inflation is not really an issue. Price fluctuation is more attributed to the supply/demand of a server. In a server with a more "developed" economy (like the oldest, bahamut), prices get higher and lower. I'll take a "moderatly" priced item, Gluttony Sword. When I first started PLD, it was in the 150k range. When I purchased it, it was in the 70ks! I checked again yesterady, and it is back up to 150k. Supply and demand play a MUCH MUCH bigger role in price changes than anything. For example, Venemous Claw. At one point, there was not a single purchase for a month. When people started buying it again, the price was down from 5 million to 4 million. But a week later, the price was at 5.5 million! Why? High Demand, Low supply... But i'm sure you've heard this many-a-times.
Something more to the point: It is my personal opinion that buy-sellers do not add more money into the system then what would already be there. As someone pointed out, it is true they may add it "faster" then normal (which I agree and knew, but didn't mention as hoping someone with a semblence of intelligence might bring up ^_^), however, if anything, I think the effect is minimal. From my personal "research" (i.e. talking with gil-sellers), it is my opinion that of the "corporate" gil-sellers, they only make, at most, 1 million gil in a 24 hour period. Now of this 1 million gil, how much of it is "unintended" to be in the system (i.e. in the system "too quickly" (even though itd be in the system EVENTUALLY, ill consider it "unintended")? I'm going to be generous and say 250k. So 250K added to the economy a day. Does this have that big of an effect? I can't say, but my personal feeling is that 10+ million gil is "added" into the system daily, but A LOT of that gil is taken out of the system via eating food, potions, chocobos, airships, etc.
Oh well, I'm sticking to my case that gil-sellers have a minimal (if not non-existant) effect on the economy.
Something more to the point: It is my personal opinion that buy-sellers do not add more money into the system then what would already be there. As someone pointed out, it is true they may add it "faster" then normal (which I agree and knew, but didn't mention as hoping someone with a semblence of intelligence might bring up ^_^), however, if anything, I think the effect is minimal. From my personal "research" (i.e. talking with gil-sellers), it is my opinion that of the "corporate" gil-sellers, they only make, at most, 1 million gil in a 24 hour period. Now of this 1 million gil, how much of it is "unintended" to be in the system (i.e. in the system "too quickly" (even though itd be in the system EVENTUALLY, ill consider it "unintended")? I'm going to be generous and say 250k. So 250K added to the economy a day. Does this have that big of an effect? I can't say, but my personal feeling is that 10+ million gil is "added" into the system daily, but A LOT of that gil is taken out of the system via eating food, potions, chocobos, airships, etc.
Oh well, I'm sticking to my case that gil-sellers have a minimal (if not non-existant) effect on the economy.