Re: DeathForce LS
art... quit? thats very sad indeed he was a great guy i wish i was there to see him off i didnt know him long but he was an instant friend to me, fist on the other had >.> power crazy brit is it me or all british ppl i know are bipolar? one day hes nice next he snaps (when art isnt around >.> duh) but i guess wut i'm saying is i'm set when i get bac red will be waiting on hands and knees lol (inside j/k) ahahaa >.< an my pockets full of gil no j/k about that. an eni i know how u feel i have alot of LSes myself red got me GBIV just need fame for GBV and VI lol well if u need any help i think i can pull some strings. peace broda
art... quit? thats very sad indeed he was a great guy i wish i was there to see him off i didnt know him long but he was an instant friend to me, fist on the other had >.> power crazy brit is it me or all british ppl i know are bipolar? one day hes nice next he snaps (when art isnt around >.> duh) but i guess wut i'm saying is i'm set when i get bac red will be waiting on hands and knees lol (inside j/k) ahahaa >.< an my pockets full of gil no j/k about that. an eni i know how u feel i have alot of LSes myself red got me GBIV just need fame for GBV and VI lol well if u need any help i think i can pull some strings. peace broda