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Putting the pieces together, Bahamut.

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  • #16
    name an ff in the main series (III-X) where bahamut wasnt summonable. its pretty obvious that he will be usable by us
    maybe his 'bcnm' where you fight him is on the airship.
    Waiting on "Return to Vana'diel"


    • #17

      He might be summonable but I'm not convinced. Kirin was summonable in a previous FF but is not in FFXI. Could a kind soul translate the japanese in the test box on the bahamut graphic from the promethia website? That may give us an additional clue.




      • #18
        Originally posted by Tikipiki
        Kirin was summonable in a previous FF but is not in FFXI.
        keyword "a." "a previous ff"
        bahamut has been summonable in just about every one of them.
        Waiting on "Return to Vana'diel"


        • #19
          Yea, and look at the insane damage bahamut deals in those games. He will either be too powerful or gimped in FFXI.

          I don't think he will be an avatar in this, he doesn't have a place "yet".

          HNM or NPC is all i see atm
          This chocobo has finished.


          • #20
            My lacking translation -- Sorry but i suck at JP >< ... But hell, I will give it a try

            1.WANA DI-RU YO!(Vana'Diel)
            2.WA GA IZZOKU YO!WA GA NA WA SHINRYUU NO OU BAHAMU-TO! our side! i am the king of real dragon-bahamut
            3.IRARERUTOKI GA KITA! it's time to show up (appear)
            4.SEKAI NO OWARI NI KIRUMONO GA.... the person when end of the world down to earth is.......

            Soooo ... I know I suck, but that's someting ... ^Ã…^ Go figure hehe

            White Mage, Black Mage, Bard


            • #21
              Originally posted by Kweh
              Yea, and look at the insane damage bahamut deals in those games. He will either be too powerful or gimped in FFXI.
              there's usually 2-3 summons more powerful then him.

              for example:
              Attached Files
              Waiting on "Return to Vana'diel"


              • #22
                But if I remember correctly, Bahamut scorched Alexanders wings ><; ... But it would be cool if Cheateau d'Oragille was Alexander lol TT *not*

                White Mage, Black Mage, Bard


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Aurege
                  there's usually 2-3 summons more powerful then him.

                  for example:
                  There is a difference in the actual damage they do when summoned. FF8, bahamut was stronger, all 3 forms in FF7 were stronger. Alexander has never bettered Bahamut in the damage dealing department.

                  FF9 was just a cutscene to carry out a story, Alexander was the protector of Alexandria. He merely defended. Ark defeated Alexander from what I remember anyway.

                  All the "FF fans" will want an insane damage avatar, that will throw the game out of balance.But what do you wish for from Bahamut in FFXI? Gimped damage or hardcore HNM.
                  I know which i'd prefer.
                  This chocobo has finished.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by ShadowHeart
                    But if I remember correctly, Bahamut scorched Alexanders wings ><; ... But it would be cool if Cheateau d'Oragille was Alexander lol TT *not*
                    garland's ship, the invincible, destroyed alexanders wings.
                    cheap shot:mad:

                    Originally posted by Kweh
                    TBut what do you wish for from Bahamut in FFXI? Gimped damage or hardcore HNM.
                    I know which i'd prefer.
                    another good avatar that has good group abilities and does dmg well, maybe stronger than fenrir, but costs more.
                    i dont see why other jobs are afraid for square to make smn as good as the ones in other games.

                    also alexander's holy killed bahamut in one hit in the specific cutscene, and the invincible wasnt ark
                    Waiting on "Return to Vana'diel"


                    • #25
                      Well its been 4 years since i played FFIX.

                      The point is, FFXI Summoner's don't revolve around damage dealing like 90% of the summoner's have done in previous FF's. They broke that rule when they made FFXI summoner's a party buffing job, they can break the rule of including Bahamut as a usable summon in every FF aswell.
                      This chocobo has finished.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Kweh
                        Well its been 4 years since i played FFIX.

                        The point is, FFXI Summoner's don't revolve around damage dealing like 90% of the summoner's have done in previous FF's. They broke that rule when they made FFXI summoner's a party buffing job, they can break the rule of including Bahamut as a usable summon in every FF aswell.
                        most of the previous ff's summoners would also buff the party. besides, our only good pt buffs are earthen ward, aerial armor, and 1-2 of fenrir's.
                        Waiting on "Return to Vana'diel"


                        • #27
                          Are we talking about the actual summons here? Other than FFVI, i cannot think of a ff that had more than 2-3 party buffing summons.

                          Carbuncle, Fenrir make sense as party debuffing avatars.

                          The rest (Titan, Shiva, Ramuh, Garuda, Leviathan, Ifrit) were picked because of the remaining elements the game depends alot on.

                          Bring non-elemental damaging avatars in, and you'll see every CloudVII player start lvlling SMN.
                          This chocobo has finished.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Kweh
                            Are we talking about the actual summons here? Other than FFVI, i cannot think of a ff that had more than 2-3 party buffing summons.

                            Carbuncle, Fenrir make sense as party debuffing avatars.

                            The rest (Titan, Shiva, Ramuh, Garuda, Leviathan, Ifrit) were picked because of the remaining elements the game depends alot on.

                            Bring non-elemental damaging avatars in, and you'll see every CloudVII player start lvlling SMN.
                            off the top of my head, i remember:
                            VII: Carbuncle: group reflet, pheonix raised and restored hp
                            VIII: Cerberus: counter rockets, carbuncle reflect
                            IX: Carbuncle: reflect/protect/vanish/shell, pheonix: group raise
                            and there's plenty more
                            Waiting on "Return to Vana'diel"


                            • #29
                              I highly doubt Bahamut will be summonable. In fact I can pretty much garuntee it. I see him as an end boss of the Expansion. See, all the SMNs in pervious FF games were ALL about power. "The power one person holds withing can change the world" blah blah. All that stuff. Well FFXI is an online game in which everything must be balanced. So what did they do? They f***ed up SMN almost entirely to allow it to be played. You become a Damage Dealer after 70 lvls of cure tanking. In all the FF games Bahamut could easily whipeout cities. In fact in FF9 (everyone so loves to refer to this FF ) He even whipes out that Fat Queen's entire armada in a single blast. You must be smoking something to even think they'd add that. Maybe Bahamut will become a new questable 2hr after you beat him? Perhaps. But as an avatar? No.

                              FF Summoners - Destroy the world with ultimate power.
                              FFXI SMNs - Buff PT, rest MP and heal.

                              Extreme differences >.>
                              Valen: 33SMN/16WHM | 50DRG/29WAR (Mule-ified)
                              Wobwob: (REACTIVATED) Rank 6
                              BST AF: 6/6
                              RDM AF: 6/6
                              "There will be bigotry and there will be open minds..."


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ShadowHeart
                                But if I remember correctly, Bahamut scorched Alexanders wings ><; ... But it would be cool if Cheateau d'Oragille was Alexander lol TT *not*
                                As much as I dislike Sandy, this would be absolutely AWESOME! You have my vote!

                                I would also like to see a Pheonix Avatar. @ Lv.70 be able to cast Reraise on the entire party? Or actually use him to Raise your party? That'd be super sweet.
                                PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                                RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                                Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                                SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1

