I've never actually had to go looking for a linkshell to join before, I always had friends who were also my LS mates. Now what friends I have that haven't quit this game are all into endgame. I'm not.
My last linkshell, the people were more than competent, these guys were exceptionally good at the game. The problem was anytiem soemone needed help with soemthing that didn't involve a lengthy spawn witha high value drop, you were on your own. They told lower level members to "shout in jeuno" or "just sneak and invis it" and never really helped on anything that wasn't an HNM. Camping charybdis for a joyuse? OK no prob! Trying to get rank 6 (even if your lv 60+)? Shout in jeuno. Need those promies done? Shout in jeuno. Unless one of the sackholders needs a promy done, then be the right job.
The final straw was leaving me behind on gate breach and making lame excuses about why they couldn't send a /tell to at least say they couldn't wait for my choco to make it to garbage sh!tadel. Some BS about "having to take old two wings away from gilfinder". We weren't going there for an NM. And there was no reason why they couldn't still open that gate to let me through. They just didn't want to spend a few minutes helping. These guys want to be an HNMLS, they just can't admit it.
So today I shouted "non endgame linkshell with competent people that don't want to be endgame people, [Can I have it?] "
And somehow that started a shout war in jeuno. Someone misread me as saying "edngame shell that doesn't want to do endgame" and them someone decided "competent" equals endgame. and another that "not liking endgame" was the same as "not liking the game" so all the "stfu, go play WoW" and crap came out of the woodwork.
I'm not out for god gear, I'm not out for endgame "you must attend x high level only thing", I'm not out for 24hr spawns, I LIKE helping peopel on the rank 3 dragon, I LIKE getting new people their kazham keys, I was one of only 3 people to help people with these in that shell.
Someday soon I'd liek to see my promies done and I hate pickup parties, and don't think I should have to lv smn before my ls cares. At soem point, I'd liek to rank 10 without a sackholder just happening to be already doing teh same mission and my happening to be in jeuno when they decide to do it (they will leave you waiting all day, but if your not ready to go instantly, your left behind).
So I need a new LS.
My last linkshell, the people were more than competent, these guys were exceptionally good at the game. The problem was anytiem soemone needed help with soemthing that didn't involve a lengthy spawn witha high value drop, you were on your own. They told lower level members to "shout in jeuno" or "just sneak and invis it" and never really helped on anything that wasn't an HNM. Camping charybdis for a joyuse? OK no prob! Trying to get rank 6 (even if your lv 60+)? Shout in jeuno. Need those promies done? Shout in jeuno. Unless one of the sackholders needs a promy done, then be the right job.
The final straw was leaving me behind on gate breach and making lame excuses about why they couldn't send a /tell to at least say they couldn't wait for my choco to make it to garbage sh!tadel. Some BS about "having to take old two wings away from gilfinder". We weren't going there for an NM. And there was no reason why they couldn't still open that gate to let me through. They just didn't want to spend a few minutes helping. These guys want to be an HNMLS, they just can't admit it.
So today I shouted "non endgame linkshell with competent people that don't want to be endgame people, [Can I have it?] "
And somehow that started a shout war in jeuno. Someone misread me as saying "edngame shell that doesn't want to do endgame" and them someone decided "competent" equals endgame. and another that "not liking endgame" was the same as "not liking the game" so all the "stfu, go play WoW" and crap came out of the woodwork.
I'm not out for god gear, I'm not out for endgame "you must attend x high level only thing", I'm not out for 24hr spawns, I LIKE helping peopel on the rank 3 dragon, I LIKE getting new people their kazham keys, I was one of only 3 people to help people with these in that shell.
Someday soon I'd liek to see my promies done and I hate pickup parties, and don't think I should have to lv smn before my ls cares. At soem point, I'd liek to rank 10 without a sackholder just happening to be already doing teh same mission and my happening to be in jeuno when they decide to do it (they will leave you waiting all day, but if your not ready to go instantly, your left behind).
So I need a new LS.