I need help lvling BST iam curently lvl 36 an struggling to get to 37 in Sea Serpent grotto i would aprecitate if someone can help me out by duoing BST with me to lvl 51
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Looking for BST Duo
Re: Looking for BST Duo
Some things you might need to add to your post, Your name is Yoko-Shiva.. Does that mean your name is yoko and you are on the Server Shiva? OR does it mean that youre a more powerful version of Shiva?
I Summon.... YOKO SHIVA! She has 26000 hit points and can cast YOKO DIAMOND DUST for Elevendy million points of damage!
But yeah.
Add your Character name, your server, and your credit card numbers ^-^
(Just kidding about the last one... or am I?)
Sorry, my attempt at humor. I post in interesting topics that show up on the front page of the forums. I dont browse server forums.c:x:x:x:x{{:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>
Proud hater of Windows Vista since Windows XP Service Pack Two!
My limit break involves a moose, the demon Baphomet, and a Kuiper Belt object. It takes four hours and you cant skip any of the cutscenes.
She's coming around for another pass! Do we Fight, Use an Item, or Run?
Dont look a gift lion in the mouth!
Perscription strength Assault!
Side effects may include joint pain, loss of mobility, and fainting.
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Re: Looking for BST Duo
Originally posted by Yoko-Shiva View PostI need help lvling BST iam curently lvl 36 an struggling to get to 37 in Sea Serpent grotto i would aprecitate if someone can help me out by duoing BST with me to lvl 51
Another avenue would be to /sea all bst for your level range and see i you can find someone on who would be willing to duo with you.
Something that you might want to keep in mind is that some camps may not suit you very well. I've had camps that I just couldn't function in well and moving solved the problem. If you can't find a partner and can't get the camp to work for you, give a different location a shot.
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Re: Looking for BST Duo
Im lvl 39 now but would still like some help^^ an i would have thought it would have been obvious im from Shiva server since this is the shiva server part of the forum =P lol and yes my name in game is YokoWHM60, (BRD50), BLU48, MNK 42, DRG36, BLM32, THF28, (BST36), WAR23, SAM23, NIN20, SMN20, RNG17, COR15, DRK5, PUP2, RDM1, PLDX, DNCX, SCHX
Curently Leveling BST/WHM and BRD/WHM
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