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dear people who buy gil with real money

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  • I wonder if he thinks posting with a huge character size makes people take him more, or less seriously?


    • You people need to take economics.

      Even if people buy gil, the over cost isn't affected by the AMOUNT of gil any one person has since it's an unknown factor. The real determining factor to these rising prices is because there is a DEMAND for them. However, with this demand, there is also lowered supply of the item, since it is being sold quicker. Thus, the price of the item shifts upward, since demand is still high, even though there isn't enough of the item. Sorry, the 'more gil = higher prices' argument DOESN'T WORK.


      • Originally posted by lun4tic
        If I were to choose between farming one million gil, or buying one million gil, I'd end up with one million gil with whatever descision I chose. The economy would be one million gil larger either way, so stow it already.
        Because people will buy the bot-farmed gil, there is more money in the game. If no one would buy gil with real life money, there wouldn't be 5 trillion chinese farm-bots getting money, and putting it into the game. Way to use your brain.
        Why can't we bring all this back again? -Drew Seymour Price, 53drk

        WHM 65 | PLD 62 | WAR 47 | MNK 43 | BLM 33 | BST 31 | THF 25 | NIN 25 | RDM 15 | RNG 15


        • There would be more money if people bought gil AND farmed it. I can't believe you missed the point of my giant font post.


          • ...

            If someone isn't buying gil, they will go farm for it, true. BUT THEY DO NOT FARM 24/7. Hence, they get money at a slower rate, as does anyone who gets gil normally.

            Since people are farming for gil 24/7, which normally would not occur, there is a greater rate of gil influx than if there wasn't bots going every second of the day.

            Your post makes sense if you're a sped kid trying to comprehend the situation.

            Personally I don't care if people do this shit. Yeah it's gay that they do but whatever, it's a game who cares. You waste(can be debated) your time anyways so in the end it doesn't even matter. </linkinpark>
            Why can't we bring all this back again? -Drew Seymour Price, 53drk

            WHM 65 | PLD 62 | WAR 47 | MNK 43 | BLM 33 | BST 31 | THF 25 | NIN 25 | RDM 15 | RNG 15


            • Originally posted by lun4tic
              There would be more money if people bought gil AND farmed it. I can't believe you missed the point of my giant font post.
              No there wouldn't. It's not like the purchased gil comes out of nowhere, people have to farm and aqcuire it for resale just like any other person would obtain it for themselves.
              Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
              Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current

              BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53


              • Originally posted by Xccoortri
                No there wouldn't. It's not like the purchased gil comes out of nowhere, people have to farm and aqcuire it for resale just like any other person would obtain it for themselves.
                Does every single person you know have every single piece of gear that they want and can equip? There is a lot of farming that I could do to afford certain equipment that I choose not to do. If, for example, I bought gil, this would be introducing more currency into the economy that otherwise wouldn't be there.
                SAM 74


                • lol, musta missed this thread

                  good stuff ^_^,
                  [Restarted 8/2008] | [MySpace!]
                  .,~`'<{:My Old Char's Stats Here:}>'`~,.


                  • You guys still don't seem to understand.

                    Normal gameplay: The prices fluctuate (a bit) due to the ever changing offers/demands. This will lower the prices when there are more items, and raise the prices when there are less. This, however, won't change dramatically over time.

                    Gil buy gameplay: Bots farm 24/7, so there is more gil. Because not all players share that extra gil, some people will have more gil then others, and they instantly buy the items they want. There is more (faster) gil, but there is relatively the same amount of items offered. This will raise the prices because there is a higher demand. People who do not buy gil, have to farm more then normal to buy the items they want. This will result in even more botters, becuase now there is a demand on money. There will be so much money that the prices of items will continue raising.

                    This is what is called, or will be called, the ever continuing, unstoppable, eternal, cycle of Gil :sweat:
                    The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way.


                    • wow... i cant believe the stupidity of some of you people... I was trying to not post again in this stupid thread, but I hate to break it to you, lun4tic is right. Gil sellers do not add more money into the game. Anyone who says:

                      "If someone isn't buying gil, they will go farm for it, true. BUT THEY DO NOT FARM 24/7"

                      has no idea how the system works. The ratio of gil-sellers to gil-buyers IS NOT ONE TO ONE!! REPEAT: IT IS NOT ONE-TO-ONE. What does that mean? That means if a gil-seller farms 24 hours a day, he is probably supplying gil to many more people, say 6 people. And yes, this 6 people would have had to farm ~4 hours to make that gil (probably less since the methods used by the gil-sellers is not what you would call "optimal")

                      The amount of additional money being put into the system is minimal, if not a negative amount. Lets say gil-buyers farm 100 million gil, and only sell 50 million. Its not like they are going to take that remaining 50 million and add to the system. Instead, they will wait for more people who want to buy their gil, INSTEAD OF FARMING THEIR OWN. What does this mean? That means, gil-sellers actually never add more money to the system then would be there from the gil-buyers farming instead of buying! wow!

                      Finally, the raise in prices in the AH has nothing to do with inflation... sure inflation is occuring, but it has a very small effect compared to the effects of supply/demand. Why are the prices of elemental beads dropping? Why is the price of sniper rings increasing? I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with gil-buyers....

                      P.S. for anyone on bahamut, do a "/sea all goblin" youll see something funny.


                      • Yeah, LawDawg is on point. Speaking of which, if you want to make an easy 100-200k without doing a thing, buy Sniper Rings if they are low in price on your server.

                        I bought Snipers for 280k on Asura and sold them for 380k a piece when I switched from DRK to PLD. 200k is pretty nice for sitting on my rings for a month.


                        • When reading this thread in most of its entire scope, I am reminded by 1 quote...

                          Arguing online is like competing in the Special Olympics, no matter who wins or loses, their all still retarded.

                          at page 26 maybe a mod should close this thread? (this thing must take up a ton of bandwidth).

                          And I still thing that if you buy Gil online your funding terrorism, you know how much those terrorists play mmorpgs... (or is that counter-strike?)
                          Hacked on 9/9/09
                          FFXIAH - Omniblast


                          • Gil sellers do not add more money into the game.
                            True, gil sellers don't create gil, but they allow access to it faster. Then again, gil is 'created', in a sense, every time a beastman drops gil, or an item is sold to an NPC, or from a quest reward. So in a way, they are creating gil. They are just doing it by means provided by the game.

                            Either way you look at it, gil being created or not, gil selling allows for gil to enter circulation faster than if people farmed it themselves. THAT's where the problem is. Cheap, common, or consumable items may not go up in price(they could go up a lttle), but those are not what the gil buyers are mainly buying their gil for. It's those multi-million gil items that can only be produced at so fast a rate. Only so many peacock charms can be up for sale at a time due to it's poor drop rate. I would expect items like that to skyrocket in price to where only those who buy gil(or already insanely rick players) would be able to afford. I can already see the effects on Phoenix. Scorpion Harnesses have been selling at more than twice the selling rate. And in the proccess, the price has been going up. Even if it's not gil buyers buying the Scorpion Harness, it still shows that when people have access to more gil (like high end gamers that can earn a lot of gil), prices will go up because people are willing to pay the higher price.

                            Be like a Paladin.
                            Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


                            • The only proof lies in the prices.

                              Has anyone been watching specific item(s) over a long period?

                              Are the prices fluctuating at all?

                              If the gil sellers are causing inflation you should notice a slight rise to everything...
                              Queo - RETIRED

                              55 RDM / 26 BLM

                              <Phalanx> <Gravity> <Dispel>
                              <Dia II> <Raise> <Refresh>

                              AF1 - COMPLETE (damn those orcs)
                              AF2 - COMPLETE (bloody boots?! nasty)

                              Rank 5




                              • Well it is really bad on Asura.

                                I dont know what it is but if it is Gil sellers then that sucks. Look at high price items, look at Eurytos bow and Scorpion harness two items I have tried to buy.

                                Eurytos bow was 1.8 million when I hit 55 and started saving for it, I farmed all day in Sauromouge (cockatrices) and did countless BCNMs to get the gil. The next purchase was for 3.5 million.. I was able to get it for 4 million eventually. The price went up to 5 and I sold it for around 4.. ( I can never get a break I never sell when its high or buy when its low /sigh).

                                Scorpion harness has been 4 million for like a month I sell my bow and get enough for this and some other items and now its at 4.51 and I tried bidding 4.6 and didn't work so I am guessing it is now at 5 million.

                                I think I will still get it but it makes me mad how expensive things are, especially when it doesn't seem like gil is easier to get. I made more money months ago when you could actually mine without competing with 80,000 people. Now all my gil comes from farming and BCNMs. At least BCNM items are selling for high right now or I dont know what I would do.

                                I think that people who buy gil just get it so easily that they are willing to bid at whatever price, so while normally the price would go back down cause no one would bid that high it just keeps climbing. And then people like me have no choice but to buy it for whatever insane price its going for or else it will just go higher and higher.

                                And some advice to anyone who is buying gil, or using some bot or whatever. Just because they aren't cracking down now doesn't mean they never will, and everytime you do it you run the risk of being the one they catch and to me getting a million gil isn't worth the risk of having my character deleted and 65 days 12 hours of my life down the drain with nothing to show for it. I would rather just bite the bullet and farm (which if you are a melee shouldn't be that much of a problem, because a lot of us spend so much time lfg that there is no reason we shouldn't be farming or doing something and have millions of gil , and if your a mage... I have seen mages with terrible cheap gear and missing spells that still get invites just fine plus you could always mine, BCNM, quest, or craft so there is really no excuse of "I could never get that much gil unless I bought it"

                                Plus even though I like to have really good gear if I actually had all of it that I wanted then the game wouldn't be fun for me, I would have nothing to look forward to so I actually like having to work long and hard to get something.
                                RNG : 66 NIN : 30 WAR : 49 MNK : 72 THF : 18 WHM : 10



