Re: best way to make $$$
The reason people say gilsellers cause inflation is this:
Gilsellers sell gil. Gilbuyers buy the gil. A gilbuyer is probably going to be less scrupulous about how he spends the gil than someone who earned it legitimately in-game.
Let's say Item A goes for 2.5M gil.
Bob earns his gil legitimately. It took him a laborious month to save up barely 2.5M. He bids 2.5M. No go. He bids 2.55M. Still no go. He bids 2.6M. Still no go. Not willing to overpay, he gives up and hope the price will deflate back to 2.5M.
Joe buys gil. It took him 5 minutes to buy gil from an online broker. (And it took him a mere hour of working his real life job to earn enough dollars to buy that gil)
Joe bids 2.5M for Item A. No go. 2.6M. No go. 2.7M. No go. 2.8M. No go. 3M. No go. 3.1M. Yes! He wins the auction!
So Joe has overbid the average going price for Item A by 600K. For Bob, that sum is astronomical and would take him a week to earn that much. For Joe, it's just a half hour working his real life job.
At this point, all the greedy sellers see that someone paid 3.1M for a 2.5M item and flock to the AH. They start listing Item A for 3M+. And voila! Inflation!
Anyways, the point is, there are a lot of factors - a LOT of factors that have caused inflation.
The reason people say gilsellers cause inflation is this:
Gilsellers sell gil. Gilbuyers buy the gil. A gilbuyer is probably going to be less scrupulous about how he spends the gil than someone who earned it legitimately in-game.
Let's say Item A goes for 2.5M gil.
Bob earns his gil legitimately. It took him a laborious month to save up barely 2.5M. He bids 2.5M. No go. He bids 2.55M. Still no go. He bids 2.6M. Still no go. Not willing to overpay, he gives up and hope the price will deflate back to 2.5M.
Joe buys gil. It took him 5 minutes to buy gil from an online broker. (And it took him a mere hour of working his real life job to earn enough dollars to buy that gil)
Joe bids 2.5M for Item A. No go. 2.6M. No go. 2.7M. No go. 2.8M. No go. 3M. No go. 3.1M. Yes! He wins the auction!
So Joe has overbid the average going price for Item A by 600K. For Bob, that sum is astronomical and would take him a week to earn that much. For Joe, it's just a half hour working his real life job.
At this point, all the greedy sellers see that someone paid 3.1M for a 2.5M item and flock to the AH. They start listing Item A for 3M+. And voila! Inflation!
Anyways, the point is, there are a lot of factors - a LOT of factors that have caused inflation.