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dear people who buy gil with real money

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  • heres my opinion on why gil-sellers don't use unattended botting. Unattended botting is clearly against the rules, farming 24/7 is not. No reason to add more fuel to the fire. Sure, you can say "well they are already breaking the gil-selling rule, why not break another," which is a perfectly legit argument however, it is my belief, along with many others, the SE can't do anything about gil-sellers (and maybe they don't want to), so why take the risk of your account being removed? Its still possible that these companies do use fish bots, but I doubt it...

    As for adding gil to the economy by gil-sellers, I am merely going off my own experiences on bahamut. From my few trips to Upper Delfukts (however you spell it), I have never seen a pair camping up there. I have however seen the same DRG/WHM camping various places (and have talked to them before about gil-selling, so yes, I know they are gil sellers, and they are where I get most of my statistics from) like Oztroja and Davoi. Like I said, I don't doubt that gil sellers add money to the economy, but I think its MINIMAL (i.e. "statistically" no effect).


    • EDIT: Boldened the ones with 6 or more haracters for sale, just to make it easier to see which servers have more. So you people on these servers WATCH OUT lol . You might have some high level noobs running around.

      Hmm, just did a little snooping around on IGE looking for the amount of characters for sale. Who knows if this is directly related to how often people buy/sell gil on said server, but I found the results interesting.

      Sylph-2(LV75 PLD for sale o.0)

      From what I've heard, Midgardsormr's economy really sucks. Any relation to amount of characters/gil being sold? Just to contrast, Titan only has one char for sale atm, and Leaping Boots are at steady 220k and Emp. Hairpin at 300k. comment here as I really don't know. Maybe some of you other guys can speculate but I would think the amount of characters for sale wouldn't have TOO much to do with economy. Maybe more characters for sale = more people who are willing to buy/sell gil? Who knows. Maybe Midgardsormr's economy is so bad it just forces people into the mentality of quitting their character and selling? LOL

      On another note, IGE apparantly doesn't reflect the different economies in their pricing for gil, are they stupid or is this just common business practice?
      Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

      THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


      • I think they could still use fishbotting. It wouldn't be that hard for one person to watch several charcters at once. As for unattended botting, if they will break one rule(with a loophole), why wouldn't they break another(which also has a loophole to exploit)?

        Be like a Paladin.
        Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


        • heres my opinion on why gil-sellers don't use unattended botting.
          this cracks me up. i suppose pro gil-farmers can stay up 24/7 with no food, no sleep.....



          • Originally posted by s_inverse
            this cracks me up. i suppose pro gil-farmers can stay up 24/7 with no food, no sleep.....

            OK, I don't even completely agree with LawDawg's argument(on gil selling), but you just completely butchered what he was trying to say. I don't even know why I'm explaining this to you, but here goes. The thing about botters is that they can be caught fairly easily if the bot is left unattended. I know some of you will reply back that bots are ultra badass and can basically speak for you to a GM, but believe me, they cannot. There's just no way, the majority of easy to use bots for final fantasy revolve around repeatedly using a macro(and for farming, add a /follow and /rest every now and then). If gil-sellers did that what LawDawg is saying is that makes their account easily bannable. However, farming 24/7 will not get banned on such short notice like that. I have yet to hear of any gil-sellers actually being banned because they had been farming 24/7. And note, it is possible to work a swing shift in which farming is still being done 24/7, but not necesarrily by the same employee :gasp:. That's all he's saying, and its a good point.

            The question is, do these gil-sellers even care if an account or two gets banned? We have no way of knowing this companies policies so we can only guess. If they are smart, they probably WOULDN'T use bots. Once again, this is an unknown and is all up to speculation, like so many other things on the subject.
            Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

            THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


            • I would like to mention something I found. I won't actually post a link (since that is illegal) but here are the current selling prices for gil on different servers. (meaning, you sell your gil to the company):

              Realm/Server Item Unit Price Min Purchase Max Purcahse
              Alexander 100K Gils $16.00 2 30
              Asura 100K Gils $16.00 2 10
              Bahamut 100K Gils $15.00 2 15
              Bismarck 100K Gils $16.00 2 15
              Caitsith 100K Gils $16.00 2 10
              Carbuncle 100K Gils $15.00 2 25
              Cerberus 100K Gils $15.00 2 30
              Diabolos 100K Gils $15.00 2 20
              Fairy 100K Gils $15.00 2 20
              Fenrir 100K Gils $15.00 2 30
              Garuda 100K Gils $15.00 2 20
              Gilgamesh 100K Gils $15.00 2 20
              Ifrit 100K Gils $15.00 2 40
              Kujata 100K Gils $16.00 2 20
              Lakshmi 100K Gils $16.00 2 30
              Leviathan 100K Gils $15.00 2 20
              Midgardsormr 100K Gils $14.00 2 30
              Odin 100K Gils $15.00 2 20
              Pandemonium 100K Gils $14.00 2 20
              Phoenix 100K Gils $16.00 2 30
              Quetzalcoatl 100K Gils $15.00 2 10
              Ragnarok 100K Gils $13.00 2 20
              Ramuh 100K Gils $0.00 0 0
              Seraph 100K Gils $16.00 2 20
              Shiva 100K Gils $16.00 2 10
              Siren 100K Gils $14.00 2 20
              Sylph 100K Gils $16.00 2 10
              Titan 100K Gils $16.00 2 10
              Unicorn 100K Gils $12.00 2 10
              Valefor 100K Gils $16.00 2 10

              This gives you an idea of which servers have the highest inflation, and also highest demand for gil buying. Thought it was interesting. If a mod thinks this information should be deleted, please do so.

              Also, if you do some research, it seems like all the major gil-selling companies are actually the same company... I assume this because they sell gil at the same price, buy at the same price, etc. IGE and MySuperSales sell the exact same characters


              • Thanks LawDawg that is very interesting.
                Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

                THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


                • Originally posted by LawDawg
                  Ramuh 100K Gils $0.00 0 0
                  Looks like free gil for people in ramuh! woohoo! XD...bah j/k...

                  But seriously why would anyone pay real money for fake money o_O it's insane..


                  • Originally posted by Magus401
                    Looks like free gil for people in ramuh! woohoo! XD...bah j/k...

                    But seriously why would anyone pay real money for fake money o_O it's insane..
                    No that means if you're on Ramuh you can sell your gil to IGE for free, because Ramuh sucks.
                    Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

                    THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


                    • lol... poor Ramuh...
                      but the again poor me...
                      I am on Midgardsormr, and Leaping boots are up to 300-350k right now >< There are no less than 10 people sitting there at a time (usually the same 3 botters and 7 actual hunters) camping it at one time, and drop rate and spawn rate are both way down.

                      I really think that all the reall awsome stuff should be repeat questable, but rare/ex so that it can't be sold or traded. Especially stuff like Leaping boots and the Hairpin while I would love to have them right now, I am not going to spend 300-400k at lvl 30 for a piece of gear... instead I am taking whm to 40 and will become a little taru tele-whore for a while... spend a few weeks doing that and I'll be ok for a while... just working on fame and doing the quests... not goig to give anyone gil they don't need

                      I am so moving if there is another world shift... and if not, when we get a second system, my wife and I are starting over on a new server and going to level together through the game.
                      Grandlethal - Midgardsormr
                      75BRD, 75THF, Aspiring COR

                      Windurst Rank 10
                      CoP - Complete
                      RotZ - Last battle needed
                      ToaU - PFC


                      • Originally posted by LawDawg
                        Also, if you do some research, it seems like all the major gil-selling companies are actually the same company... I assume this because they sell gil at the same price, buy at the same price, etc. IGE and MySuperSales sell the exact same characters
                        If you read the About Us section of IGE's website you'll see they acquired MySuperSales in January of this year (I think I remember...dont care that much to go look). also gives you background information on their top execs...too bad it doesnt list home info for this stack of firebombs right here just itchin to try out.


                        • Originally posted by Braanu
                          If you read the About Us section of IGE's website you'll see they acquired MySuperSales in January of this year (I think I remember...dont care that much to go look). also gives you background information on their top execs...too bad it doesnt list home info for this stack of firebombs right here just itchin to try out.
                          Yes, violence makes you cool.


                          • This article is a clear example of how companies can do NOTHING, thats right N-O-T-H...-I?...-G-...-N!!! Anyways, the point is, if a company can be so BLATANT about what they do, yet fear no repurcusion against them... well then its obvious that either:

                            1) theres no way SE can stop gil/account selling, its just not legally possible
                            2) SE has some agreement with these companies.

                            Enjoy! (once again, mod, please remove if this is innapropriate material):


                            January 22, 2004 11:12 AM US Eastern Timezone

                            Virtual Currency Pioneers to Join Forces; Internet Gaming Entertainment Ltd. Acquires Yantis Enterprises, Inc

                            BOCA RATON, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 22, 2004--Internet Gaming Entertainment, Ltd. ("IGE") (www.BANNED), the worldwide leader in the market for buying and selling virtual property used in multiplayer online games, announced today that it has agreed to acquire substantially all of the assets of Yantis Enterprises, Inc. (www.BANNED).

                            The deal involves both cash and equity in IGE's parent company, IGE U.S. LLC ("IGE U.S."), headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, according to Randy Maslow, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of IGE U.S.

                            Massively multiplayer online role-playing games ("MMORPGs") like EverQuest and Ultima Online are filled with virtual property -- things like magic weapons, houses, in-game currency, and characters that are bought and sold on auction exchanges, with thousands of dollars trading hands every day. The total trade volume for virtual property is estimated by Professor Edward Castronova, professor of economics at Cal-State Fullerton, to exceed $400m annually, with an undetermined portion of that amount annually captured in real-world dollars by dealers in virtual currency and goods.

                            With more than 80 employees and thousands of suppliers, IGE is the largest provider in the world of virtual currency exchange and game-enhancement services to players of MMORPGs. The company provides 24x7x365 customer service and tech support from its state of the art operations center in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong.

                            "Jonathan Yantis is an entrepreneur who blazed the trail in creating a market for the exchange of virtual currency and property," said Brock Pierce, CEO of IGE U.S. "This acquisition is a big step for both us and the virtual currency exchange market as a whole, and solidifies our position as the largest player in this market by far."

                            Mr. Yantis will be joining IGE U.S. as Chief Operating Officer and a member of the company's Board of Managers. The other members of the Board include Mr. Pierce, Mr. Maslow and Alan Debonneville, President of the IGE subsidiary in Hong Kong.

                            "This is a marriage of the two pioneers in this industry," said Jonathan Yantis. "I'm excited to be joining IGE and look forward to our future successes together."

                            About IGE

                            IGE is the worldwide leader in providing game-enhancement services to players of online massively multiplayer online role-playing games ("MMORPGs"). IGE has built an internet-based platform for the buying and selling of virtual currency and virtual goods used by players of MMORPGs. IGE is also the worldwide market leader in providing "power-leveling" services whereby players may increase the skill level of their own MMORPG characters without the investment of time usually required and without the risk of purchasing another gamer's account. IGE's services are provided from the company's state-of-the-art operations center in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong. IGE is a wholly-owned subsidiary of IGE U.S., LLC, headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida. For more information, visit the website at http://www.BANNED.


                            Themis Group
                            Daniel Manachi, 919-806-4649


                            • "Internet Gaming Entertainment, Ltd. ("IGE") (www.BANNED),"

                              Thats the funniest part of this whole thread. That's a moderator editing out the name of the site, right? They took out the real URL and put BANNED in instead, right Lawdawg? Or did you do that?

                              Reason it strikes me as funny? Well...
                              ("IGE") (www.BANNED)

                              How much of an IQ do you think it would take to put 2 + 2 together and figure out what the real website URL is based on that? ROFLMAO


                              • Well this site probably doesn't want to have any links to any sites that deal in that way. I respect that fact that this site doesn't sink as low as to display gil-buying ads like many others (lol, unless I jsut missed them or something).
                                SAM 74

