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Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

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  • Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

    The other day i had a rerun-in with an asshat i pt'd with on my SMN. Now, i've been getting dozens of /tells from this asshats "friends" saying i'm a bi*ch and for what i did and i shouldn't have done it. So, without trying to turn this into a flame thread, i'd like everyone's HONEST opinion, if it turns out i was wrong, i'll gladly send this guy an apology, well here's what happened.

    I got into this guys pt, his name is Leanhart, he was pt ldr and we were pting in Bibiki bay, i was on my 67 SMN, he was on his SAM i believe. So i get there and we start exping, all of a sudden this guy starts acting like he's the Fuhrer of Germany and bossing people around like he knows how to do their jobs, especially me, now i don't mind ppl telling me if i'm doing something wrong, i'd rather prefer they do that instead of making the pt suffer, but i'd like it to be someone who actually knows the job, i asked this guy and he said his SMN was only level 5 or something like that i can't rightly remember but it definately wasn't about level 10. But, in the interest of keeping the pt flowing(though it really wasn't) i kept my mouth shut for the moment, not wanting to cause any arguments, he then starts verbally beating on the other pt members and i'm getting tell's from these ppl(members of the pt) about how much of an ass this guy is and quite honestly i'm in agreement.

    Finally, after super slow exp and 20 minutes of his berating attitude i told him to watch how he talks to people in this game because it can come back to bite you on the ass(those weren't my exact words but really close) he just laughs at me and tells me to stop acting like a child. By this time i'm getting quite P.O.'d not only was this guy who hadn't even delved into my job trying to tell me how to play it when the other pt members were saying i was doing an excellent job, now he's being just plain ignorant, but again i restrained myself from fully exploding on him even though his attitude had now gotten worse and he was berrating our tank for doing a crapy job(btw the tank was so good no one could get hate off him so you tell me how crappy he was) finally i get a tell from one of my party members saying you know i pt'd with this guy earlier and we ended up just dropping him.

    Not being surprised i let the member know so, then a little later i get another tell from another member stating the same thing. and i come to find this was all in the same day, this guy had such a bad attitute that he was ejected and lost 2 pt's all in one day. Now by this time exp was so shitty i was just ready to call it quits, but then also by this time i was in conversation with the other 4 members of my pt in /tells, and i took it upon myself to save this pt so i talked it over with the other members and made the suggestion we drop pt and reform w/o him in it, they agreed and so i sent a /tell to another SAM lfp and had them head here, i waited until the SAM zoned into bibiki then gave the signal and before i left i again reminded him that he should watch his mouth cause if he keeps acting like he is, things like this will happen, and we all disbanded, once we reformed and had a full 6 going again (the one member was JPN so it took a little longer to get situated) we started pting, all the while he was standing there laughing and making snide and lude remarks to me and the other members(i come to find out later he was telling his LS about what happened and one of the members who weren't even there went on alla and posted some shit about me and posted screens saying he had "proof" of me being the one in the wrong but all it ended up being was screens of the LS conversation Lean had with his LS telling them i was in the wrong and that i stole his pt away.) But we ignored him and started our pt back up, we ended up getting double the exp we were getting with him as pt ldr. and we also had alot more fun too.

    I left Lean alone after that, never /telled him, never associated myself with him since but every now and then i get his emo little friends /telling me how much of a bi*ch i am and whatnot. So after hearing this, am i really in the wrong for what i did? I thought i was more than patient with the kid.

    Every Time you Masterbate God kills a kitten!!

  • #2
    Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

    I read to the part:

    all of a sudden this guy starts acting like he's the Fuhrer of Germany and bossing people around like he knows how to do their jobs,
    And knew that he was out of line. You're not to blame for anything he said you did wrong.
    "Oh, you ca'n't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're Mad."
    "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
    "You must be", said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

    Welcome to Alice in FFXI =P


    • #3
      Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

      I've had run-ins with this guy before. He's a tool.
      Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
      Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
      Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


      • #4
        Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

        yeah sorry for the length lol, i just wanted to get my point across and make sure i didn't leave anything out. ^^

        Every Time you Masterbate God kills a kitten!!


        • #5
          Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

          Yeah, I think you were fine in what you did. You had every right to drop party and reform. As for his buddies, he probably left out the part where he was being a prick. Just /blist them all and move on.

          Oh, and I love the irony of your avatar and signature. "Every Time you Masterbate God kills a kitten!!" and the avatar contains a picture of a good looking girl, possibly making someone want to kill a kitten.

          i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
          I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


          • #6
            Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

            thats a picture of myself >.>

            Every Time you Masterbate God kills a kitten!!


            • #7
              Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

              Originally posted by Jocalynn View Post
              thats a picture of myself >.>

              Well, please consider it a compliment.

              i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
              I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


              • #8
                Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

                Sometimes it comes to the point where all you can do is point and laugh.

                Jocalynn... just point and laugh because the guy and his buddies seriously don't need or warrant your attention.
                The last remaining evil white mage on Ramuh.
                Killing tanks since 2004

                Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey
                "I can picture in my mind a world without war,
                a world without hate.
                And I can picture us attacking that world,
                because they'd never expect it."


                • #9
                  Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

                  thats basically what i do, i don't believe in blisting ppl, i just ignore them, and if they get too nasty a GM can handle that situation, i was pting on my Blu the other day and I think he had actually forgotten about me because he asked if i'd be interested in a pt, but then after that he said wait nvm i remember who you are i don't want ot pt with you. and all i replied was lol np, turns out he logged about 20 minutes afterward, so because of his hard headedness he lost out on some exp lol

                  and i do take it as a compliment ^^
                  Last edited by Jocalynn; 09-13-2006, 08:53 AM. Reason: forgot to add something

                  Every Time you Masterbate God kills a kitten!!


                  • #10
                    Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

                    At least you got into his head now.


                    • #11
                      Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

                      There's really no use dealing with someone like that.

                      Whenever I run across someone with a big FFXI ego I just remind myself that he's some lonely guy sitting at his computer in his basement in the dark.

                      Evens out.
                      "Oh, you ca'n't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're Mad."
                      "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
                      "You must be", said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

                      Welcome to Alice in FFXI =P


                      • #12
                        Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

                        You did nothing wrong at all, that guy sounds like a complete jerk. I'm just surprised you stayed in his pt as long as you said you did, if it was me I would of been long gone XD


                        • #13
                          Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

                          It is important to remember that as long as you arent doing anything against the ToS or harassing another player, that you are responsible for your own destiny in the game. the only thing he can do is be annoying because you are in front of your computer/ps2/xbox and he is somewhere else, probably nowhere near you. Just consider him an e-thug


                          • #14
                            Re: Need an opinion on an old issue of mine

                            I like to fondly think of him as a little emo boy ^^

                            Every Time you Masterbate God kills a kitten!!

