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dear people who buy gil with real money

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  • let's keep this thread rolling !!! :spin:

    hell yea and yer all wrong !


    • Originally posted by Damiega
      wtf why are there so many pages for this... I hope every1 is reading every singles forum members opinion on the matter (sarcasm) ...and if they dont couldn't some1 who posted something on page 18, post the same thing some1 on page 5 did. How boring! Im not here to flame it just seems like a taboo subject that no one really cares about...but then again there are 20 pages....

      o ya i didnt read any1 opinons im just calling it how i see it...
      Just delete your post and save us the mistake of reading it.

      Paying a $13 a month fee for a virtual character, and the chance to earn virtual items for this virtual character, is exactly the same as buying virtual items and money. None of it actually exists, and it's all property of the game's creators.

      I'm not backing gil farmers or buyers, but I'm actually looking at this logically. Paying for your character and paying for gil is the exact same thing: spending money on game content. All the people who play the game and are against buying gil are lame hipocrites that don't full understand the situation.

      If you pay for the game to enjoy it, why don't you buy some gil to further enhance the experience?


      • Paying a $13 a month fee for a virtual character, and the chance to earn virtual items for this virtual character, is exactly the same as buying virtual items and money. None of it actually exists, and it's all property of the game's creators.

        I'm not backing gil farmers or buyers, but I'm actually looking at this logically. Paying for your character and paying for gil is the exact same thing: spending money on game content. All the people who play the game and are against buying gil are lame hipocrites that don't full understand the situation.

        If you pay for the game to enjoy it, why don't you buy some gil to further enhance the experience?
        We play $13/month to have access to the data, we don't really own it. It we, the player, actually owned our character and all the items and gil we've collected, SE would have a lot of legal problems. For one, if the servers crashed, and we lost somethings that they couldn't return, we could sue them for it.

        It's one thing to buy gil from SE. The owners of the game are providing the service, and can make it allowed by the ToS. But that's not the case with third party sellers. It's not allowed by the ToS. It's also allowing a third party to make money off something they haven't legally contracted to do. If you lease a car, can you sell it to somebody to own? No, because it's not yours to sell. But you can sub-lease it, or at least you can with homes and apartments.

        Be like a Paladin.
        Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


        • Yes, it's against the TOS and SE has the right to do anything they legally can to people who break it, but morally I see nothing wrong with buying gil.

          Honestly you'd have to be a pretty lonely person to buy gil, but I'm not here to critisize anybody. Everybody enjoys life differently, even if their life includes expansion packs and server maintenance.

          I think SE is smart enough to know how to deal with gil sellers, and as I've posted previously, they choose to do nothing. When people buy gil it means their prone to playing longer(since buying gil usually signifies the enjoyment of the game and the desire to delve farther into it), which would profit SE in the long run.

          I don't understand why they aren't selling gil themselves. It might have something to do with their image as a respectable gaming company, or any combination of reasons. You never know, they might run these gil selling sites, it'd be ironic if they did.


          • I just want to add 2 things:

            1) Adding more ways to make gil wont help, IMO. Because, IMO, the MAJORITY of the people who are buying gil are doing so because they dont have the time it takes to farm and limited play time, so they want to buy the items they need for their job so they can play their job. These people, IMO, just want to XP and like the combat ...and no matter how fun or how many variety of ways or how easy it is to make gil OUTSIDE OF XPing wont matter. They'll still buy the gil to avoid the earning gil timesinks so that they can be UBER and have UBER equipment and XP to catch their LVL75 friend. So everyone will respect them because they've got full Adaman. etc....this is my opinion of how gil-buyers think. I think it covers most of them.

            and lastly,

            1 question: The people reading this who DO BUY GIL....Everyone is quite often asked about how you obtained your very valued item...I know I have been asked about "x item" many times.

            "Did you farm/craft for it or did you camp the NM for it?"

            I have NEVER ONCE heard anyone say they bought the gil online to pay for the item.

            My question to you gil-buyers is this: Why, if you think it is SOOOOOO acceptable, do you LIE about how you got the item?

            Is it because it is cheating and not the right thing to do and you know it, so therefore you must lie so you dont have to justify and defend your actions?

            Are you afraid that you wont be accepted into the PT if they know you are a gil-buyer?

            I'd like to know why you NEVER EVER see someone say that they bought the gil online for their items.

            Why is that???


            • Excellently written Braanu. This is what I have been trying to get at the whole time. Because you didn't earn the money, it would be like using a gameshark on the game or something (in other words, would you condone a cheat that allowed people unlimited gil in FFXI?) Can anybody who supposedly "condones gil-buying" say that they would respect somebody that got all their gil/items by cheating? I don't care if it's morally right or wrong, I will always think somebody is not a true gamer if they buy gil.
              Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

              THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


              • My point is just really....if you think gil-buying is so right, and just, and correct, and acceptible to do....then why not own up to the fact that you dont have the time to play and bought your Emperor's Hairpin and Leaping Boots?

                Why have I not EVER heard ONE SINGLE PERSON say that they did just that?

                They obviously dont want to admit to it. Buy WHY?

                If it's so OK to do, WHY not admit to it?

                If you cant admit to it, how can you think its acceptible?


                • Originally posted by Braanu
                  My point is just really....if you think gil-buying is so right, and just, and correct, and acceptible to do....then why not own up to the fact that you dont have the time to play and bought your Emperor's Hairpin and Leaping Boots?

                  Why have I not EVER heard ONE SINGLE PERSON say that they did just that?

                  They obviously dont want to admit to it. Buy WHY?

                  If it's so OK to do, WHY not admit to it?

                  If you cant admit to it, how can you think its acceptible?
                  I think you have no friends and nobody wants to talk to you. I know several people who buy gil, and several people who will continue to buy gil. You're right in assuming they don't have the time to buy gil, and that they just want to enjoy the game. There's really no other reason to buy gil if you have the time to farm it.

                  People are very candid with me and others. I know people who fishbot, and people who buy gil. I have no extreme opinion on either of these because it will disrupt the enjoyment of the game, which is why people fishbot or buy gil, to enjoy the game.

                  I myself have not bought gil, and have quit because I don't have the time to farm or camp NMs to keep up.


                  • Life is like a box of... err whoops
                    Buying gil is like buying a box of chocolates; you eat it; you feel good; you poop it out; it is gone.

                    People buy gil purely for the satisfation of being able to buy more equipment, food, crafting items, whatever. This is really no different than buying a strategy guide for a game. There are strategy guides for almost all games now; you buy the game and the guide is optional. I am not rich enough to buy the game and the guide, but I am not going to be pissed because some person has the money to buy both and has an advantage over me.

                    Let's face it: life isn't fair. I can go complain all day about how I work for minimum wage at McDonalds while some stupid guy is making $100hr somewhere else.


                    • Oh, and you still never answered my question Onte. Which side of gil buying do you support?
                      I am of the "I could care less what you do with your own money." side. I'm also of the, "Shut the hell up and stop your incessant whining over what other people do with their money." side.

                      **Edit - And you know, I would answer and address every other question you've posed to me, but I'm seriously of the opinion you need to shut up and not worry about your neighbors so much. I seriously don't want to get into a discussion with you or anyone concerning morality, cheating and right from wrong on a forum about a video game. My message and point to you has been the same, "Shut up and find something else to concern yourself with that is far more worthy and important." =)


                      • Thats right, I didnt think anyone had the balls to answer my question as to how you can think its acceptible if you cant admit to doing it?

                        Its a straight-forward question...but you wont answer it because you dont like the answer you have to give...


                        PS....trolls post shit like "I think you have no friends and nobody wants to talk to you." to avoid answering the question...which you TOTALLY skirted around with your pathetic attempt to defame my character.


                        • Originally posted by Braanu
                          Thats right, I didnt think anyone had the balls to answer my question as to how you can think its acceptible if you cant admit to doing it?

                          Its a straight-forward question...but you wont answer it because you dont like the answer you have to give...


                          PS....trolls post shit like "I think you have no friends and nobody wants to talk to you." to avoid answering the question...which you TOTALLY skirted around with your pathetic attempt to defame my character.
                          because its against the rules d00d. If it wasn't against the rules, I bet a lot more people would be admitting to it. If some of my HNMLS members told me they bought gil to pay for some of their cursed armor, it would not make me think any less of them. They are still the same nice people, still the same skilled people, but they decided they don't want to waste time farming a gazillion gil, and instead buy a little bit just so they can come join God and HNM hunts (which in turn helps EVERYONE in the LS).


                          • I know plenty of people who openly admit they buy gil in this game and cash/items in another game. They aren't ashamed of it and I wouldn't be either if I bought or sold it.


                            • I know no one has brought up the attention of this (I started reading it again after skipping a few pages) but what if buying the gil was actually funding Terrorism! @_@. You know how much fun terrorists have playing MMORPG's and then using the virtual cash to get real cash to buy weapons of mass destruction! @_@.

                              Beyond all of this moral discussion and behavior that is shunned upon by everyone, this is a good read. I actually had a good long break at work reading this.

                              My personal thoughts upon this matter...
                              Hacked on 9/9/09
                              FFXIAH - Omniblast


                              • i can't believe you revived this thread just to post that... LOL ... thats right kids, dont buy gil, UNLESS YOU HATE AMERICA. That means more gil buying from the Japanese... lol

