Why are they dumb for buying gil, just because you say they are? And how is it not fair? Are we all in competition for who have the best equipment or who have the most gil? I just don't see how those people are effecting your game play at all except in your head. You will most likely never meet one of them and even if you do, how can you tell? And you can't say you will know because a player sucks at playing their character because theres sucky players at every lvl.
You'll be amazed at the number of sucky players that get into parties. When there's no one to invite, people will take anyone (not me though, I'm picky). Getting good equipement and to high levels is a reward for your efforts, not how much money you throw at a game. If you spend real money to get equipement in a game, you really did earn it. You didn't work for it like everyone else (and real life work is outside the game, and therefor does not count). I'm glad AF is rare/ex and has to be quested for, or gotten from coffers. People can't buy rare/ex, nor the avatars. These things still have meaning, and show a sense of true accomplishment.