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we almost lost a second time

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  • we almost lost a second time

    Todays troll besieged was very close today. All generals had been killed and with only 300 people in zone, it looked like we were going to have our second loss. Meanwhile, mamools began advancing.

    Being Ramuh, what did we do? healed up in the hall of binding, went back out, killed every mob in sight, and spent an hour killing the NM, winning.

    We also beat the mamools who attacked right after trolls left (yes, not a second to rest).

    good job
    Server: Ramuh
    Jobs: Dark Knight, Red Mage
    Level: Not stated, because I can't be bothered updating 5 signatures when I level. Lets say mid levels.


  • #2
    Re: we almost lost a second time

    All the NA vs JP shouting didn't help though. I was very diapointed to see that, I ended up HPing out after I had enough of it.

    I was on BLM anyway and not much help against that boss.


    • #3
      Re: we almost lost a second time

      and plan on more besieges once maintenance ends, because beastmen level automatically rises after the end of maintenance (because it resets besieged timers just like hnm timers)
      Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
      Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7


      • #4
        Re: we almost lost a second time

        Indeed, the JP v NA was very annoying. I know who was to blame from the start but I'll keep that to myself

        Besieged has gotten much harder, I like it. I actually have to put an effort in now as a mid lvl character.
        Server: Ramuh
        Jobs: Dark Knight, Red Mage
        Level: Not stated, because I can't be bothered updating 5 signatures when I level. Lets say mid levels.


