Hello everyone! I'm looking for a mature LS on Sylph, and I was wondering if anyone could help me.
Lately I've been inundated with kiddie LS's full of people who have no sense of patience, no sense of maturity and common courtesy, who cater mostly to their favorite 4-letter words when they don't get their way, and I'm truly growing weary of it.
Does anyone know of an LS on Slyph that is event/mission/general help based, and is looking for members? Does such a thing exist?
And if not, would there be interest in forming one?
Thanks all!
~ Vandorin (long-time lurker, new poster)
Lately I've been inundated with kiddie LS's full of people who have no sense of patience, no sense of maturity and common courtesy, who cater mostly to their favorite 4-letter words when they don't get their way, and I'm truly growing weary of it.
Does anyone know of an LS on Slyph that is event/mission/general help based, and is looking for members? Does such a thing exist?
And if not, would there be interest in forming one?
Thanks all!
~ Vandorin (long-time lurker, new poster)
