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newbies on sylph

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  • newbies on sylph

    hey all i'm new to sylph and the whole game just wondered if there any more newbies like me to party for help on missions and quest's such alike or even some gil making collecting stuff 2 sell at auction if theres any noobs or anyone for that matter of help please pm me or /tell squalllionheart much welcome also any linkshells on sylph that are poss uk time zome as the one i'm on there time is so different 2 mine and only get about three solid hours with them thanks again
    Last edited by squall82; 05-30-2006, 09:03 PM. Reason: edit 2 make more clear

  • #2
    Re: newbies on sylph

    Get yourself Signet, go out and kill mobs outside of your town. You can get to lvl 10 in areas just outside of your home nation. Do that for most of the starting jobs and you can have yourself some nice gil by just selling the crystals you get.

    Also, beast seals drop and i reccomend you hold on to those as they will become important when you start hitting later levels. Good gil making idea.

    Also, pick a craft and invest in it early. Learn as much as you can about the craft, and then just go for it. Take your time, and you will get all the money you need. Hope this helps some.

    [75NIN] | [75RNG] | [64NPC]
    [W10] | [ZM Complete] | [PM Complete] | [TA25]
    San d' Oria 0 | Bastok 0
    Current: Apocolypse Nigh


    • #3
      Re: newbies on sylph

      yeah thanks Avoklex great help from ya that's one other thing that i like about this game that nearly everyone is helpful


      • #4
        Re: newbies on sylph

        No problem, if you need someone to show you around some of the crafting ideas, or to guide you somewhere, looke me up. If I am not entirely busy or doing something that can wait for a later time, let me know and I can take you to jeuno or some other city to get you used to the ropes.

        [75NIN] | [75RNG] | [64NPC]
        [W10] | [ZM Complete] | [PM Complete] | [TA25]
        San d' Oria 0 | Bastok 0
        Current: Apocolypse Nigh


        • #5
          Re: newbies on sylph

          yeah thanks i started with blacksmith as my craft but i'm still finding out loads more to the game and started using myself as a tank in the right way more thanks to a party that i was in and quote "everyone starts as a noob" good words from exidus on sylph
          Last edited by squall82; 05-31-2006, 01:03 PM.

