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Over 400 NM locations and 30 dungeon maps with treasure locs.

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  • Over 400 NM locations and 30 dungeon maps with treasure locs.

    I've translated most of the important stuff for maps of named mobs and treasure chest spawns. I haven't seen anything like this at all in English so I made it to help new players out. Enjoy =)

    FFXI Maps

  • #2
    You're my new best friend.


    • #3

      thank you very much..
      Karen Joy Morris is great...I think I love her.


      • #4
        Very nice job on that.

        You think you're the best, but there is always someone better.


        • #5
          Excellent information!



          • #6
            wow thanks!
            Just a cuestion about keys, it says that there's a neccesary key, and it lists what monsters drop it. I thought you can buy/craft the keys for the chests/coffers?
            Kore Leviathan
            RDM73 \\ THF75/NIN37
            Bastok Rank 10

            Dynamis Cleared: Bastok, Jeuno, San d'Oria, Windurst, Beaucedine

            Looking for: Scorpion Shells & Demon Horns.


            • #7
              Keys aren't crafted.

              Thief can use lock pick kits to try and open them.


              • #8
                Can anyone get those Keys off of the monsters they list for the area? Does it mater what level or job you are? do you have to be thief to obtain? im level 24 warrior wondering can i got to the orc fort kill the monsters you named find a key then use it on a treasure chest that you have pointed out? Clarity on this subject would be great thanks


                • #9
                  Awesome. Just one question though. Could I use your link for my thread? Here is the thread.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Aldier
                    Can anyone get those Keys off of the monsters they list for the area? Does it mater what level or job you are? do you have to be thief to obtain? im level 24 warrior wondering can i got to the orc fort kill the monsters you named find a key then use it on a treasure chest that you have pointed out? Clarity on this subject would be great thanks
                    Yes anyone can go in there and kill the monsters listed to obtain the keys. Thiefs in a party about 15 help item drops to a point so you and a group may want to go to gether and kill monsters all day. Plus me and a group went in Yughotto Grotto and fought them and they dropped every piece of Lizard gear. Made a killing in money too.
                    Race/Gender: Elvaan/Male
                    Server: Fairy
                    Linkshell: FuzzySyndicate, Catalyst


                    • #11
                      Yeah you can use the link there =)

                      Keys are a drop off the mobs listed.

                      If you get teh key and find a chest you can open it.

                      Chests spawn randomly at the marked spots shown on the maps.


                      • #12
                        awesome work, finally I don't have to regret not being able to read japanese



                        • #13
                          How often do most chests spawn? Also, are the contents of the chests random, or do certain chests in certain places have certain items?
                          Sabre - 75 DRK - 37 WAR - 45 THF - 62 RNG
                          Rank - 10

                          Leaping Lizzy - 12/90+
                          Valkurm Emperor - 1/2
                          Stroper Chymes - 2/? (not NM, but still)


                          • #14
                            Under the notorious monsters in gives spawn terms. Most of them say killing the place holder. So if I wanted to find Bigmouth Billy (worm), I'd just go around that area and kill worms till he pops out?


                            • #15
                              You still have to wait two hours from the last time that NM was killed in the instance of bigmouth billy. Some NMs spawn quickly two or three game days or up to a week in real time.

                              I love the information. I have been looking for this for weeks. My only question is whether we can get the names and info for the item drops translated as well.
                              Bc 40 - 28-4
                              Bc 60- still have not done one yet ;;
                              Behemoth 4/4
                              Simurgh 0/5 I hate you bird!!
                              Amemet 4/4
                              Proconsul XI 0/4
                              Genbu 3/3 on Venomous Claw drops!
                              Proud wearer of an Opo-opo crown

