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Putting the pieces together, Bahamut.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Aurege
    most of the previous ff's summoners would also buff the party. besides, our only good pt buffs are earthen ward, aerial armor, and 1-2 of fenrir's. bad summoners think that.
    not saying you're bad as a summoner but get what im saying.
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    • #32
      Originally posted by tazirai bad summoners think that.
      not saying you're bad as a summoner but get what im saying.
      lol. i know. but i meant those are the ones that summoners are usually invited to pts for.

      to be honest, i really dont think even square knows what they want to do with summoners. i think they have 3 options:

      1.Continue summoner more of a supporting/buffing job
      2.Make us into support/dmg hybrid (what id like to see)
      3.Leave us alone (what the other mage jobs seem to want
      Waiting on "Return to Vana'diel"


      • #33
        Originally posted by CoalChamber
        I highly doubt Bahamut will be summonable. In fact I can pretty much garuntee it. I see him as an end boss of the Expansion. See, all the SMNs in pervious FF games were ALL about power. "The power one person holds withing can change the world" blah blah. All that stuff. Well FFXI is an online game in which everything must be balanced. So what did they do? They f***ed up SMN almost entirely to allow it to be played. You become a Damage Dealer after 70 lvls of cure tanking. In all the FF games Bahamut could easily whipeout cities. In fact in FF9 (everyone so loves to refer to this FF ) He even whipes out that Fat Queen's entire armada in a single blast. You must be smoking something to even think they'd add that. Maybe Bahamut will become a new questable 2hr after you beat him? Perhaps. But as an avatar? No.

        FF Summoners - Destroy the world with ultimate power.
        FFXI SMNs - Buff PT, rest MP and heal.

        Extreme differences >.>
        hmm where to start...
        #1 People where saying the same thing when fenrir was revealed
        #2 what people dont seem to get is that Bahamut is NOT all powerful. Im pretty sure that if titan wanted to, he could also take out entire cities, along with any of the avatars.
        Of course there'd be a limit to how strong he was, just as a limit is placed on the other avatars. and thinking with your logic:
        garuda is a god. why isnt she in the game right now doing whatever she wants?(not trying to be offensive >>)

        and i cant recall any summoners in past ff's going crazy/wanting to take over the world with their summons. (kuja doesnt count. he wasnt technicly a summoner)
        Waiting on "Return to Vana'diel"


        • #34
          And summoner fits in with the high damage role in the storyline, hero of windy, etc . . .

          The high damage part that you are probably looking at will the 2 hour ability which mimics what the summons did in most of the other FF's. I would hope that Bahamut, if summonable, would be a nice avatar that does respectable damage for an increase in cost. Still not convinced that he isn't just a really hard HNM. BTW SE has dropped the hint that Bahamut will be connected to the flying armada in the Vanadiel Tribune where Cid talks about the limits of airship combat and that it would only be feasible from a 'threat from the skies' which from the background bahamut looks to be.

          That being said I hope that bahamut is a summons :p Now I just gotta level summoner up lol



          • #35
            off the top of my head, i remember:
            VII: Carbuncle: group reflet, pheonix raised and restored hp
            VIII: Cerberus: counter rockets, carbuncle reflect
            IX: Carbuncle: reflect/protect/vanish/shell, pheonix: group raise
            and there's plenty more


            Actually Aurege there's not many more.

            Let's take a trip back in time when Summoners were introduced as "Callers" in my favorite Final Fantasy, number IV.

            The only Summon that would buff would be Asura? And her buff would be random which wasn't really a buff at all, but random cures, or life spells. I'm not sure if you would consider the Sylph summon as a buff because it basically just used a group drain on the enemies, and cures your party.

            Then we get to V which I am not very fond of so I only got up to Ramuh for my summons so I can't say much on this one, but I'm guessing that Phoenix and/or Carbuncle might make their first appearance in this game.

            Moving onto VI we all know that there is Phoenix, Carbuncle...Then comes the less known ones such as, Golem, Kirin, Starlet, Saraphim, Phantom, Fenrir, Unicorn, and ZoneSeek.
            Again, I don't know if you would consider Saraphim or Starlet buffers because they just SMN's in FFXI!

            Next is the infamous VII! And you get Phoenix....You don't even get Carbuncle.

            Next we go to VIII and you get Carbuncle, Cerberus, and Phoenix, but only if you have a Phoenix Pinion.

            Moving along to IX the helpful summons guessed it! Carbuncle and Phoenix!

            As we all know, X came along and changed the traditional style of summoning, but of course all your summons are there for massive damage. (*'.')b

            Now let's disect each summons buffing ability.

            Carbuncle-Group Reflect!
            Phoenix-Full Life/Life 2!
            Golem-Blocks enemies attacks for a certain amount of HP
            Fenrir-Creates Shadow images
            Unicorn-Group Remedy
            ZoneSeek-Group Shell
            Cerberus-Triple Spells

            I don't see how many of these would have good effects in FFXI, group reflect? Good luck figuring out how that would work. =P Triple spells? I don't think that would work either. Group shell? Shellra! Shadow images? Garuda!

            Note that many of these summons only made a one time appearance in FFVI so basically left over for the "Buffing" summons, you have Carbuncle and Phoenix....But I don't really consider Phoenix a buff as all it does is bring dead characters back to full life. Go Carbuncle with Reflect!!

            So all in all, no there are not plenty more summons that buff you in other FF games.


            • #36
              OK Well I more or less wanted this to be a speculation on airship armada and whatnot, but I guess a reminisce about other FF's thread is cool ^^.
              Member of the Impact and Arcadia Linkshells on Hades.


              • #37
                "The summons beast of five bodies was newly added. In connection with it, the new corridor has appeared in various places.
                "KETTOSHI (nothing)", "ASHURA (flame)", "TEYUPON (wind)", "FARAKU (darkness)", "Eden (light)"

                Translation of jp CoP features. Apparently, summoner is getting new avatars anyway.

                Maybe now they will make fenrir soloable, now that the higher lv summoners will have 5 (6 with bahamut) new toys.
                Waiting on "Return to Vana'diel"


                • #38
                  Bahamut sound like an mission HNM more than a HNM that people hunt for uber items.
                  And i can pretty sure Bahamut is like all the mission NM out there that drops shit. Maybe a wind crystal?
                  If an NPC and cutsense comes up and Bahamut talks before fight. Yep, that's it. Mission NM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Mooooo
                    Bahamut sound like an mission HNM more than a HNM that people hunt for uber items.
                    And i can pretty sure Bahamut is like all the mission NM out there that drops shit. Maybe a wind crystal?
                    If an NPC and cutsense comes up and Bahamut talks before fight. Yep, that's it. Mission NM.
                    all the avatars talk to you before you fight them also
                    id like to repeat:
                    the same stuff was said about fenrir when he was revealed

                    I also doubt that he is an hnm/nm because there's usually only one bahamut in the ff's
                    Waiting on "Return to Vana'diel"


                    • #40
                      Overlord Bakgodek talks to you when you fight him why can Bahamut ?


                      • #41
                        I'm happy they made him look similar to his FF8/9 incarnations.

                        The new armor they've released images of all looks pretty great too.
                        There will be cake.


                        • #42
                          when you look at the images of Bahamut you can see that he does not have the summoner glow that all the others (glow/distortion around the edges of the model) so i think we can be prety sure he's not a summon


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Zihn
                            when you look at the images of Bahamut you can see that he does not have the summoner glow that all the others (glow/distortion around the edges of the model) so i think we can be prety sure he's not a summon
                            the other avatar also do not have glows in cutscenes: Titan only has the affect of the camera moving towards him. hint: his arms show you

                            *pic courtesy of Hanarrecca*(sorry if i spelled that wrong)
                            Attached Files
                            Waiting on "Return to Vana'diel"


                            • #44
                              the other avatars also do not have the glow in cutscenes
                              the other avatars are trapped inside a crystal when you talk to them. then after you are done talking to them they get summoned in the exact same way as you do when summoning avatars (i have not fought Fenrir yet so i cant say if it's the same)


                              • #45
                                No glow ~

                                *Pic Courtesy of Russta*
                                Attached Files
                                Waiting on "Return to Vana'diel"

