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dear people who buy gil with real money

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  • Originally posted by ibroyles
    Who's saying you have to get it within a certain time frame? You have all the time in the world to play this game, what's the rush?
    all the time in ther world for a mere $14 a month subscription

    not all people want to take forever getting things

    people play, have fun, "want to get certain items" to increase said "fun", then one day quit the game

    Originally posted by ibroyles
    Oh, so in order to save $14 a month, go ahead and spend $100 on gil?
    "not all people want to take forever getting things

    people play, have fun, "want to get certain items" to increase said "fun", then one day quit the game"

    not everybody wants to spend month and month getting gil/items

    many people want to get things done "quicker"
    and to do it "quicker" they spend the money to buy gil

    to each, their own
    - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK


    • Originally posted by Braanu
      And I see why you dont post your in-game name. Cause you know legit players will start /blist'ing you on your server when they read this thread cause you're a gil buying whore.
      They know who I am, and they'd be glad the War/Nin they chose to tank can afford the Utsusemi and armor he uses to tank.

      Originally posted by Braanu
      No, the ToS states that items/gil can't be sold. It's the law that has the loopholes. The Law allows these companies to claim that they're selling their time(or whatever).
      The terms of service are just their rules.


      • The terms of service are just their rules.
        Rules are rules. They are ment to be followed. You break them, there's nothing you can say or do in court against SE to counter the action(s) that SE decides to take against you. You pay to play by their rules, not whatever rules you want. If you want to make up rules with a group of friends, then go play a tabletop RPG.

        not everybody wants to spend month and month getting gil/items

        many people want to get things done "quicker"
        and to do it "quicker" they spend the money to buy gil
        Hey, guess what? Tough. This game isn't for those with a lack of playing time. FFXI is a timesink. There are other games out there that can be done quickly. Go ruin those games instead.

        Be like a Paladin.
        Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


        • Originally posted by Mal
          Honestly, are you guys all done being whiny babies, yet?

          Seriously, I could understand some of the arguments against botting, but buying/selling Gil affects NOBODY except those who choose to participate in it. Hearing these theories like "WELL THE PEOPLE SELLING GIL ARE PROBABLY BOTTING" or "IT'S NOT FAIR FOR SOMEBODY TO BE ABLE TO AFFORD AND ITEM I WANT; THEY'LL GET IT BEFORE I WANT IT" or even "THAT MONEY IS MONEY SQUARE ENIX WILL NEVER SEE, AND NEVER GET TO USE TO IMPROVE THE GAME" just makes me laugh. I laugh because those of you opposed to Gil selling are grasping at straws for decent arguments to make.

          You say it has no effect at all on the game? So now that people have access to 2million Gil the prices don't skyrocket? Sorry, but I've seen the Prices jump insanely due to this (Sniper rings have gone from 200k to like 600k on our server... because the NC LS knows people are buying Gil and make sure that the AH prices go up... greedy JP bastards!)

          So yeah, instead of me farming for a week or two to get both items, I now have to farm for 2 months to get one... fun factor just went down a notch... oh and because I can't make a profit crafting or fishing now because of Bots and JP crafters, I can't grab NMs because they are all botted (and don't say there is no such thing, I've seen it on LL and Emperor a lot lately, someone stands there, not responding, but any mob that enters their feild of voke gets voked and attacked... funny how that works)

          So yes, buying Gil does effect the game. I enjoy earning what I have for my character, and now its gonna take me forever to build him up... but I'd rather do things right and maybe learn a little something about the game than rush through being a level whore and start rant pages as to why this game sucks because I'm pissed off at spending $600 to get all the gil I ever wanted and help me reach end game to realize I'm not satisfied with my experience.

          to each their own though, right?
          Grandlethal - Midgardsormr
          75BRD, 75THF, Aspiring COR

          Windurst Rank 10
          CoP - Complete
          RotZ - Last battle needed
          ToaU - PFC


          • I have huge gil issues, but I would never buy gil, it's simply not worth it.

            Maybe if I could get 500k/$1? Heh. But paying $100 for my valkyries mask isnt worth it. And to remember that I am on the verge of quitting this game further makes me think of how much of a waste it would be.


            • You people need to stop bickering and arguing like little shits about a game that's supposed to be fun.



              Just enjoy the game, dipwads. If you can't, maybe you should just consider checkers.


              • WAHHH WAHHH if you dont like people discussing or argueing then dont post in the thread. Back off I am finding this thread amusing.
                "<dsbnh|VC> saw chocolate boxer shorts yesterday
                <dsbnh|VC> first thing that hit me was "may contain
                nuts" -warbucket


                • Originally posted by Ashtyr
                  You people need to stop bickering and arguing like little shits about a game that's supposed to be fun.



                  Just enjoy the game, dipwads. If you can't, maybe you should just consider checkers.
                  You know this was actually not so bad of a discussion until you came on here posting in all caps and acting like a complete assclown. Your feelgood "this game's supposed to be fun" doesn't exactly help the debate in any way. Exactly, this game's supposed to be fun, so why the hell are people not playing it for fun, and instead treat it like some money-sink to buy the best character possible? I for one would like to respect a player for the time and effort they put into the game, just having "skill" and the best equips doesn't mean shit if you didn't work for it. Sure, you'll be a skillful player, but what happens when somebody looks to you for advice on something like the best place to farm at lower levels, or the easiest way to get certain crafts up? That's all stuff that implemented into the game too, and gilbuyers are just finding ways around it that's not intended by the creators.

                  I for one, do enjoy this game thouroghly, enough to not want to see it ruined by haXors, botters, and gilbuyers.
                  Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

                  THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


                  • Gilbuying affects the gameplay of normal people. Duh. Bots = more money ingame. More money = higher prices. Prices cant be paid unless you buy gil or farm extremely long. So how doesnt it affect the gameplay?
                    The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way.


                    • Originally posted by Fingolfin
                      More money = higher prices.
                      Sorry, that's not true at all. People who know they can push the limits on rare items in the auction house raise the prices. The amount of money people have to spend on the item in no way affects what price the person selling the item puts on it.

                      Don't blame us for coming up with the money to afford the items. Just send some hate tells to the people who sell them.


                      • You just completely went against what you just said Lunatic, you say people are increasing the price of rare items because they know they can. Why do you think they know they can?? Its because they know dumbasses like you are buying Gil and know that you go "Oh well, it just went up 100K in price oh well, mommy will see that on her next credit card bill" and go and buy it anyway... not olny that, but these are also the people selling their gil to make real money, so you just feed the system.

                        I've decided to farm for what I get, and anything that can't be quested or dropped, I'll make money the Legit way. Call me a sucker, but if everyone did that prices would be way lower on items, and you'd see way less people feeling the need to buy Gil.

                        You're trying to justify breaking SE's rules by saying their not enfored... the "Everythign legal as long as you don't get caught" mentality is really whats making the world in general the crapper it is... everyone looks for the quick fix and the easy way out... and someone to blame for everything. No one takes any responsablity for anything anymore, and its really quite sad. I feel bad my daughter has to grow up in a world where they need metal detectors in schools, and where you hear kids in Kindergarden swearing.

                        On a side note, this is gotten just plain stupid... do what you want with your money.. I'll keep playing the way I want to and know that I worked for what I have... and I really hope you get your account suspended for trying to break the rules.
                        Grandlethal - Midgardsormr
                        75BRD, 75THF, Aspiring COR

                        Windurst Rank 10
                        CoP - Complete
                        RotZ - Last battle needed
                        ToaU - PFC


                        • I don't understand how "Person who puts up something on AH for more than it's worth" = "Evil Gil-Buyer". That may not be the only cause. Lower drop rate from mobs causes certain items have less supply thus more demand. Meaning it would be worth more. If the item is say, an Archer's Ring, then the Sniper Ring (which is crafted from Archer Ring for the morons who don't know) will also increase in price because it costs more to craft. May also be the fact that more people are reaching high levels thus items like Haubergeon and such are also in more demand. And another reason is that is how many people make their money. Nothing like buying a Dark Spirit for 400k then selling it right back for 800k.

                          The way I see it, gil-buying doesn't affect gameplay as dramatically as you people make it out to be. If the gil-farmers decide not to sell all that gil, it would still be part of the economy! They can then buy what they want, because they farmed it themselves. But instead of spending it themselves they are selling it. The money isn't popping out of a magical lamp. It's going to be there regardless.



                          • Originally posted by Legionnaire
                            The way I see it, gil-buying doesn't affect gameplay as dramatically as you people make it out to be. If the gil-farmers decide not to sell all that gil, it would still be part of the economy! They can then buy what they want, because they farmed it themselves. But instead of spending it themselves they are selling it. The money isn't popping out of a magical lamp. It's going to be there regardless.
                            Have you ever seen the people that farm gil 22 hours a day? If there were no market for all the gil this guy was getting, he wouldn't be trying so hard to get all of it, and it wouldn't exist in the economy. I bet at least half the gil sellers in the game wouldn't even be playing if they couldn't do this. It's not like someone would farm 22 hours a day on an almost constant basis just to buy things for him/her self.
                            SAM 74


                            • A question of ethics, not economic impact

                              I don't think that gil-selling really hurts the economy, even though I am opposed to such practices. It's just that people are capable of generating a substantial RL profit off of someone else's product, without their permission, that has me fit to be tied. Like it has been mentioned, the farming for gil still happens, and that money is going into the AH and becoming a part of the overall Vana'diel flow. If anything, this encourages more rare items to be crafted/farmed/quested and put on the market to strengthen it.

                              If we could all knew the truth, we'd probably be surprised at how many people have purchased gil at least once in their time at the game. Ethics are very easily dispensed of, if your price is successfully named.


                              • If I were to choose between farming one million gil, or buying one million gil, I'd end up with one million gil with whatever descision I chose. The economy would be one million gil larger either way, so stow it already.

