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Was I in a PL'd RMT PT?

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  • Was I in a PL'd RMT PT?

    I know a lot of the RMT from being in competition with them. However, I got an invite from a PT where the players had some strange names and were, I believe, speaking in Chinese part of the time.

    In the PT were:
    and some other players

    Doing the PL were:

    It was more or less a BLU burn pt with most of the outside assistance in the form of us being refreshed and the tank being healed with the PT members providing the occasional Healing Breeze. It was one tank and everyone else BLU. The Jungle mobs went down pretty quickly but when we moved to Weapons outside Jueno, we went through a lot more offensive spells and Healing Breezes to take down each mob so it was a little slower.

    Anyway, just wondering. If they are RMT, they are either racing to 37 for subs or all the way to 75...
    Randwolf - Tarutaru
    Windurst Rank 10
    Goldsmith 53, Blacksmith 39, Alchemy 51
    World - Sylph

  • #2
    Re: Was I in a PL'd RMT PT?

    Not sure bro, never heard or seen these guys.

    [75NIN] | [75RNG] | [64NPC]
    [W10] | [ZM Complete] | [PM Complete] | [TA25]
    San d' Oria 0 | Bastok 0
    Current: Apocolypse Nigh


    • #3
      Re: Was I in a PL'd RMT PT?

      I don't think real RMTs invite other random people to their party. Atleast, I wouldn't, lol.

      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


      • #4
        Re: Was I in a PL'd RMT PT?

        Some RMTs on my server exped different jobs, like NIN and such... just solo, not a party.


        • #5
          Re: Was I in a PL'd RMT PT?

          Qoogirl and Qoopingu(?) Aren't RMT I don't think...but they aren't the best of players lol >.>
          Qoopingu I PT'd with once in Qufim as her DRK...used a dagger, saying the delay is better, and had only a lizard jerkin on. Qoogirl has alot of jobs leveled, but doesn't do all that well in them <.< They were nice though, and I haven't seen them doing "RMT things," so idk.


          • #6
            Re: Was I in a PL'd RMT PT?

            Yeah they arent RMT, ive pt'd witht hem before...they just uh...have super PLing powers XD


            • #7
              Re: Was I in a PL'd RMT PT?

              Originally posted by Sweetkitty
              I don't think real RMTs invite other random people to their party. Atleast, I wouldn't, lol.
              They do in fact party with random players. Apparently, the people featured in Rand's post weren't RMT, but I've seen RMT party with regular players a lot. I think I have a screenshot somewhere of Goodguy in VoS with one group and I was in a party one night waiting outside LoO when some RMT were also waiting for something and they had two regular players with them. A member of my party started arguing with one of the guys. The other was Japanese and apparently didn't know he was with RMT; once he figured it out from the conversation, he warped back to Jeuno.

              Just a couple of occasions that popped into my head. They'll level with anyone who will level with them. And why not? The RMT's only goal in leveling is to get to whatever level they need for X purpose; what do they care if someone else levels up also?
              75RNG | 69RDM | 45THF | 40WHM | 39NIN
              ...and some subs
              WM8-1 | ZM14 | COP7-4 | ToAU7
              Linkmistress: CheapSkinks (lolpink)


              • #8
                Re: Was I in a PL'd RMT PT?

                That's funny, I was in a party with them before and was wondering the same thing. She was leveling SAM at the time and was voke-pulling. The NIN wasn't very happy about it. I looked online to try and find any indications of them being RMT but couldn't find it, so I stayed. The party was SAM, SAM, BLM (me), BLM, NIN, WHM with her friend PL-ing. All I did was get up and MB with Blizzaga or WaterII. We did amazing exp/hr.

                Not very skilled, but not apparently RMT.
                72THF, 41NIN, 41BLM, 41RNG, 40WAR, 35RDM, ...
                85+2 Bonecraft, 60 Leathercraft, 60 Alchemy, 52 Clothcraft

