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Should I?

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  • Should I?

    I'm gonna be getting this game pretty soon (95% sure), and the only guy on my Friends List (xbox 360) that plays this game is on this server - valefor. He says he can get me the WP so we can play.
    My worry is this - Gillsellers. The more I look into valefor, the more I hear about how gillsellers are running rampant and multiplying fast.
    Is gillselling as bad on valefor as it is on most other servers? If so, why is it I keep hearing about it on the Valefor forums?

  • #2
    Re: Should I?

    Gilsellers are on every server. Theoretically, the more people there are on a server, the more gilsellers there are.

    Valefor is less populated as servers, such as fairy and ragnorak, so I would expect there to be less RMT's. This is not to say the numbers aren't rising, which means gilselling is becoming more prominent on every server.


    • #3
      Re: Should I?

      Theres really no reason not to play the game, especially if you think you are going to like it. I think its a very fun game myself, and wouldn't even give it up itf Valefor was overun by 50% gilseller population.

      I myself really just believe everyone else who complains about RMT and such is really just taking it out of proportion.

      But then and again.... The proces on our server aren't really that bad. Most of the armors on our server have a nice price to them compared to my brother's server.

      Seriously try the game, and if you like it play it. RMT aren't the worst things in the world

      (Especially compared to the last online game I played called PSO there where Assholes everywhere, who would PK, and even corrupt your character if you weren't playing in a locked room

      But I sitll played it despite that fact)

      I will live, and die by the Sword


      • #4
        Re: Should I?

        I used to play pso too. Well, for like two weeks in anticipation for PSU. Now, I don't even want PSU for online. I mean, it's jsut hack and slash mith MINOR crafting abilities. FFXI and other mmorpgs have much more to offer.

        Plus, I've played many ff games. Well, to tell you the truth, ff2 (cecil) and ff3 (locke) could be wonderful games, but I just can't get into them. It's the graphics. No no, hear me out. They are great and everything, but I feel like I need some sort of movement/fluidity/visual-depth - the kind that the 3d ffs provided. I am not banging ff2 and 3, though. I played through ff2 to the part where you rescue the little summoner girl and I've played through ff3 to the part after you get split up on the rapids and have to do little 'quests' with each of them.
        I have gone all the way with games like earthbound (minus final onnet boss), mario rpg (minus final boss - could do it, but don't feel like it), seiken densetsu 3, and so forth.
        I've beaten ff7 on my pc (not 100% or even close, but I killed sephy). I gave ff8 a whirl, but it ran like junk on my bedroom pc and was unbearable - probably due to how bad the pc version of the game was.
        I beat ff10 5 years ago without getting the relic weapons or whatever they were called. I remember 4% of the game, snce it was such a long time ago and was during a hectic time of my childhood-life (moving to a new home).

        What I'm trying to say is I find turn-based games addicting as heck. As long as they have some sort of punch to them and a feeling of accomplishment, I'm there. FFXI looks great.
        Some people whine about how it's all menu-based. I say 'it's final fantasy. It's a turn-based rpg franchise'. It seems as if they've incorporated classic FF gameplay into this game pretty well.

        Hm.. Forgot what I was going to say...

        Anywho, I've been reading up about this game (I hate getting into an overwhelmeing, steep-learning-curve game like this without any bearings whatsoever) and I've been learning a good amount about it. Of course, I still don't understand most things, but I'm leaving the hands-on-learning to when I get the game.
        I'm also interested in the Dragoon class, yet not sure what I should sub. /war is standard fare, but seems a little generic. Random double-hits and a defense-lowering offensive buff.

        edit: btw, I thought valefor was pretty big? I mean, maybe not bahamut big (I heard that one was pretty cramped), but I hope valefor isn't any 'unicorn' or anything.


        • #5
          Re: Should I?

          Ohhh Valefors pretty big in my opinion, compared to my first server Lakshimi

          (btw that place was set on fire by GM[Dave], and no one's there anymore ^^)

          [Except for Taskmage ]

          As for this game, its not really turn based, It's more on a system of Delay weapons as how fast you strike, job abilities and magics on recast timers, and magics that have a certain cast time.

          This game is very addicting, with its great communities, and gameplay.

          And for each job you level there is a different feeling of accomplishment

          I will live, and die by the Sword


          • #6
            Re: Should I?

            Well I'm glad to hear Valefor's alright. And yeah, I know the game isn't really turn-based. I was merely referring to how the combat system is set up and how it works. For example, encounter an enemy and battle mode starts as always-great FF battle music begins to play. You controls your character through menu-based options and so forth. You select from a list of spells, choose from ws when tp is allowing you to use a ws (that's how ti works, right? attack a baddy, gain tp, use tp to use stronger attacks? reverse-limitbreak, right?).
            blablabla. I've lost track. I'm looking forward to the game. First I gotta get my credit card sorted out so I can use it again, and get a 20$ sharkboard usb keyboard for my 360.


            • #7
              Re: Should I?

              Yep thats how it pretty much works. Theres some pretty great music in this game too.

              (Especially the Sactuary of Zi'tah that place's music is awesome )

              I will live, and die by the Sword


              • #8
                Re: Should I?

                To continue the off-topicness, some of my favorite ff music is from ff7. Well, that could arguably be because it's the only FF I've completed/played through that I can actually REMEMBER. I mean, I'm sure ffx's music was great, but I played it when I was around 11-12 and I seriously don't remember a darned thing (except for some moments, like meeting that blue guy (name), some ice cave, and beating the last boss without the relic weapons :D ).
                Right now, I think the coolest and most goddarned catchy FF song is FF8's 'Force Your Way', the boss music. It may not be all that other FF songs are (dramatic, epic songs), but it's cool and, like i said, goddarned catchy!
                I played ff8 up to the part where you gotta fight the spidery-robot thing (name escapes me) after leaving the tower, and by that point in the game, you get to engage in a couple of boss fights (ifrit early on and the boss on the top of the satelite tower). Anyways, I told you why I had to stop playing that game.
                Funny thing is I can acutally sit and listen to some of ff's music, most noteably the battle/boss tracks from ff7 and 8. Really good sogs. Not to mention some of the songs from ff7 (tifa's theme, aeris's theme) are really well done and dramatic, especially when listening to reiterations on grand pianos on youtube.

