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setting up marcos for war

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  • setting up marcos for war

    ok here foes i'm new to the game and in need of some knowledge about setting up this marcos everyone i speak to say's it's much better
    so would anyone be helpful as to make a simple why of setting this up coz all other threads are just confusing me at this moment
    i'm mostly always on FFXI sylph enless i'm working so you can just /tell squalllionheart with any info thanks!!!

  • #2
    Re: setting up marcos for war

    don't anounce what your doing with /p chat, saying

    /p Provoking <t>
    /wait 15
    /p Provoking almost ready.
    /wait 15
    /p Provoke ready.

    is alright but...

    /wait 15
    /wait 15

    will get you a bad reputation and be looked down apon...

    if it's more about how to macro certain equipment for gear swapping, make a list of what has confused you, or you have questions on and post again.
    Last edited by GaugeChambers; 05-30-2006, 05:03 AM.

    above image has not been photoshopped
    yes I have no life, yes those are my jobs
    reason blu/cor/pup aren't lvled is... well... I have a girlfriend now


    • #3
      Re: setting up marcos for war

      ok well it's more how to use the macro's to fight monsters with ease instead of hitting enter to target mon and enter again to start atack? is there a simple way to set this up ? and also a simple way 2 explain hoe to set this up 2?
      Last edited by squall82; 05-30-2006, 05:04 AM.


      • #4
        Re: setting up marcos for war

        I believe that macro is /att so you don't have to mash on the attack button once you targeted your monster.

        so if you're waiting on the puller, and he finds something having a...

        /target <bt>

        just like that in your macro, lets call it, StartBat, should work just fine.

        above image has not been photoshopped
        yes I have no life, yes those are my jobs
        reason blu/cor/pup aren't lvled is... well... I have a girlfriend now


        • #5
          Re: setting up marcos for war

          Well, the macro for that specific one would be "/attack on" once you have something targeted. Or I think you could set up a keybinding for "attack" under keyboard in the config menu.

          You asked why macros are better. The main reasons as I see them are:

          1. Centralization. Your most-used job abilities, spells, and weaponskills all in one place, so you don't have to back in and out of menus to do something different. The menus can take a second or two to open and close, so if you've got job abilities open and need to do a weaponskill, that takes a bit. If you've got a macro for them all, you just hit the right macro.

          2. Doing more than one thing with the same macro. Gear swaps, recasts, communication (when necessary), etc. Let's say you're WAR/MNK and tanking. Two handy macros:
          /ja "Boost" <me>
          /recast "Provoke"
          /recast "Boost"

          /ja "Provoke" <t>
          /recast "Boost"
          /recast "Provoke"
          That way you use the ability in question if it's ready, and know how long til you can use both abilities again.

          3. Communication. There's stuff you need to say in a party that you don't want to have to type out every time:
          /p (Warrior) TP <tp> (Ready to start Skillchain!)
          /p <t> (Found it!) <pos>
          /p (Ranged Attack) (Fishing) >>> <t>
          Ellipses on Fenrir
          There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
          . . .


          • #6
            Re: setting up marcos for war

            I just used the

            /p <t> Incoming!
            /ja (provoke)
            /p Get Ready!

            and also, for the /ja (provoke)

            you must must must... to get it to work,

            if on pc, type provoke, then hit TAB to bring up the translate, then put " " around it.

            thats the only way it works for me


            • #7
              Re: setting up marcos for war

              Other than making sure you have it spelled correctly, there's no need to auto-translate Provoke in a /ja line.

              If that's your pull macro... you'd better be pulling and tanking.
              If that's your standard provoke macro... /blist add blaez. One line of party spam is bad enough.
              Ellipses on Fenrir
              There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
              . . .


              • #8
                Re: setting up marcos for war

                It's case sensitive. So make sure it's
                /ja Provoke <t>
                provoke won't work.

                I have a single seperate macro for announcing my pull
                /p pulling yadayada
                I make it this way so I can use pull with whatever move I want. All it matters is to let your PT know you have pulled.
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso


                • #9
                  Re: setting up marcos for war

                  General WAR macros that I use are:

                  /target <bt>
                  *This one is for if I'm not pulling, and have the first Provoke for SATA. This way I'm not fumbling around trying to target the mob, and delaying my provoke.

                  /p Provoke > <t>
                  /ja "Provoke" <t>
                  *Self explanatory

                  /recast "Berserk"
                  /ja "Berserk" <me>
                  *I always add the /recast in there since whenever Berserk is free, I'm using it.

                  /recast "Provoke"
                  /recast "Berserk"
                  /recast "Warcry"
                  *This I have on one macro, and it lets me know how long I have to wait until my Job Abilities are free to use. It's nice to just hit it once a battle to see if I'll be able to use a JA that battle or not. Depending on sub you can also add stuff such as:
                  /recast "Utsusemi: Ichi"
                  /recast "Boost"
                  /recast "Dodge"
                  and the list goes on...

                  /p {Warrior} TP = <tp>
                  *You can also add in there what Weapon Skill you are using in the Skillchain. For instance, I'll be a bit more defined on Ranger and do something like:
                  /p {Ranger} #1: {Arching Arrow} TP = <tp>
                  This is because I'd be going first in the Skill Chain, thus the "#1." Then I'm throwing in my job and Weapon Skill for more clarity.

                  /p {Skillchain} {Initiate} #1: {Rampage}
                  /ws "Rampage" <t>
                  *Standard Weapon Skill macro that uses the first part to say the Skillchain is starting, and that I'm the first part and I'm going.

                  Overall, there are a plethora of macros you can use, but these are pretty standard. As you gain more levels you'll start going for more equipment swaps in macros, but by then you'll probably figure those out. Good luck!
                  | 72RNG | 71NIN | 43BLM | 42WAR |


                  • #10
                    Re: setting up marcos for war

                    could you not have this as in
                    /echo recast "Provoke"
                    /echo recast "berserk"
                    /echo recast "warcry"
                    as it is only you that needs to know this info because when i was last in a party there were too many of these comands that only the person using it needs to know and distracts other party members so yeah tell party when you provoke and skillchain but i dont think there is any need for much else and if your in a good party you can just carry on with TANKing and not even have 2 worry about HP


                    • #11
                      Re: setting up marcos for war

                      The /recast command is an echo. You're the only one that sees it. If you put /p recast "Provoke" your party will see this (literally):

                      (Squall) recast "Provoke"

                      If you put /echo recast "Provoke" you (and no one else) will see this (literally):

                      recast "Provoke"
                      Ellipses on Fenrir
                      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                      . . .


                      • #12
                        Re: setting up marcos for war

                        ok thanks just wanted 2 clear that up Ellipses like i have said so so many of these threads i'm i noob and just want 2 play the game in the right manor ie: tank, pull, skillchain and all the other parts i already know that if i want 2 tank i should go for war/mnk but i gotta wiat til lvl 18 and do the subjob mission


                        • #13
                          Re: setting up marcos for war

                          "marcos" ftw! :D

