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FFXI Interactive Zone Map Updated!

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  • FFXI Interactive Zone Map Updated!

    The FFXI Interactive Zone Map has had the submaps activated in database format.

    FFXI Interactive Zone Map

    The database supports map types of:

    Landscape (usually from Screenshot in game)
    Alternative Landscape (usually a trace map)
    Fishing (pointing out fishing areas)
    Treasure Chest / Coffer
    Notorious Monster

    I have most basic maps already but looking for alternate versions and the other types.

    I'm currently looking for any maps people want to send me that I don't already have (or better than I currently have). If you like I can give you credit for your contribution on the map itself that is displayed whenever the map is displayed.

    Maps can be attached to email and sent to

    Belwyn, Ramuh Server

  • #2
    It's great!

    Only problem I have with it is the link from Bibiki to Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi - you've gotten this info from Allakhazam, and they've just made this up without any evidence at all. Currently there are no ways to get into Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi, Al'Taieu or The Garden of Ru'Hmet. Same goes for the Diorama Abdjhals zones.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Feenicks
      It's great!

      Only problem I have with it is the link from Bibiki to Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi - you've gotten this info from Allakhazam, and they've just made this up without any evidence at all. Currently there are no ways to get into Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi, Al'Taieu or The Garden of Ru'Hmet. Same goes for the Diorama Abdjhals zones.
      Thanks Feenicks!

      If you look at the Diorama Abdhaljs (Landscape Map, which I have already) you'll find it mentions Ghelsba Outpost at the top... so unless the map is faked somehow it appears that one is correct.) I suppose it's possible there are multiple Dioramas, I just made the link based on the information on the map.

      The other information about Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi is again based on the fact that the map has been obtained already.

      I have maps for Al'Taieu and Garden of Ru'Hmet but nobody seems to know what they connect to.

      I'll of course keep the map updated as new information becomes available.
      Belwyn, Ramuh Server


      • #4
        Do you have the Grand Palace map? It occured to me that you're not able to get these maps yet since there aren't any pages that show quests or such on how to get them yet (which someone should know by now), and that the reason they're on the internet is because someone had hacked them out of the data files.

        As far as I know, no one (JP or NA) has been able to get to the Grand Palace, and that the link to Bibiki is another of Allakhazam's assumptions.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Feenicks
          Do you have the Grand Palace map? It occured to me that you're not able to get these maps yet since there aren't any pages that show quests or such on how to get them yet (which someone should know by now), and that the reason they're on the internet is because someone had hacked them out of the data files.

          As far as I know, no one (JP or NA) has been able to get to the Grand Palace, and that the link to Bibiki is another of Allakhazam's assumptions.
          I do have the Grand Palace map, and it's available off the zone map simply by clicking on "landscape". I never heard of anyone hacking maps from game files before though I'm sure it's possible. The source that sent it to me said it was attached to Bibiki Bay, but could be wrong I suppose.

          Anyways. If it turns out to be wrong then I'll change it.
          Belwyn, Ramuh Server


          • #6
            Sorry, I should have been more specific - what I meant to say was, do you have the Grand Palace map in game?

            It's my belief that the Grand Palace, Garden of Ru'Hmet and Al'Taieu are unreleased areas which will be unlocked later on, most likely after more Promathia missions are unlocked. The same thing happened with Tu'Lia - when Zilart first came out Tu'Lia was unaccessable, it wasn't even listed on the conquest map. However a later patch revealed its existance and unlocked the missions required to gain access.

            Of course, this is just conjecture but it seems a likely scenario to me since no one seems to have a clue how to get to these areas, and no Promathia mission does anything with these areas apart from mention them or show clips based in them.


            • #7
              Don't you think it's odd that Diorama mentions Ghelsba on the map, yet is the same exact map as Ghelsba? Maybe there will be an event in or connected to Ghelsba that would have the area renamed.

              It's all conjecture though.

              Not to derail the thread, but my guess is some kind of immenant threat that or new orc leader that renames Ghelsba while it's your job to take him down.

              It's all conjecture though.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Feenicks
                Sorry, I should have been more specific - what I meant to say was, do you have the Grand Palace map in game?
                Nope, I don't have the in-game map, only what I was sent and is now linked to the zone map. (out of game).

                I don't have any other info except to say if there are errors on the map regarding these three zones I'll correct them once I know what the corrections are
                Belwyn, Ramuh Server


                • #9
                  All the new CoP areas
                  [code]2C DioramaPurg Diorama Abdhaljs-Purgonorgo アブダルス�箱�_-プルゴノルゴ

                  2B DioramaGhel Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba アブダルス�箱�_-ゲルス�

                  2A DynamisTav Dynamis - Tavnazia デュナミス-タブナジア

                  29 DynamisQuf Dynamis - Qufim デュナミス-クフィ�_

                  28 DynamisBub Dynamis - Buburimu デュナミス-ブブリ�_

                  27 DynamisVal Dynamis - Valkurm デュナミス-�ルクル�_

                  26 LowerPromv Lower Promyvion プ�_ミヴォン�奈�

                  25 OuHpat Ou'Hpat Obelisk ウ・パト�交霊塔

                  24 EmParadox Empyreal Paradox 天象�鎖

                  23 RuHmet The Garden of Ru'Hmet ル・メト�園

                  22 HuXzoi Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi フ・ゾイ�王宮

                  21 AlTaieu Al'Taieu アル・タユ

                  20 SealionDen Sealion's Den 海��_��巣窟

                  1F MonarchLinn Monarch Linn ���飛泉

                  1E RiverneA01 Riverne - Site #A01 リヴェーヌ岩塊群サイトA01

                  1D RiverneB01 Riverne - Site #B01 リヴェーヌ岩塊群サイトB01

                  1C Sacrarium 礼��_�

                  1B PhomiunaAq Phomiuna Aqueducts フォミュナ水�

                  1A TavSafehld Tavnazian Safehold タブナジア地下壕

                  19 Misareaux Misareaux Coast ミザレオ海岸

                  18 LufaiseMds Lufaise Meadows ルフェーゼ野

                  17 SpireVahzl Spire of Vahzl ヴァズ�塔

                  16 PromvVahzl Promyvion - Vahzl プ�_ミヴォン-ヴァズ

                  15 SpireMea Spire of Mea メア�塔

                  14 PromvMea Promyvion - Mea プ�_ミヴォン-メア

                  13 SpireDem Spire of Dem デ�_�塔

                  12 PromvDem Promyvion - Dem プ�_ミヴォン-デ�_

                  11 SpireHolla Spire of Holla ホラ�塔

                  10 PromvHolla Promyvion - Holla プ�_ミヴォン-ホラ

                  0E HallOfTrns Hall of Transference 転移�間

                  0D Mine2716 Mine Shaft #2716 2716�採石�_�

                  0C NewMoval Newton Movalpolos �_�ル��_ス新市街

                  0B OldMoval Oldton Movalpolos �_�ル��_ス旧市街

                  0A ShroudMaw The Shrouded Maw 異界��

                  09 PsoXja Pso'Xja ソ・ジヤ

                  08 BoneyardGl Boneyard Gully �骸谷

                  07 AttohwaCsm Attohwa Chasm アットワ地�

                  06 BearclawPn Bearclaw Pinnacle 熊爪嶽

                  05 Uleguerand Uleguerand Range ウルガラン山脈

                  04 BibikiBay Bibiki Bay ビビ�_ー湾

                  03 Manaclipper マナクリッパー

                  02 CpntLanding Carpenters' Landing ギルド桟橋

                  01 PhanauetCh ファノエ�河[/code]

                  from ffxi data files....

                  personally im inclined to believe Diorama Abdhaljs is a Dynamis type thing i.e. an alternate of a current zone.

                  Spuncan - Beta 41 mnk - rank 5 - Goldsmith 40
                  Spuncan - Retail 73 mnk - rank 10 - Woodworking 63


                  • #10
                    Wow, thanks for that information, spuncan!

                    My guess is that we're going to see the introduction of a new region, or an extension of Tu'Lia, which contains Al'Taieu, Hu'Xzoi, Ru'Hmet, Ou'Hpat Obelisk and Empyreal Paradox - the latter two being BC areas in the same way that La'Loff and Celestial Nexus are.

                    Lower Promyvion sounds suspiciously like a zone which contains the source of the Emptiness, and thus is visited towards the end of the CoP missions.

                    As for Diorama, I have no idea. Maybe another Dynamis-type thing. Knowing CoP it'll have a level cap though >_<


                    • #11
                      they wouldn't extend tulia, at least not make it directly accessable from tulia, since tulia is zilart expansion.


                      • #12
                        Hmm the new Dynamis areas make me ponder... tho... I always thought they would be a Dynamis-Qufim(for Gigas) ...


                        Maybe we will learn the connection between Diablos and Dynamis Lord?

                        end Spoiler.

                        I need to finish CoP >.>.


                        • #13
                          Re: FFXI Interactive Zone Map Updated!

                          Dynamis - Valkurm


                          • #14
                            Re: FFXI Interactive Zone Map Updated!

                            here's the correct connections (ignore mispellings):

                            <-> denotes 2-way connection

                            sealion's den <-> al'teaiu (via npc warp)
                            al'tiaeu <-> grand palace of huxzoi (door on one side, normal walkthrough zone on the other)
                            grand palace of huxzoi <-> garden of rhumet (door on one side, normal walkthrough zone on the other)
                            garden of rhu <-> empyreal paradox - no map for this area (via elevator)
                            63/63 maps obtained

