heyo, I just want to see if anyone is interested in trying to get a Kclub by doing the "Up In Arms" 60cap BCNM.
Conditions are as follow:
Understand the drop rate is extremely low
Must have a Lv60 job that is good for this BCNM(though i must admit, Fe is easy p k.Job Combos and Strats
Your Orb, your drop.
I have about 6 or more attempts available on this BCNM, my job are as follows: MNK h2h 8/8 and RDM.
Reply ingame or on this thread. Thanky :D
Ingame name: Keseph and/or Kessykun
Conditions are as follow:
Understand the drop rate is extremely low
Must have a Lv60 job that is good for this BCNM(though i must admit, Fe is easy p k.Job Combos and Strats
Your Orb, your drop.
I have about 6 or more attempts available on this BCNM, my job are as follows: MNK h2h 8/8 and RDM.
Reply ingame or on this thread. Thanky :D
Ingame name: Keseph and/or Kessykun