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Ohat run

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  • Ohat run

    Me and another are planing on doing an Ohat run Saturday, May 6th.
    We would like to START (meaning 1st fight) around 8pm pst, 10pm cnt, midnight est.
    As of right now it is me(70drg) and him(70mnk) with MaYbE a few others(5maybe) to help out.

    If you need hat, you need cluster.
    We need Tanks, and Stunners, and healers.

    We would also like and try to get as many people as we can to just HELP. so if you DO need ohat and can get help from anyone(tanks,stunners,healer) that would be awesome.

    So again right now its 2/?? who need it with maybe 7/18party. But more can come, and we can filter people.

    If this will be your 1st time to do this fight(iv gone 6other times) its a b*tch.
    heres some info:
    You will need a stack or 2 of Oils and Powders to make the Run to his pop.
    Each fight usally last about 20-40min. So dont one or 2 fights..then leave. Plan on staying for a long time.
    Death will happen..sometimes it wont..but it prolly will.
    If all die and HkTk depops,you lose your cluster...this sucks...but iv seen it happen(about ever run)
    We /random to see who goes 1st. BUT we random to see who goes EACH time. So if you came in last the 1st time, you might win the next random.
    If we get enought to go..ill explain this again. But WE WILL NOT FIGHT HIM(the nm) ON DARKSDAY, IF A DARKSDAY COMES AROUND! he is very hard. iv gone 6times, and have only seen ONE win on a darksday. this will be 'break' time.

    If you would like to join, reply here(ill check it again tonight/some time tommarow) OR send me, tsukaremashita, or the MNK, euphibond, a /tell.