not once heard a war want to be a tank, they always express "im more a DD".

            lets imagine this game without the ninja tank, honestly most warriors would never want to be a pure tank. so now everyone in the game is waiting on "1" job class to tank. so how many of you DD would actually be 75, or closing in on it? 4 pld on my server at this time, an 100+ DD. wether your PRO ninja or your not. having a ninja tank is a good thing.

            NERF? i think not, all S.E is doing is making the ninja community even stronger better class. all rememver the utes nerf. the one where AOE would go thru shadows or strip them. this did nothing but make us trully masters of the blink.
            Hehe its funny
            When I play Riesa my War/mnk I always ask to be Tank/DD/Puller.

            I wont level nin for her because to me MonkSJ gives more bonuses than /NIN.
            I have all up to date equipment, Eat tavnazian Salad for HP bump. I use pear or pamama aulaits that I make on site for Hp regen. And can generally hold hate Very well.
            Since I do the pulling I use arrows to attack a Mons, Let a DD at camp voke off me then get in position to voke off the dd. I use all the monks SJ powers to help hold the hate and then act as a DD.

            When the monster is at 5-10% health I go get another and let the other 2 DD or DD and mages finish it off.

            I normally team with JP since I play on that time. But when I team with NA I leave an impression of the way a Good player should be.

            SO yes I love to tank as war. ^^

            Originally posted by Asharu
            You guys seem to forget, this fact above is a nerf to rangers. No more dealing high damage to sky gods or any monsters with a high level. Only SMN and BLM will be able to deal damage consistently.
            Not True every DD and attack mage deals damage to a mons, Only In this community(NA sorry) do i see this debate so much, I visit many JP ffxi forums and just dont see it, except on HNM sites.

            EACH DD job deals damage but some people only want to see High Numbers , Rangerswill be able to hit consistently. and Do damage consistently. what do you mean by the above post?
            It's Official Promathia Hates me....
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            • #51
              Re: Re: OMFG! SE is nerfing NIN and RNG!!!

              Originally posted by Asharu
              You guys seem to forget, this fact above is a nerf to rangers. No more dealing high damage to sky gods or any monsters with a high level. Only SMN and BLM will be able to deal damage consistently.
              The only thing I see this affecting really is Kirin and KB (And to a few weaker mobs like Faust). The other Kings and Gods, -good- melees do consistant damage (Albeit less, I'm not trying to say that it's >= RNG, SMN, or BLM. However, it's not weak. I have outdamaged my share of RNG and BLM on Gods as WAR/THF. Yes, they will win most of the time, but it's not OMGWTFBBQ much), and for CoP wyrms it's basically always been like this.


              • #52
                Of course RNGs will still be able to deal damage. They just won't be dealing damage as much as they used to be. One of the reasons why RNGs in EXP parties garner so much hate is because they are always dealing so much damage than other jobs in the parties. The change will probably fix this by the fact that RNGs will be doing less damage on higher leveled mobs (just as the same way a melee job would deal damage).

                Whether this change effects Sidewinders and Slug Shots on higher leveled mobs is remained to be seen. If it does, you guys are looking at a major nerf.
                The most depressing FFXI moment ever...


                • #53
                  Also, RNG/NIN is very common. If a RNG still manages to pull hate on the new system, then theyll LOSE ENEMITY as their shadows are absorbed, allowing them to shoot more. In a way, the Utsusemi nerf helps RNG slightly.

                  Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
                  RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).


                  • #54
                    well to me the whole idea is to make ranger on the same level as other DD. Consider this, all other melees deal almost no damage to gods and very low damage on high level mobs. Rangers are at their cheating advantage when only them can deal almost full damage in these cases. This change should at least gives other DD to stand up against rangers. Nerf to rangers yes but it won't make rangers a bad job.
                    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                    - Pablo Picasso


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Jei
                      Consider this, all other melees deal almost no damage to gods and very low damage on high level mobs.
                      Again, -good- melees will be doing good damage against mobs. The only advantage RNG has is on Kited mobs (Which becomes difficult to melee aswell as having to wait for the mob to stop to be able to WS) or mobs with dangerous AOEs (I.E. Faust, in which case you're just a mana-drain).

                      Sure, a DRK doing SATA+Spiral Hell in things like a Optical Hat is going to do shit for damage, but that's the players fault. Spiral Hell can do 1500+ damage with 300% TP and good WS equipment, add in Sushi, good accuracy gear, and a Martial Scythe, and that DRK can get to 200% TP again rather quickly do do another "300% TP" Spiral Hell. Same thing for WARs and SAMs (Though SAMs power relies in spamming 100% TP WS, not waiting for "300% TP"). The only melees that can bitch about not doing good damage endgame are THF and DRG (Well, we have no DRG in our LS, but I've never not seen a 75 DRG bitch about his damage). SE should buff those jobs up, not nerf everybody else.

                      And again, I'm not saying that melees are better then a RNG, but people blow a RNGs damage out of proportion. If your melees aren't gimped, they prove their worth.

                      I'm not a RNG, I found the RNG class boring, I hate the RNG class and how people think it's the best thing since toliet paper, yet I think nerfing RNG was completely unnessacary. SE just catered into all the gimp melees who won't put the time into getting good gear. SE has added a lot of boosts to melees like Sushi and Martial Weapons, but people are too busy crying about RNG to realize it.


                      • #56
                        Re: Re: OMFG! SE is nerfing NIN and RNG!!!

                        Originally posted by Asharu
                        You guys seem to forget, this fact above is a nerf to rangers. No more dealing high damage to sky gods or any monsters with a high level. Only SMN and BLM will be able to deal damage consistently.
                        Just means people might have to come up with an actual strategy not just "throw as many rngs @ it as we can"


                        • #57
                          Well, if ranger has to get closer to attack, they can't avoid AoE attacks. Also if damage drops as mobs are higher in level, war sub might be a requirement, lowering def further.

                          The biggest cheeze factor of ranger is that they deal a lot of damage and take little to none. The only other job that makes good use of nin sub is war, all others loose too much damage subbing nin.

                          In comparison to blm, rangers never need to rest, have few resistances--outright or random, and have better def with nin sub. With the new changes it should put ranger more in line with a blm as a heavy DD. Either play it safe at long range w/ nin sub and deal substantialy less damage, or get up close for more damage and risk being hit by AoE attacks and others.

                          It is a very tactical choice, depending on the difficulty of the fight, and the abilities of your PT/alliance. Rangers are currently more usefull DDs for many levels than an equivalent melee. That strikes me as unusually off balance, when even a basic ranged attack is better than the majority of other DD.

                          Nins and rangers have a stranglehold on my server right now. Many people in my LS choose these jobs too, not because they are sterotypical NA HNM junkies, but because these job are clearly more efficient in more fights, than other similar jobs.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Yarr
                            pff thats not a nerf.

                            You bunch of cry babies. Personally I think SE needs to make it so PLD can tank more. I hate having to watch PLDs kite.

                            About Rng damage change, remember that Rng is paying for the ability to hit harder than other DD. Drk can sell his scythe after he is done with it. RNG cannot get back money spent on arrows...

                            I'd br pretty pissed @ this new update if I was a rng or one of those cheap ass non elemental NIN's

                            Originally posted by SevIfrit
                            we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


                            • #59
                              Just means people might have to come up with an actual strategy not just "throw as many rngs @ it as we can"
                              The phrase I always heard was "Lets throw as many RNGs, SMNs, and BLMs at it as we can possibly muster."

                              Not much improvement with this update, now its:

                              "Lets throw as many SMNs and BLMs at it as we can possibly muster." /hurray though. SE did something half-right for once, which is 49.5% better than their average if you know what I mean .

                              Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
                              RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Russta
                                I'm really not worried about this "Ninja nerf" because I have enough faith in my abilities to know it will make no difference to how well I keep hate in normal situations. Ninja is rediculously overpowered and it was only a matter of time before they started chipping away at them. As was said by Nimla, it's impossible to predict the impact this will have on Ninja as a tank until we see it first hand. Bear in mind that Square's last attempt at nerfing Ninja, where AoE's removed all shadows, is all but forgotten now as good players quickly adapted to it and coped. The only thing that worries me is how this is going to affect tanking the big guns where our only means of keeping hate is Provoke, Ninjutsu and an Earth Staff for zero damage. I don't wanna return to the stoneage of Paladins.
                                Dang we're stoneage T T. Ahem, I agree with what Russ and NNy has said. Over all Nin's will adapt (the good ones) while the lazy ones will hurt (thank god). I love great and smart NIN's, I hate lazy and dumb NIN's.


                                brave; integritous; commanding
                                New sig. Thank you Graelinn of BeastInTheSack (Garuda)
                                75 ナイト, 37 戦士, 31 忍者, 18 シーフ, 16 モンク, 8 侍, others: level 1 T_T.
                                ナイト 怒 (いかり)(Level 75 ナ/Level 37 戦)

