*bow* thanks for the explanation Macht. Altho I didn't quite understand a lot of them ; ; So the DDoS spams data, delay data, and cause loops in the routers?
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Originally posted by Teffie
( I was affected marginally and I play almost 10 hours a day)
Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.
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Originally posted by Jei
*bow* thanks for the explanation Macht. Altho I didn't quite understand a lot of them ; ; So the DDoS spams data, delay data, and cause loops in the routers?
I also didn't know that Windows 2000 and XP were so vulberable to "Raw Socket" hacks. Now that I know I'm working on making sure they are not open for a hacker to use. Unfortunatly that's my work PC (2000) and my 3 Home PCs (all XP) I'm having to work on protecting now -.-
Thanks 0
Lastet information
"It has come to our attention that recent technical difficulties with our PlayOnline server are due to a DDoS attack from anonymous third parites. Our techinicians are currently conduction a counter-measure on the issue. During this period, search, auction house function or login difficutlies may occur.
If you have encountered any of the above issues, please retry after a period of time. We ask for your understanding and copperation as we strive to maintain the best service possible. Thank you."Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37
Merits - 98
Goldsmith - 85.2
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ok if you knew your company was being attacked by a ddos hack since the 9 of april. why the hell on earth would you as a company release a pol veiwer update, an a major patch.. to me it just seems logical to hold off on it til this DDOS attack was handled. because to be honest, it seemed like everything went to shit after the pol viewer update on the 19. although it just might be that it was indeed getting worse...
Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.
Thanks 0
Originally posted by Tokitoki
Macht is the resident Techy it seems ^^
Originally posted by little ninja
ok if you knew your company was being attacked by a ddos hack since the 9 of april. why the hell on earth would you as a company release a pol veiwer update, an a major patch.. to me it just seems logical to hold off on it til this DDOS attack was handled. because to be honest, it seemed like everything went to shit after the pol viewer update on the 19. although it just might be that it was indeed getting worse...
- Added a process that checks whether the installed software is a beta version or an official version upon launch of contents.
Thanks 0
Originally posted by Teffie
It's 13 Dollars...
I don't know if you paid attention to the amount of access you get to the world of Vana'Diel for a measly 12 dollars. Unlimited access, No time constraints, 24/7 access for the entire month. You free to do as you please during the entire month. You can immerse yourself in the virtual world, meet new people, find new friends, and have an all around good time.
13 dollars for 720 Hours of playing time. I don't know about you, but that seems like a pretty good trade to me. If people go to an internet cafe, they spend what.. 3 dollars for 1-2 hour of Internet Time?
Lets do some math;
Let's say hypothetically, that these DDoS attacks caused 3 days of accumulated hours of downtime this month. (It was drastically shorter than that, I was affected marginally and I play almost 10 hours a day)
(72 Hours x 13 Dollars) / 720 month hours = 1.33$
You lose a whopping 1 dollar and 33 cents due to these malicious intentions from hackers (Keyword: Malicious Intentions). Please, 1.33$ cannot even get you an hour at an internet cafe, or a good meal at a restaurant. Maybe you can go invest that 1.33$ on a chocolate bar or a can of soda. Because you know how much better a chocolate bar is than having 720 hours of online gaming. /end sarcasm
Now I know someone is going to come along and give me that "Money is Money" speech. Well you know what, just save it. Square-Enix is getting maliciously attacked, and the thing your most concerned about is how your worried on losing that 1.33$. You are making it sound like your losing countless thousands of dollars, and recieveing so much grief which is affecting your real lives. It is not S-E's fault that they are being attacked. They are doing the best they can to fix the issue. They even apologized to the fellow players, but I suppose apologies mean jack to some of you.
Now I suggest you all sit tight and wait till the end of this whole ordeal, to see what Square-Enix does for us, the players. They have refunded us Lost Days due to unforseen Downtimes, so its quite possible that they do it again this time.
Macht is completely right. I myself am baffled to how They have not only the hackers to deal with, but also Legit players breathing down their necks.
I tip my Hat to Macht, I hope he continues to shove some sense into you players.
And macht, i suppose i'd take my hat off to you instead, because apparently your the only one stating real facts on whats (or theres a high chance of) happening.signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine
Thanks 0
Originally posted by Rico
Wait... hold up is Macht braging?! lolI mean how many of you here can convert an IP address into it's binary and back in your head or even convert it to hexidecimal (They wouldn't let us bring a calculator with us so we had only our pen/pencil and paper to do this oh it was timed we only had 1 hr. to answer anywere from 5 questions to 1000 depending on their difficulties).
Not only that but describe how to build a network and also say why a router can't have seperate networks of: on one port and not have on another port. With a subnet mask of
It's looks fessible because of the subnet mask but it isn't. So I kind of fell I have a little right to brag about my network knowledge, even if it isn't complete it's still quite a bit >.>
Hmm, I think I might of goofed on my router example for the amount of available hosts to each port on the router. Have to do the math on it again. I think with 2 borrowed bits the ranges are actually 61 hosts so probably suppose to be to and to or something like that, looks like I need to review my CCNA knowledge again >.<
Thanks 0
DAMMIT! I'm getting the same problem now!:mad:
I cannot get into my game at all!
I was only in there playing yesterday too.
I share an ADSL Internet Connection (the equivalent of DSL in the USA) with my brother, and only a few days ago I had to ask him to reset because the internet was slow on my side, meaning I couldn't get into FFXl.
The internet is now fine on my side and everything (including the loading of web pages e.t.c) is loading nice and fast again for me, but even with this, I STILL cannot get into FFXl! :mad:
(getting the error mesages saying things like "network is too busy" e.t.c)
SE have really GOT to know that we are having problems here, and HAVE to do something to sort ths out!
I really hope this doesn't last.(\ /)
( . .)
Thanks 0
The problem seems to be solved now, i managed to log in
Thanks 0
Originally posted by Abriael
The problem seems to be solved now, i managed to log in
I say though if it's working then spend the time now playing if you can, no telling when the next attack will be. Sadly the only absolute way to stop them is find the agent, it does become easier to find the agent if the regular players protect themselves from being hosts for the agent and if the routers being used are also protected.
Or the easiest method for regular players to not be a host is simply shutdown their system and try again later. That guarentees the agent can't use them in the attack.
Thanks 0
i was wondering why they would want to see whos beta, an whos not. i like your theory. but still i dont see the point of releasing a major patch when ass this is going on. because basically i downloaded content. that i havent even gotten a real chance to use. having the patch to download at this time was not the best thing to do.
balfree i understand where your coming from. if im lucky i will average anywhere from 8 hrs - 20hrs a week. an it does makes it worse when it falls on days when your static pt was suppose to lvl. but i do like listening to sarcasm from somone who spends ruffly about 280 hours a month on a game. when most times im lucky to see 32-80 hours a month.. sad part is this will be the 3rd static session cancelled due to the tank being unable to log on. but as i hear it, the other members are in the same boat. lol so thats like only 20 total hours played this month.
odd its back up now.. an its going on na primetime.... how odd
Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.
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