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Sylph Linkshells

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  • Sylph Linkshells

    Thought we maybe ought to start one of these here, neh? And instead of one person maintaining it, people can just edit and update their shell's post when/if information changes. Seems easier to me than dumping the responsibility on one person who invariably quits.

    LS Name: CheapSkinks
    Leader: Zavia
    Officers: Nyopo, Gorew, Cactusapo, Jayf, Davyc
    Purpose: Hard to pin down. Close-knit group that is mission and quest driven. WE'RE NOT ENDGAME. STOP ASSUMING WE'RE ENDGAME. REALLY. KTHX.
    Level range: Average 55-75, a few lower
    Recruitment: Currently closed
    Requirements: Variable when we're recruiting. We try to help our members do missions, but initiative is a plus. Set it up and we will help. We look for a good attitude, maturity, and a sense of humor, as well as knowledge and ability in your job(s). Willingness to help others is a must! The Skinks work together.
    Additional info (if any): Our forums have a public section open to anyone who wants to drop by and chat. Visit us!
    Last edited by Zavia; 05-06-2006, 07:14 PM.
    75RNG | 69RDM | 45THF | 40WHM | 39NIN
    ...and some subs
    WM8-1 | ZM14 | COP7-4 | ToAU7
    Linkmistress: CheapSkinks (lolpink)

  • #2
    Re: Sylph Linkshells

    LS Name: EndlessHorizon
    Leader: Verontis
    Officers: Naar, Dolmen
    Purpose: Relaxed Sky/HNM shell. We focus on doing a mixture of Sky and weekly trigger-pops as well as the occasional HNM.
    Level Range: 65+ (Ideally 70+)
    Recruitment: Currently open for all jobs with a dire need of WHMs
    Requirements: Sky access. CoP Chapter 2 is preferred, but not a necessity. A strong sense of wanting to help everyone, not just yourself. This means showing up even when you may not profit/earn an item from the event.
    Additional info: Applications to EndlessHorizon and LightSeekers (Dynamis LS, loosely affiliated with EH) can be posted on our website.
    LightSeekers (Dynamis) Additional info: CoP Chapter 4 access is heavily desired as new Dynamis area runs will become a regular occurrence starting in May. All extra additional information can be found on the webpage under the "LightSeekers LS - Dynamis" heading in the Forums section.
    | 72RNG | 71NIN | 43BLM | 42WAR |


    • #3
      Re: Sylph Linkshells

      LS Name: Darkmystics
      Leader: Mystaria
      Officers: Taruun, Mystaria
      Purpose: All around leveling/quests/missions/fun
      Level Range: any
      Recruitment: Currently open for all jobs
      Requirements: none
      Additional info: Just /tell us in game and we'd be happy to help you out! ^^
      Last edited by Taruun; 05-09-2006, 02:36 PM. Reason: forgot website link ^^;
      Taruun (tarutaru)

      Aruhun (mithra)

      Yukihana (hume)

      Vanlanthiriel (elvaan)

      Colors indicate country. - The Secret Life of the Moogle, kupo~!


      • #4
        Re: Sylph Linkshells

        LS Name: Templars Of Baldur
        Leader: Credos
        Officers: Aertirath, Mistresskat, Ebibant, Vayde, Huggo, Cennydd
        Purpose: HNM/Sky/Sea/Dynamis
        Level Range: Currently reviewing applications for jobs level 65+
        Recruitment: Open for selected jobs.
        Requirements: See our LS website for further information.

        | PLD 75 | NIN 75 | SAM 72 | BRD 75 | RNG 48 | BLM 40 | WHM 37 |
        Leader of the Templars of Baldur


        • #5
          Re: Sylph Linkshells

          LS Name: Hellzweirdos
          Leader: Herkybirdy
          Officers: Wolfsblood, Vandorin, Gossamar, Aristarkh, Jenka
          Purpose: All around leveling/quests/missions, helping each other out and having a good time.
          Level Range: All are welcome, from brand new players to the more seasoned veterans.
          Recruitment: Open for all jobs.
          Requirements: Willingness to help others, a desire to learn the game, and an understanding that when asking for help, badgering LS members consistently will not be tolerated: Patience is a virtue that breeds rewards.
          Recommended Expansions: Rise of Zilart, Chains of Promathia, Treasures of Art Urhgan
          Additional Info: Feel free to send one of us a /tell in-game, or visit our Website at:


          • #6
            Re: Sylph Linkshells

            LS Name: RoyalGwynfor
            Leader: Kikstand, Lorindalu, Sieka
            Officers: I have no idea! :D
            Purpose: Sieka wrote up some *cough*long-winded*cough* purpose on our site that's all noble and politically correct . . . but basically, we're a bunch of people who like to play around together and talk about stuff. We do missions and quests all the time-- especially promyvions, which we frequently team up with the Skinks for.
            Level range: At the moment, we range from about Lv7~Lv75. Lower if you include mules.
            Recruitment: We don't actively "recruit;" people who want to join are welcomed all the time.
            Requirements: Be nice. That's about it. If someone in the shell knows you, you barely need to apply. OH! Offer cookies and you're in, guaranteed.
            Additional info: z0mG we got forums now, too!

            edit: forum address changed :O
            Last edited by Plight; 06-15-2006, 12:57 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Sylph Linkshells

              Last edited by Bandor; 06-13-2006, 08:02 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Sylph Linkshells

                I vote for this to be a sticky, and for my post to be removed after it becomes so

                IGE needs to take the big dirt nap


                • #9
                  Re: Sylph Linkshells

                  I vote people stop choosing CORNY/CHEESY LS names.

                  *means no disrespect*

                  |Alchemy: 3|Cooking: 3|Smithing: 1|Fishing: 1|


                  • #10
                    Re: Sylph Linkshells

                    Originally posted by Serryl
                    I vote people stop choosing CORNY/CHEESY LS names.

                    *means no disrespect*
                    You're from Quetzalcoatl, you're a level 18 MNK, and you belong to "BjPositron".

                    When you get out Kazham, message me k!
                    | PLD 75 | NIN 75 | SAM 72 | BRD 75 | RNG 48 | BLM 40 | WHM 37 |
                    Leader of the Templars of Baldur


                    • #11
                      Re: Sylph Linkshells

                      Does anyone remember a Linkshell named Seeker or if any of its members are still around?


                      • #12
                        Re: Sylph Linkshells

                        LS Name: StormsofFate
                        Leader: Seidell
                        Officers: Keeb, Ciros, Ozzeric, Danno, Riven
                        Purpose: Hard to say. In a nutshell, we're a group of friends that enjoys hanging out together and doing things, be them BCNMs, skill-ups, or other misc. activities. Anything that strikes us as enjoyable and fun, really.
                        Level range: The average is 50-75, but a few members are lower.
                        Recruitment: Open.
                        Requirements: As of right now we're looking for tanks and support mages, however, DDs are still welcome. In addition, you must be willing to help out your fellow member when needed and treat everyone with respect. You don't have to be smiles and candy to them, just respect them. Pretty much common sense things.
                        Additional info (if any): We have our own linkshell forums with a public section for people not in our linkshell to drop a line.
                        It is:


                        • #13
                          Re: Sylph Linkshells

                          LS Name: RequiemoftheDamned
                          Leader: Pinknfluffy
                          Officers: <Too many to list but main ones would be Jerount + Dritiant I guess :S >
                          Purpose: Keeping eachother entertained, hellping eachother with quests/missions etc partying with eachother, anything goes really.
                          Level range: All levels welcome.
                          Recruitment: Open.
                          Requirements: People are only ever invited to join really, that way you know that the people in the linkshell are all cool people that someone else in the linkshell thought enough of to invite.
                          Additional info (if any):


                          • #14
                            Re: Sylph Linkshells

                            LS Name: DarkestHour
                            Leader: Nuitari
                            Officers: Akumaru,Nebuchadnezzar,Demetrias,Vadien
                            Purpose: HNM/Sky (newly forming)
                            Level range: 65+ (we do have some lower that are being grandfathered me oO)
                            Recruitment: Open
                            Requirements: HNM: 65+, Rank 6, No ZM or CoP req.
                            Sky: 70+
                            Additional info (if any): Our forums are just getting going and you can visit them here to
                            apply and read policies and what not.^^
                            Last edited by Vadien; 06-23-2006, 03:27 PM.


                            • #15
                              Re: Sylph Linkshells

                              LS Name: Kreator
                              Leader: Kreator
                              Officers: Viris, Ziipher(myself), Wutsis
                              Purpose: Everything Really....Missions, Quests, Leveling, We like to have a good time with everything.....
                              Level Range: Lvls 7-50 a nice group around the subjob lvls now.....any LvL tho is welcome
                              Recruitment: Open for Business, if your down to have a good time, were the guys your looking for.....
                              Requirements: No requirements really......Everyone helps eachother out when needed, treat others as you would like to be treated, and get involved, talk, always like to hear someone speak up......Just /tell Ziipher if you would like to join the fun
                              Additional Info (if any): Like i said, were all about fun......Friday nites, we usually have a Fishing Expedition, all are welcome, even those not in our Ls, just to make sum cash, have a few Drinks (which makes it even better lol), and get to know eachother.......We are a very tight Ls, so if your down to just Lvl, or have a good time, look us up......or maybe we'll just find you........

