Re: Returning after a LONG hiatus
Hey! You should join our Linkshell ^^
We're called InfiniteBlue and we're a social LS based on everything that makes the word "fun" come to life xD
Our forums are up and running here :: Index
We just opened them up, and to be truthful the linkshell members don't know of the forum yet since we haven't broke it out to them (told them about it).
No announcement yet.
Returning after a LONG hiatus
Re: Returning after a LONG hiatus
Hello Bearhardt and welcome to FFXIO. The forum rules are listed here:
If you ever feel that someone's post has violated the rules, you can report them. There is an icon with a "!" under your name in the bottom left corner that is the "Report Post" button. You can also ignore people that you find offensive using the Ignore button in the bottom right. Try to use the Ignore button instead of making an angry post. Flaming, regardless of who started it, is against the rules. Always remember that the forums are a public place, there will be people here that don't agree with your opinions and they'll tell you so. Don't get angry and take it personally.
Please use the Search feature to see if your question has been answered before making a new thread. That feature is at the top of the page on the right under your "mood" icon or here is a direct link:
Final Fantasy XI :: Dreams in Vana'diel :: Community - Search Forums
If you receive an offensive or RMT Private Message please forward the entire message to a Moderator or Admin. It also helps to let us know the day and time you recieved the message. You can tell who is a mod or admin by the title under their user name. Feel free to PM if you have any other issues and we hope you enjoy your time here with us! ^^
Take time to scan the forum stickies. Many of them have great information. Here are a few to start you out:
Lots and Lots of links to great info:
What job is for you:
Beginner quests (a must do for all new players!):
Fields of Valor experience (this is a great way to make extra exp!):
Fields of Valor - FFXIclopedia - a Wikia Gaming wiki
How to make gil as you go along:
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Returning after a LONG hiatus
Hello, Titanites! I started playing FFXI casually many, many years ago. Over time I lost the time and will to play and ended up casting my line in many other ponds...
Recently, after having moved far away from one of my best friends, I decided me and this friend really needed to get together online and play what we loved to play together: MMOs.
It became trial and error while we found something that felt really fun together. We then remembered that we had a ton of fun back in the day just grouping and grinding on FFXI. So he found his old account and reactivated it. I, however, did not... So I downloaded the software and a trial key from FilePlanet to make sure the game wasn't horribly destroyed first.
Now that I'm back in the saddle I'm trying out a Mithra (I never did play one very long) and leveling her as a Monk in Bastok (the city I originally played in, it's a personal favorite).
So I'm on the hunt for a friendly LS that is casual, has members that are on at strange hours (Im more oft to play very late PST and/or on weekends), and willing to educate new players. I may have subscribed long before the US PS2 release, but it's been so long I'm practically a newbie all over again.
If you wanna touch base with me in game my Mithra's name is Balista and you can also just leave a comment on this thread!
Happy Hunting!
-Balista the Bee Puncher!
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