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A question to the Adult Gamers

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  • A question to the Adult Gamers

    Hello everyone! I'm looking for a mature LS on Sylph, and I was wondering if anyone could help me.

    Lately I've been inundated with kiddie LS's full of people who have no sense of patience, no sense of maturity and common courtesy, who cater mostly to their favorite 4-letter words when they don't get their way, and I'm truly growing weary of it.

    Does anyone know of an LS on Slyph that is event/mission/general help based, and is looking for members? Does such a thing exist?

    And if not, would there be interest in forming one?

    Thanks all!

    ~ Vandorin (long-time lurker, new poster)

  • #2
    Re: A question to the Adult Gamers

    A lot of it probably depends on your levels and your needs. Certainly there are plenty of shells that exhibit the sort of maturity you're looking for, but there's a big difference between needing Kazham keys and the 2-3 dragon rather than Promathia missions. If you're looking for something that is mission/event based, then it's helpful to let people know which events and missions you're interested in and/or able to do.

    And it's not a slight if you're under level 50 or anything... many active shells would be happy to accept members at an earlier stage in their careers, but don't not because they're not welcome, but because there is less for them to do. I mean, would you be happy if you logged in every day and everyone was jaunting off to something you couldn't do? Probably not. So a little specificity would help here.
    75RNG | 69RDM | 45THF | 40WHM | 39NIN
    ...and some subs
    WM8-1 | ZM14 | COP7-4 | ToAU7
    Linkmistress: CheapSkinks (lolpink)


    • #3
      Re: A question to the Adult Gamers

      there is a linkshell that i am with and they are all about lvl up missions and helping new members to the game were not about what lvl you are as they will help with any/all mission on there so if you would like a linkshell /tell squalllionheart i'm normally always on


      • #4
        Re: A question to the Adult Gamers

        Is 'below level 50' necessarily indicative of 'early in one's career'? Oh dear. I've been playing (several hours a day, almost every day) since NA release, and my highest character is level 41. Eek.

        I am an 'older, mature player'. I haven't yet found a Sylph LS that is full of same. Usually you get a mix. I have several times now found myself in relatively high level LSs (even though I am obviously NOT high level) but I just amuse myself by myself, and, except for the occasional time I feel chatty, an LS to me is just background chatter. I never ask for help and they have given up trying to push me to what they see as endgame.

        Doesn't bother me in the least when people run off to do their own thing (although it is fun sometimes to be asked to tag along to places I have not spent much time in due to my level). The only thing that gets to me is when I hear some people taking advantage of everyone else to get themselves ahead. I would guess that can happen at any age, but, it does seem more prevalent in the young. I have seen those players burn out folks like myself who like to help - so I purposely don't advance too much so I won't be in the position to indulge them. They also often cause drama - which has led, a couple of times, to LS breakups unfortunately.

        So, I understand what you are looking for and why. I wish I could help you, but, alas I am not sure such a beast exists. Why don't you start one yourself?


        • #5
          Re: A question to the Adult Gamers

          Hello I'm leader of the recently formed Dream Angels. Its just me, some friends, and some people who we think are nice/mature enough to join. We're all newb, were mainly a social LS, and we have vent. Look me up in FFXI.

