That's right, yet another one! I can just imagine what everyone thinks about this server's roleplaying community by now hehe. Anywho, I'm Belledora and I'll be acting as today's representative for the Legacy community! Legacy's creator and leader, Zarik Sylvora, is now opening the community up to all willing to be a part of this fascinating shell. For those that don't know what roleplaying is, it's NOT something from Shakespear at all. If I ever see a roleplayer talking with "thous" or "thees" I'd probably slap 'em. That is a major stereotype that isn't even close to true. Roleplaying involves becoming the character you create in Vana'diel by creating a unique personality (charming, comical, evil, righteous, etc.) and a character background that fits into the realm of Vana'diel.
Similar to all roleplaying communities out there, Legacy has specific rules of conduct. Roleplaying communities unfortunately have to have rules in order to create an environment that benefits its members. Otherwise, we'd quickly fall apart! We wouldn't want that, now would we? These rules come straight from our master:
Legacy rules and regulations:
--OOC (out of character) over the shell and at linkshell events should be used only when necessary. If OOC can be kept in tells or party chat, it is expected to be so. When OOC is used over the shell or at roleplay events, parenthesis ( ) or brackets [ ] should be used to indicate that it is OOC. We also strongly encourage our members to remain in character off the shell as much as possible, although this is not enforced.
--Abide by Legacy's roleplay standards. Read roleplay etiquette on the main site for further info. (This is a catch all phrase for various standards. Members are expected to read our standards on the website at some point and abide by them. Be warned! There are quite a few but most are typical standards in many roleplay communities.)
--Keep roleplay at a PG-13 level. Explicit sex scenes over the shell or at public linkshell events are strictly prohibited. In addition, do not use obscene profanity besides the occasional "hell" or "damn."
--Be respectful. Story spoilers are prohibited. Legacy defines a spoiler as any part of the game storyline that is not general knowledge to all roleplayers. Do not try to force plotlines on other characters against their will and do not infringe upon someone else's plot without permission (ie: stealing storylines). Also, OOC derogatory comments about race, religion, sex, or any other offensive materials is not allowed and will be punished to the full extent. Finally, OOC harassment of other members/players is not allowed. If someone tells you out of character to leave him/her alone, do so.
--No breaking of the User Agreement at all (botting, mpk, etc).
We hope that we have peaked your inerest even if only slightly. Whether you're new at roleplaying or a veteran, we'll be happy to receive you! You haven't experienced everything the game has to offer until you've experienced in game roleplaying. Just remember that!
If you wish to be a part of this shell, please visit us at Or if you prefer, you may contact one of our officers. They include Zemann, Dirant, Linoge, Zane, and Annelei.
PS: For you roleplaying critics that intend to respond to this thread negatively, please refrain from doing so. If you're not interested, there is no need to act childish about it. Respect and tolerance go a long way^^
Thank you for your time! See you in Vana'diel!
Similar to all roleplaying communities out there, Legacy has specific rules of conduct. Roleplaying communities unfortunately have to have rules in order to create an environment that benefits its members. Otherwise, we'd quickly fall apart! We wouldn't want that, now would we? These rules come straight from our master:
Legacy rules and regulations:
--OOC (out of character) over the shell and at linkshell events should be used only when necessary. If OOC can be kept in tells or party chat, it is expected to be so. When OOC is used over the shell or at roleplay events, parenthesis ( ) or brackets [ ] should be used to indicate that it is OOC. We also strongly encourage our members to remain in character off the shell as much as possible, although this is not enforced.
--Abide by Legacy's roleplay standards. Read roleplay etiquette on the main site for further info. (This is a catch all phrase for various standards. Members are expected to read our standards on the website at some point and abide by them. Be warned! There are quite a few but most are typical standards in many roleplay communities.)
--Keep roleplay at a PG-13 level. Explicit sex scenes over the shell or at public linkshell events are strictly prohibited. In addition, do not use obscene profanity besides the occasional "hell" or "damn."
--Be respectful. Story spoilers are prohibited. Legacy defines a spoiler as any part of the game storyline that is not general knowledge to all roleplayers. Do not try to force plotlines on other characters against their will and do not infringe upon someone else's plot without permission (ie: stealing storylines). Also, OOC derogatory comments about race, religion, sex, or any other offensive materials is not allowed and will be punished to the full extent. Finally, OOC harassment of other members/players is not allowed. If someone tells you out of character to leave him/her alone, do so.
--No breaking of the User Agreement at all (botting, mpk, etc).
We hope that we have peaked your inerest even if only slightly. Whether you're new at roleplaying or a veteran, we'll be happy to receive you! You haven't experienced everything the game has to offer until you've experienced in game roleplaying. Just remember that!
If you wish to be a part of this shell, please visit us at Or if you prefer, you may contact one of our officers. They include Zemann, Dirant, Linoge, Zane, and Annelei.
PS: For you roleplaying critics that intend to respond to this thread negatively, please refrain from doing so. If you're not interested, there is no need to act childish about it. Respect and tolerance go a long way^^
Thank you for your time! See you in Vana'diel!