It is as simple as this.. As long as those 5 main sites like IGE, SuperSales, Belrion, ect.... stay in business there is no stopping it.
For some people this is thier full time job, selling gil on FFXI.... I know one person inparticular that is high level (75) and doesn't use bots.
If there is any way to ban these websites from selling gil then that is what needs to be done. While they are up promoting thier sales, people will buy from them....
However the problem lies here, Square should know the difference between bought gil and a gift. Say your friend just joined to game and you want to give him 50k to startup with good equipment. You charachter will give him this donation once...
So on the flip side the "sites" probably have 5-6 charachters that sell gil 100 times per day. Those accounts should be deleted.
Just like the fish botters these people need to be banned, to keep this games economy on a somewhat even balance..
It is as simple as this.. As long as those 5 main sites like IGE, SuperSales, Belrion, ect.... stay in business there is no stopping it.
For some people this is thier full time job, selling gil on FFXI.... I know one person inparticular that is high level (75) and doesn't use bots.
If there is any way to ban these websites from selling gil then that is what needs to be done. While they are up promoting thier sales, people will buy from them....
However the problem lies here, Square should know the difference between bought gil and a gift. Say your friend just joined to game and you want to give him 50k to startup with good equipment. You charachter will give him this donation once...
So on the flip side the "sites" probably have 5-6 charachters that sell gil 100 times per day. Those accounts should be deleted.
Just like the fish botters these people need to be banned, to keep this games economy on a somewhat even balance..